
Monday, January 30, 2017

Is ethics training as fundamental skill required in all basic learning curriculum's?

Life-care evaluates a moral ignorance paradox that appears to simply English; our future knows not what true ethics mean let alone how to integrally execute founding principles foundation’d in God or under God and country.
Unorthodox schemes appear daily that compass likelihoods by seasoned captains of industry in which the world no longer fathoms possible unless Third World Cultured that primarily vantage naive generations lacks in knowledge and experience as organizations theoretical sacrifices under the law allows protects all above.
States as federally extension’d trustee - guardians of the impressionable redundantly not only compass concurrent citations within many a first duty observance but additionally failures to fulfill fiduciary responsibilities to oversee commerce that forensic having unsoundly exercised statutory powers in which principally administered unethical concepts cast upon community.
The simple English is while money and justice do mix either does politics or God’s intent for his children.
It is pinioned fundamental old school vital balances must be sought and taught that unify hearts and minds as one nation principled under God as indivisible Stewart's of liberty and justice for all.
Consciousness must precede choice for without it there is no choice!
Unsound territorial mechanisms theatrically only serve to promote greater confusions within what principally can only promote additional pitting’s of dog against dog fights.
Arbitrary distinctions become necessary at times in order to obtain leadership’s undivided attention focused upon anything in detail or depth authority prefers neither discussed nor further debated.
Our unsoundly divided parties appear to be firing much of the time, and often very inappropriately on basses of perceived, rather than actual, infringements we need to be flexible in dealing with situations that easily provoke wrath.
We have a chance to get over it - below it and will over it in all affairs.
Unseasoned Minds in which fundamentally should know better appear to require leanings of whole complex ways in dealing with angers critically concluded: “My anger was silly and immature” it’s my fault or although delegate infringed upon my territory whether intentional or accidentally there are no valid reasons worth blowing up about that may compromise a good tabled intent entered under God.
Scenario suspected highly underutilized are why integrally seasoned elder statesmen as Stewart's of the gate exist- they know how to effectively pick bones that blast unsavory Devils Advocates right on the spot.
The late Ronald Reagan considered by many to be a great communicator has already prophesize'd by quotes based on scriptures what inequities await on horizons in which for all intents and purposes appear to have already arrived while waiting on the other side of our wall to do to ourselves what would eliminate a last stand on earth and no other place to go.
Although the truth is we rarely do anything without benefits to selves’ perhaps concept of last stand on earth combined with subtle avarice foes that patiently wait to demise would be enough incentive before time dictates historical memories of what once was threw all away that appeased a handful of traitors.
So selfishness indeed can become a vital balance of examen required to critically think and distinguish between what best preserves a last stand - enact the paths of smart selfishness or continue in the paths of stupid selfishness awaiting the inevitable? Simple English is to be or not to be that is the question?
“To be” makes integral living choices that are constructive while “not to be” simplistically follows fundamental neurotics of narcissism's.
As we have more than redundantly witnessed: the alternative – not to meet the demands of Life on Life’s terms means concurrently we will end up losing more often than not by politicos that attempt to skirt problems rather than meet them head on.
Again, a vital balance citation arises within how fiduciary failures can comprise an entire nation when any politician fails to integrally uphold their first oath’d duty when problems call forth courage and wisdom must engage attitudes that convey problems are the cutting edge that distinguishes between continual success and ultimate failure in which “Morality” dictates Problems are not to be unduly discounted while “Ethics” declares valid problems are to be trinity embraced that make us grow mentally and spiritually toward “Weller than Well” elements provide up most staying powers.
The Performer.
If nothing else the roaring twenties and subsequent great depression should be enough historic incentive within what it took to get out of what simplistically turned its back on god himself.
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
How American Politicians and Lawyers write are direct Reflections how they think America should be.
So, while it is hard for seniors to be jolly in state plagued in Avarice follies, one faith absolute still exists. All who recognize Christ have friend of the great physician who knows all, sees all, and disciple’s watchmen as ordained witness in trinity.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when tides needed to be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic Avarice has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first duty is to protect it’s intended not stealth resigned agendas.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals commonly do not include desires to become literal walking encyclopedias in finer arts of cornering improper fiduciaries into ethically fulfilling their first duties nor subsequently become moralities self-contained, self-sufficient - crime lab as humanistic “punitive” babysitter.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
The point is what the points are that matter most in which people become more important than capitalism or subsidizing privatized expectant profit margins gains.
End sequence - Get up off of that thing.
We humbly thank local faith based community resource center for sharing fundamental intuitiveness’s in which enable a viewed underdog considered educational idiot of no significance abilities to stay afloat in actuated seas of treachery and oceans known to capsize event liners from reaching its ordained final destination - port of call.
Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for preserving family values that ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing under god still protects, as first duty, against no other unjustly writing another’s epitaph within country that values people more capitalistic gains.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Does public scrutiny still hold power over devil advocates questionable pictures?

Life-care attempts to fundamentally refresh Public Scrutiny’s memory concerning traits before deciding.
A Trust fundamentally expects a trustee to responsibly scope all work needed before acceptance.
Once accepted, any trust will expect all fiduciaries too professionally while expediently carry out their first duties to the letter associated with instruments intent.
Trustees are additionally expected to consciously keep in hindsight: Once in public record they could be held personally on the hook in all affairs.
*Beneficiaries expect to receive their shares in timely orderly fashions free of all unexplained loses.
*Beneficiaries expect integral disclosures and ethical advisement's of liabilities.
*Beneficiaries expect declarations properly executed to include estate tax escrow provisions.
*Beneficiaries expect not to be required to clean up state, federal, dynamics issues.
Other words: both trust and beneficiary expect all related fiduciary business shall be conducted under God in highest of ethical professional standards.
Lil' red riding hood county style.
For the record: mismanaged probate cases (2012 p 893/2015 p 888) in trust proceedings remotely do not resemble any listed expectancy nor construed to have honored declarations under god nor country.
Lessons here are two fold; on one hand it shows how Socrates lawyers consciously attempt to unethically outwit sacred instruments while on other hand when placed under light of the examen social radars begin picking up its traceable buoyed.
Do Socrates law groups promote free zones that compromise law intents for the right price?
Life-care inquisitively now looks at how any privatized skater of fiduciary accountabilities would know how to elude under the law allows unless unethically taught by immoral guardian of legal system gates.
A topical free ZONE would be areas motivated by profit that could be subtly displaced under the law allows providing the disrupted know not in {A.R.D.C} rules Illinois’ supreme court frown upon.
Illinois’ state legal system with exception of recognized self-help environments are notorious for discounting unsound elements simply based upon grammatical error(s) and sentence structure.
The rationale, for the most part {excluding none self-help environments} fundamentally remain in dark aged theologies in retrospect’s where civil writing skills must perfectly incorporate its legal jargon within what are perceived grammatically correct in order for a motion or complaint to be considered valid.
Some states have adopted simple English principles within many known areas that vantage stature in order to lower the chances of stature taking advantage of John Q. Public's.
Other words - irregardless of new aged unsoundness within equally unethical body politic it is pinioned solutions exist that indeed can put a dent in status quo sanctioned open checkbook elitist policies. Simply, no prior generation has effectively challenged systems accustomed status quo on its own terms.
Life on Life’s terms will require upcoming retirement generation based on forensics must learn how to become its own unified while highly organized self-contained (linguistics) self-helpers.
Give Me One Reason.
Sadly, golden years compass high potentials toward displacements of seniors into second class citizenry under excuse such redistribution's benefit the greater all.
Supportive evidences of realistic theory - worthy in concern exist today within citations that forensic no matter how valid in complaint a senior may dispute an improper privatized or lawyers conduct, unless grossly personally injured up to points that summon public scrutiny up in arms, privatized accountability receives bias favoritism's while lowly viewed obsolete citizens receive about the same importance as probate extends toward families in will disputes while assorted professional others attitude face valued considerations no better than resume sifters that circularly file.
There is a solution, entire books have been written on how to write in plain English.
One such book is Richard Wydick’s plain English for layers (Carolina Academic Press, 1998).
Step on the Gas and don't look back.
This book may not only help level playing fields at least from first year law standpoints useful in American law were readers who are interested in improving their legal writing skills toward greater equalities achieved are highly suggested fully read in which has many more rules and examples.
The following 10 introductory rules for writing in plain English can turn simpleton David’s into a respected Goliath fighter not to be taken lightly.
1. Delete surplus word.
2. Use a Subject-Verb-Object sentence structure.
3. Use base verbs (not nominalizations)
4. Use the Active Voice.
5. Keep sentence short.
6. Use Bullet points and tabs (when conveying mass information)
7. Put modifying words next to the words being modified.
8. Prefer the singular number and the present tense.
9. Use familiar and succinct words (avoiding Lawyerisms)
10. Avoid sexist language.
Back In Time builds better tomorrows.
Point of ethics
Rule number one example without Plain English. 
In many instances, insofar as the Jurors are concerned, the jury instructions and not understandable because they are too poorly written would plain English example a point of honor; often jury instructions are too poorly written for the jurors to understand.
Rule number two example without Plain English.
There were no reasons offered by the court for denying punitive damages would plain English example a point of morality; the court offered no reasons for denying punitive damages.
Rule number three example without Plain English.
We are in agreement with your position, but if it is your intention to cause delay, we will stand in opposition to you would plain English a point of Ethics; we agree with your position but if you intend to cause delay we will oppose you.
Rule number four example without Plain English.
This agreement may be terminated by either party by defendant manufacturers, and it is agreed that all sales would be made at list prices or above would plain English point an active voice; either party may terminate this agreement by giving 30 days’ notice to the other party.
Rule number Five example without Plain English.
While there are instances in which Consumer Abuse and Exploitation Result from Advertising that is False, Misleading, or Irrelevant, it does not necessarily follow that these cases need to be remedied by government intervention in the market place, because it is impossible for consumers’ interests to be protected through resort to the courts, either by consumers themselves or by those competing sellers who see their market shares decline in the face of inroads based on such advertising's would plain English a point of situational fiduciary first duty consideration; consumers are sometimes abused and exploited by false, misleading, or irrelevant adverting, but that does not necessarily require the government to intrude into the marketplace, consumers themselves can go to court.
Note: the simple English question would ask: how many redundancies by same perpetrators enact “We the people” engaged as First Duty? 
Rule number Six example without Plain English.
Venue would be proper, unless the claim is framed as a federal question, in the compassed district of East Coast state, if that is where the plaintiff resides, or on the eastern district of an ocean bordered west coast state, assuming that the defendant does business in that judicial district, or the Northern district of Illinois, if that turns out to be the place where the event in question happened.
Simple English conveys mass information bulleted; unless the claim is framed as a federal question, venue would be proper in any of these judicial districts.
Random examples of reference:
·        The southern district of New York, if the plaintiff resides there; or
·        The eastern district of California, if the defendant does business there; or
·        The Northern District of Illinois, if the events in question took place there.
Rule number Seven example without Plain English.
The plaintiff can be alleviated only by expensive therapy, simple English modifies words next to words modified; only expensive therapy can alleviate the plaintiff’s pain.
Rule number Eight example without Plain English.
Persons must not discharge firearms within city limits, simply English’d – prefer the singular number and the present tense; a person must not discharge a fire arm inside city limits.
Rule number Nine example without Plain English.
This agreement, unless revocation has occurred at an earlier date shall expire on Month, date and year simply English’d use familiar and succinct words (avoiding Lawyerisms); unless sooner revoked, this agreement expires on Month, date, and year.
Rule number Ten example without Plain English.
Blue collar work involving heavy lifting and construction requires a manly effort, whereby a Judge will surely apply a reasonable man’s legal standpoint to the case.
Simply English’d avoid sexist language: Blue- collar work involving heavy lifting and construction injuries requires physically strenuous effort, whereby a judge will surly apply a reasonable person’s legal standard to the case.
California Dreamin New School back into old School before all is gone forever.
In conclusion if Boomers expect to weather all new age avarice storms it is imperative within generation to unit as self-contained unit well versed in understandings of our American Legal Systems hardware, software, and legal professions attitudes examined in retrospect to Senior laws and underlying thinking’s.
Resources in study interest may include; the IRAC-Issue, Rule (of Law), Apply, and Conclusion – legal methods used by Law Students and the legal professionals incorporate the Issue component as the lead component. The rule (of law) in the IRAC system requires the writer-whether law student or legal professional – to know and write the general rule of law specifically related to the issue. The apply section provides a clear ‘Yes’ of ‘No’ answer to the issue presented.
How American Lawyers write is a direct Reflection of how American Lawyers Think.
The modern trend in American law is to write in plain English, several rules can be found that provide general frameworks in which to Gage how American lawyers write their Domestic and increasingly global audiences.
Work to Do.
So, while it is hard for seniors to be jolly in state plagued in Avarice follies, one faith absolute still exists. All who recognize Christ have friend of the great physician who knows all, sees all, and disciple’s watchmen of the wall as ordained witness in trinity.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic Avarice has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first duty is to protect it’s intended not stealth resigned agendas.
Honor is Queen Of the Soul.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals commonly do not include desires to become literal walking encyclopedias in finer arts of cornering improper fiduciaries into ethically fulfilling their first duties nor subsequently become moralities self-contained, self-sufficient, preventative crime lab as humanistic “punitive” babysitter.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
The point is what points are in which people become more important than capitalism.
We humbly thank Author Kim plus providing community library in conjunction with faith based resource center for sharing their fundamental intuitiveness’s in which enable a viewed Simpleton underdog considered educational idiot of no significance trampled, abilities, to stay afloat sailing in actuated seas of treachery and avoid ocean voyage capsizes to avarice title waves purposed to prevent liner from reaching its ordained final destination -port of call.
While my guitar gently weeps.
Secured Freedom rarely comes easily but is worth fighting for preserving family values positively passed on that ensure legacies can equally enjoy not only what we had but security in knowing under god still protects as first duty against no other can unjustly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently encroach nor commander within country that values people are more important than money and profits.