
Monday, October 31, 2016

Consortium Avarice versus the common Integral man under God.

Life-care examines group conspiracy based in avarice that unduly handicapped for personal gains. 
What are ethics, according to funk and Wagnalls standard desk dictionary is a philosophy of human conduct with emphasis on the determination of right and wrong. 
To be ethical conforms to right principles of conduct accepted by a specific profession that traditionally frowns upon erroneous members having misadvised deliverer of a miscarriage by application resulting in a misappropriation such as decanting of a clear in living trust to a special needs trust held status of none disability from medical legal perspective.  
Civility as an ethic is more than motivated behavior it must be ethical as well. 
All but the morally insane would agree topical act of record having grossly sidestepped reality does not present real pervasive problems in society to society abroad. 
To be ethical, at its very least, is to be ‘Humanistic” which by definition means having the attitude people are to be treated morally as all are precious. 
Violating rights that administer mental cruelties for purposes of sustaining an improper documents livelihood is never humanistic under god. 
Secular humanism are like houses built on sand, when the going gets rough and their strife is abroad secular attitudes can be ethically blown away against fashionable opinion. 
For example the media may recognize a particular secular realms conduct and believe within their work importance dictates people should be informed to maintain society at least barely in civil and humanistic levels. 
Secularist humanist’s moralities fundamentally are not rooted in any kind of recognized theology, while their ethics at best are often fair weathered in approach.  
Generally these sorts do not recognize civil behaviors should be ethical by submission nor necessitate demonstration to any higher power light, truth, or love. 
Unbridled captains in industry characteristically throw humanism out the window favoring cash ill-reputes over all else in which by license decides upon which facts will be reported and which do not best suit its facade. 

They conveniently discount vast differences between slated and truth - dishonor and integrity. 
When dealing with ethical complexities important distinctions must be made between code ethics and situation ethics. 
Code ethics are derived from various ethical prescriptions that have been in use throughout history. 
The earliest known is the code of Hammurabi, better known as the Ten Commandments. 
What such codes do is to pronounce certain acts as Bad, Wrong, or Impermissible under any circumstance.  
The basic tenet of situation ethics, however, is that no ethical judgment can be made about an act without consideration of all elements subject to rule in which it occurred. 
Unlike the Ten Commandments, situational ethics allows certain self-defenses are permissible during war time environments. 
Our society runs on situational ethics, this is dramatically visible, go visit any lawyer and you are likely to see offices filled with bookshelves full of weighty tombs. 
All precedents start with a tenth commandment but do not always follow suite in owner’s manual end. 

To live by situational ethics, it is necessary for individuals to have the capacity to serve as an entire legal system within self. In order to maintain healthy wholeness one must possess within their own mind a competent defense attorney, a competent prosecutor, and a Good Judge. 
Although fancy wall plaques marquee specific persona associated with paper not all totally fit the bill. 
People with character disorders tend to have a very strong internal defense attorney, but a very weak conscience or internal prosecuting attorney. 
Those with neuroses tend to have a very strong prosecuting attorney but a weak defense attorney who are unable to speak up for their clients when required.  
Finally, there are those who have in their heads both a reasonable competent defense attorney and prosecuting attorney but then, for one reason or another, have great difficulty coming to decisions because they lack a Good Judge. 
So out of this high priced ball of confusion emerges under Gods Bills of rights that proclaim the individual in their own personal decision making can decide which situation ethic is morally correct. 
Life-care fundamentally believes this to be motive behind Dough Girls attempt to judicially mentally disable a healthy individual. 
Without formulas no determination can be made cornering what was motioned is right in perspective. That is why 3K worth of geriatric testing exist so no unethical determination holds claim in emptiness of not knowing. 
Reference: The Road less Traveled and beyond – spiritual growth in an age of anxiety.   
The right of Spiritual Direction
Again- often repeated, until congress finishes abolishing under god from our national creed all still currently hold right to individually choose their direction and source of guidance that imitate the soul. 
County government has not right to impose a messiah when felony nor disability are applicable. 
Although many proclaim selves as guardians few hold true status of father in the gospel of Christ. 
The right not to live under false chastity
The truth is real freedom never abrogates responsibility for its behavior. 
If it wants to play Mozart, It will have to abide by the laws of the music in ways that both honor and cherish the bodies of others having demonstrated comfortable with its own skin. 
Loving behaviors always nurtures, encourages, protects, brings freedom, develops and support Biblical Truths. It never leaves another with cause for shame and embarrassment. 
All have the right under god to live fully alive and truly pure having past its tests no matter what ones past may hold having overpowered weaknesses back to God. 
God’s intentions are never to spoil our fun that helps us grow into all that he intends us to be. 
Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – practices that transform us. 

In conclusion: state of residency not only suffers in acute avarice while its glasses remain backwards through many a life thwarting regulation - conducts contrary under God’s life giving commands do not serve any sense of wholesomeness nor do they provide sanctuary for healthy relationships that can be best summed up they don’t bring true freedom to none members.  
Asset chastity is nothing more than unbridled corruption in which its greed integrally cares for no other. 
If I did not have moral obligations holding me back, I would run forest run out of this hell hole in a heartbeat - so think twice and reverse mortgage once where federal as intended may survive. 
Anytime there are failures in social deficits they can be attributed to lack therefore of the quality behind leaderships thinking.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turning tides.
While unethical fleecing’s of seniors assets have been going on for decades – that - for whatever reason remains sui generis in many a legislator’s eye it’s sanctioned continue to whitewash their dirty fiduciary laundry into safety in culture of autocracies underworld systems. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Retirement is supposed to be about well-earned rest that has contributed more than its fair share.
Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained, self-sufficient crime lab as trusts babysitters.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie. 
Gradually we begin to see which captains in industry and elects alike place money over peace by their community building having redundantly fallen short under god by covenants, advertisements, sponsored classes, lecture tours and publications hypocritically presented bear false witness toward community as anti-Christ’s. 
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more. 
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance. 
We thank Authors M. Scott Peck M.D. - Adele Calhoun and providing community library and ministry for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors through Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen that provides one sided injustice that covers for its appointments. 

Wherever injustice is done against a senior the spirit of vengeance lurks in their shadow.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly writes another’s epitaph under God having subsequently sought capital gains through misapplication in medical eludes justices name. 
The venality of avarice's evils depend on the content of the lie commonly practiced without apology in high places. Compliance: the act of properly complying or yielding in which disposition readily complies.
Secrecies that equate to acute criminal thinking defile many a golden rule - so why do enforcements allow these sorts to Rohm freely while some Rico statuette says they should not? 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

There's a great class war going on and avarice's angels are attempting to extract more!

Can deferred illegitimate tax dynamics equate to invoice profiteers in joint conspiracy?

Life-care movement examines why any fiduciary would intentionally misapplication any filing due substantial refund.
Fundamentally, thinking having engaged in questionable deferments while not required, is form of disordered thinking.
The bulk of critical theory on criminal thinking primarily underscore the most common patters of white collared irrational thought that lead to disordered decisions having been made.
Their patterns are no so much convoluted as simplistic and one-dimensional.
Organizations that think this way do not take responsibility for their choices.
Dirty deeder’s lack perspectives in time, live primly in the moment, never invest toward the future nor take into account potential topical consequences of inaction's having fundamentally negligence’d while sequentially malpractice’d trust laws.
One aspect compassing deeply rooted in Avarice stands out most because of its prevalence among none criminal segments of population. Forensics reveal disordered attitude of ownership or what can be referred to as sense of entitlement willing to go any distance.
Inherent in this attitude compass blatant cockiness that border on acute narcissism having vantaged privileges extended though license.
Those with extreme sense of entitlement characteristically are able to justify having violated others and their property without any regard of their rights.
These captains in industry many times highly discount their fiduciary failures having subsequently pirated required with no trust remorse.  
Some will choose to misinterpret intentions behind what the law ethically allows, others may immorally manipulate situational misapplications that take form others but what common dominates to both are beliefs the world owes them while status in avarice sanctions to float their boat any way they please.
Another-words under Illinois fiduciary plan privatized as privileged are sanctioned to fundamentally reverse mortgage your assets theoretically for their own benefit while trusts are of no relevance.
In other senses cornering entitlement are forensics based in superiority complex must preserve its status quo at all costs.
Characteristically they do anything they desire that takes form others and become offended by those who question desiring the best for themselves. 
This thinking becomes problematic of federal concerns when a state allows its licensees to violate others by discrimination, exploitation, oppression that denies same rights, opportunities and access to valued resource such as retention of an attorney to reconfigure what re-determination projects have deemed improper usage.
It is apparent this rouge group blackens all eyes among those considered to be otherwise intelligent, discredits top notch schools and images public distrust with corporate structures.
States fault common denominates simply failing to think well or in most scenarios not at all.
Throughout the centuries prayerful people in integrity have found direction for their lives through the practice of the “Examen” (also known as the “Examination of consciousness”).
The examen provides a way of noticing where Under God shows up in our days.
It attends to what we might otherwise miss in the press of duties and busyness.
The questions of the Examen open our attention to how God’s internal movement is present in our external comings and goings.
They lead us to listen deeply to the data of lives.
These questions help us pay attention to the mental states of emotional baggage flourishing among us.
It answers all questions why many through no fault of own must live out their lives in discomfort experiencing insomnia, nervous stomachs, difficult interactions and headaches all due to those whose rebellious defiance stands in none recognition under god nor desire to deeply lean into God.
The Examen helps us recognize those who bring about death and whom provide life.
Once these things are known, they become part of our ongoing interaction with our Reagan national bible with God in prayer.
The Examen additionally is an excellent way of reflecting upon what God is saying to us or has said all along through meetings and service projects that address psycho-spiritual conflicts currently handicapping souls to flourish in his loaned gardens of delight. 
One paradox of the examine holds valid question of historic value dating back to mosses.
Are magistrates shadows so ingrained in avarice - Run Forests Run is best overall solution?
Though elitists have slipped into darkness does not mean all else must follow.
Carl Jung ascribes the root of human evil that Refused to meet its shadow.
By shadow what Jung meant is parts of minds that contain those things rather not owned up to.
Proprietors that do not own up to characteristically continually try to hide from others what has been swept under rugs of our consciousness.
When integrals are pushed up against the wall by evidences of own failures or imperfections acknowledge their shadow.
Those who have crossed over integrity’s line trait differently through their absolute refusal to tolerate any sense of fiduciary sinfulness or evil based imperfections.
The briefest definition known is “Militant Ignorance” holds no excuse otherwise having done while highly degree'd. We must note especially when backgrounds in law or psyche medical apply.
Those of devils advocacies refuse to bear any guilt of their shadow as legion.
Instead they go about often at great effort militantly trying to destroy the evidence of their evils or anyone who speaks of it or represents needed reform and in this act crimes against the people are committed.
Although elitist guilt’s are fashionably viewed as a “Downer” commonly avoided like a plague: the integral Examen provides grace to all human leagues having been provided greater insight in character pertaining toward shortcomings holding society back due to fiduciary laziness that profiteers off their self-centered improper conducts.
While Legions conduct routinely betrays nation by refusing to think rightfully that even the blind clearly see unethically violate Public Trust, even the simplest of simpletons begins asking why does law enforcement allow these unhealthier fundamentally no different than racketeers to walk around so freely?
Basically all psychological disorders are rooted in the unconscious in which its conscious mind refuses to deal with certain issues thrust upon of own makings while makeups cannot endure its pain hold no business in office or as guardian over any other.
In this way, thinking and consciousness are inextricably locked together in parallel relationship. 
Consciousness in integral thinking is the foundation and thinking well is the foundation of its consciousness.
Anytime there are failures in corresponding deficits - integral consciousness most likely was blatantly asleep behind the wheel.
So simply: when all has gone wrong it can be attributed to lack therefore of the quality behind its thinking.
Although we could pinpoint many a developed deftness in fiduciary problem solving skills made to appear complex - in conceptional reality they really are not when pieces have been properly placed in criminal law puzzles.
The reality is when competent captains in industry fall out of grace under God or document those nine men in Washington are always talking about the only true complexity is how they cover up their improper Avarice having whitewashed such into layered autocracy underworlds.
In conclusion why many find themselves bewildered by the nature of their consciousness while lost in how not to be succumbed by avarice's Devil’s Advocates - armoring up in God still remains best solution that unscrupulous Dough Boys greatly fear more than openly admitted.
So while fighting the devils disciples is not for all - perhaps liquidating and relocating to the Jesus’s desert before known licensed profilers come knocking, is soundest retirement plan one can ever have made in which Life-care founder has been attempting to rid self of since 2012 p 893.
Referenced material in perspectives
The road less traveled and beyond – Spiritual growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook - Practices that transform us.
Time for boomers to word up before all is lost.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over it.
Retirement is supposed to be about well-earned rest that has contributed more than its fair share.
Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained, self-sufficient crime lab as trusts babysitter.
Gradually we begin to see which captains in industry place money over peace while community building stands hypocritical in advertisements that are nothing more than lives altered under Avarice conditions.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turning tides.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
Unjustly denied Low Riders always welcomed.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank Authors  M. Scott Peck M.D. - Adel Calhoun and providing community library and ministry for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantages seniors through Hell’s two tiered immoral biased kitchen providing one sided injustice having sacked its appointments.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly writes another’s epitaph under God for capital gains or for purposes to eludes justice.
The venality of avarice's evils depend on the content of the lie commonly practiced without apology in high places. Compliance: the act of properly complying or yielding in which disposition readily complies.
Party Train is pulling in near you - Time to board.
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not to covert for others nor their agendas.