
Thursday, March 23, 2017

The heart of a turnaround starts with the disagreement diagnosed on how trusts are being mismanaged.

Life-care heeds the call to return over first duty warning alarms blinking steerage errors between three hydraulic isolation switches indicate progressive losses are corkscrewing if not shut down. 
Currently both former and successor trustees are simulating fiduciary drills that take out flight computers so benefactor as dead hulk would not be able to figure out where special needs trust course plots within decanted perimeters determine where In Living trust malingers in relativity to orbit missioned to unite and secure instruments as one in sole service benefits its ordered intended first and foremost without exception in all affairs. 
Basically forensics compass utilizations flimsily excused under the law allows are fiducially being grossly misapplication’d every way it can in favor of former and successor trustee backs, not trusts intended, suggestive of conspirators in active coercion are engaged in an unspecified unsound reasoning that could be construed ethically would fall contrary to any good intent or trust act where instrument origin became questionably compromised in ways that would righteously suspicion criminal activities within. 
(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction (Official Lyrics)
First clue resides Motus in criminal mindedness unbecoming in profession may reflect a credible truth where fiduciary culture of communications being “Anything but rosy” may consciously serve a mutually undisclosed predetermined purpose well outside of any instrument good intent retroactively compromises both trusts and its intended in arterial motives not customary to sound administrations. 
Next confirming clues potentiating truths in coercion may confirm through successors conduct having redundantly glossed over key facts in ways that pick, choose, and elude transparency where any benefactor could walk away knowing in full understanding the situation both IN living and special needs trust were in? 
What now could be considered, under situational ethics within elements while doors were opened is where fiduciary inactions would profile a direct conspiracy was actively engaged in a financial exploitation scheme consciously sought to compromise trusts under the law allows in ways that could not be exception’d nor recouped? 
We now begin to see where the momentum shift holds a high probable cause for National Trust sanctity concern where States allowed harboring joint unprofessional conducts unbecoming of two independent industries consciously corkscrewed two trust instruments into elements holding valid suspicious criminal activities flavoring conspirator intent move about without regard pinioned due too states disciplinary forces although known while well advised refuse to action against these known problematic’s that demur unethically abrupt methods that abuse people, places, systems, and acts flagrantly without remorse violate vast contentions “Under the law allows” as applied ethically would fit no bill in order for the law to have said under element rules the law was correctly applied under God in justices name. 
What trustees lack is humility recognition where fitness requires integrity must accompany all affairs first, foremost, but never last that fell short in “The fiduciary customer Luxury experience.” 
Being human means being genuine and caring for others that concurrently demonstrates respect for the privilege to serve through corporate responsibility and customer outreach initiatives that communicate actively “Even when we don’t think we need to” our Hearts recognize “When transparency isn’t there, trust breaks down “and when trust breaks down people that can leave while those that cant may pop up occasional civil's that directly question owner was “It cheaper to keep her” in judgments for the plaintiff? 
Hard Work dealing with the unethical walkin dead.
The American dream is about making the most out of it under God in country that shared of community.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when crucial tides needed to be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care grass root movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic followers of Mr. Avarice have returned with a vengeance in un-sustainable appetites till all is gone. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort that shares its experiences in which promote advanced educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice while Life-care movement cares about maintaining continual senior perseverance in all its affairs and beyond. 
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: The point is what the points are that matter where people become more important than subsidizing Satin’s earthly Lap Dogs. 
On the road again in which never rides alone.
We humbly thank authors Tommy Spaulding along with Doctors Karl L. Menninger, M. Scott Peck, and faith based community resource centers for sharing fundamental intuitiveness’s in which enable viewed underdogs of educational idiot stature abilities to stay afloat in actuated seas of treachery and oceans full of capsizing elitist title waves purposed to oppress reaching ordained destinations – final port of call. 
Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for that preserve family values and ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing as we once did under god protects as first fiduciary duty against all whom scheme to unjustly write family epitaphs within country that Honorably values its people united as one in all affairs.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Is being heard an import lesson for government to hear that simply English: Just be the Regular guy?

It is quite clear public scrutiny is sick and tired of being sick and tired in ways that demand parties must reform their humanism in transparent ways that portray honesty in actions were integrally backed in words of honor for the people and their home towns. 
The people as America’s majority interest stock holders have voted down special interest follies in favor of pending motion under new business calls for greater board of mentors that honor those home towns. 
Foremost on our list is to have found a better event chair that agrees to oversee the planning and logistics of events in accordance to the people’s standards set forth. 
This person must track record demonstrates of exceptional talents above and beyond calls in duty capable of discerning when more drive, energy, and passion than most above all else were required. 
Successors additionally are to have the qualities of heart led-leaders that are comfortable enough with self to be able to dispatch heart felt requests “of the people” for assistance within charter that require help from becoming further compromised in, that fall contrary of, under which by, fails whole abroad. 
Those seated that are not strong enough to stand up and ask when civic duty calls are not the right persons to continue as mentor directors on board of America under God honors home towns. 
The message behind directive: We the people no longer condone to guess what shadows will surely malinger as direct result of politico procrastinates having redundantly failed first duties are the ones that need to policed up to voluntarily step downs for the good of the nation. 
The fundamental concept enforced is once elected “under free will” once oath’d - duties inclusion mentalities expectant of any full time job must integrally maintain responsibilities like home as well. 
Simple English: You are to know beforehand - before signing on under oath - response must match the performance rendered as one would maintain own environment. 
Self-respect in office should never be required floored before realizing when someone takes the time to reach out with a heartfelt request for America to cherish communities that are dying from stupid selfishness “provides no answer” are the boards that brusquely dishonor all contracts with America. 
What illustration subtly suggests between the lines are attitudes of “Politico” first while people last. Within would not be uncommon to forensic sectors profiled while consciously bankrupted in heavily masked deceptive practices unethically compromised principle into turmoil vehicle’d ways for layered disillusionist’s that specialize in disallowances ability to block transparencies under a guised concept under the law allows purposed an additional shield dirty deeder’s could hide behind before becoming public knowledge that a rouge unsavory circuit creates its own breaches on circuit boards that allow it to jump directly to ground when needed is its applied science when decided now no longer wishes to participate in contract with America but rather as mutant not willing to give up the Goodies under excuse of entitlements. 
Character in Integrity rocks around the clock.
Here again would represent a dishonorable brood lacking courage to be candid that neither world audiences would applaud over nor builds those needed confidences that indoctrinate right partnerships abroad can only summons Smart Selfishness to naturally ask; if these sorts are bad business within that demote investments in America abroad then why do we allow what only reputationally further blackens same eyes in no regard of nation or anything else under the sun except selves - still flourish? 
These would be the stony expressions of the people destined to come that will fire question after questions in America to both senate and congress until satisfied on what side of the fence in which they stand does not represent judases of flag to pilots. 
Under time the great equalizer like meetings all discussion have and end that must be answered truthfully under God. 
In that end majority stock holders in nation expect to hear innovations that inspire realistic substance behind word in candidness applauds that achievable concept over speaker’s skill to communicate ideal. 
Bottom line is whether politico’s like it or not their speeches need to reflect “of the people” have been heard within what no longer bore false promise temporally guised an appeasement that reused same band aide on fresh wound held no intent to ever change dressing no matter how infected it becomes. 
Honesty must become the integral winner that gets out of every day in organized party conduct if expectant to continue in servitude under flag or next dinosaur’s awaiting extinction and history books?
In conclusion the American people are tired of hearing pomp and circumstanced promises that hold no substance behind any word, works, or otherwise demand enough with the foolery; start listening to your truths from others that took the time was honest enough to tell you about them - for your own good. 
This now brings us to Inch #16 of the 18 inches between the brain and the heart and it’s called: Honesty. 
It not difficult to stay honest when one gets honest with themselves that they got lost in the shuffles of materialistic manmade confusions while over mediatized promote all false ideals destined to close hatches. 
When realized it’s often the small things that start mattering most – whether its stopping to listen to feedback or taking the time to respond in a truthful heartfelt request reopen hatches slammed shut that reveal what you were truly cut out to be minus need to resort to criminal mindedness as subsidizing pacifier of wondering weeping Noam’s wanting to be stars in Hollywood movies. 
One of the primary roles of first duty leadership is to help People connect to a Higher Purpose that empowers The American People to want to be part of something bigger than ‘Peon’ of Avarice regime. 
Let's twist again *Live*
Is “the Benjamin’s” Illinois’ unofficial far-flung Governing party of confederacy unworthy in support? 
Understanding far well what relationships are based on maintain populous rapport inquisitively looks at how ‘The Benjamin’s” currently actuate governing team’s consciousness. 
Legislations primarily revolve around same old demands in same old 5 day notice to quit are redundantly forced to spin junk bond statuses into guised solvency degree to appear as gold routinely scattered across this land understood fully well the value built upon - builds nothing back in return. 
Why does this hamster wheel still exist you ask; simple English would surmise officials did not work hard enough every day to foster right relationships that build back value of community in return. 
We have witnessed firsthand how many a sell off at best keynote short ends of the stick in gross return. 
What this says is all that would ever be required moves no further than what maintained its enjoyment in the moment could care less about those left behind in the wake. 
So it should come as no real surprise why we don’t experience special days at Disney land that include magical nights in Cinderella castle suites. 
The problem: we give away that does not take over from there; recirculation grosses back Dunce corner insight returns, and stupid selfishness discounts all worst case scenarios of eagle scouts in first duty. 
Details reflect back Disney land expectations behind majority of every new policy that respond back far from ideal in return, These are the most powerful examples why physical years must reform attitudes. 
Generosity at work is the only way to inspire permanent policies that enable time for someone in need. 
Again, here would be where political attitude adjustments become a crucial standard in retrospect too old saying; if it does not begin at the top- nothing trickles down below that loves one another like family. 
Clearly battles over budgets holding old narrow minded ways of meeting life on life’s terms have outlived their usefulness and must be abandoned for easements that improve physical year health. 
We the people can no longer afford to entertain deadbeat states that are negatively impacting whole. 
The solution: under 14th amendment principles - Federal must shift Illinois’ team dynamics into following suite with rest of the nation in full understandings they are now required to hit those goals and start looking out for nations most prize possession - the average American taxpayer as majority stock holders. 
There is absolutely no valid reason in any modern civilized society to obstruction people from sharing. 
This now brings us to Inch # 14 between the Brain and the Heart and it’s called: Empathy. 
Empathy is more than an expression of sympathy or kindness toward someone – it’s a deeper sense of understanding and a more heartfelt connection to the feelings and emotions of others. 
Empathy makes an act of kindness more than a transaction, heart led- leaders act with empathy, they inspire others to do the same. When people feel empathy, their attitudes and outlooks improve. 
So having nothing more to lose, smart selfishness would dictate to state why not just support those people that care for more productive employment, more supportive of colleagues and more responsive to John Q. Publics receiving “The luxury” customer experience? 
Nope and nope at some point in legislation compass those not in the same firm of American People LLC.
Dancin the New Ring Dang Doo Sham.
At best these sorts have by party an affiliation not much to do with with those five men in Washington always talked about and even less when it comes down to fiduciary first duty recognitions as eagle scouts under God. 
Plates in these kitchens are overflowing with bad term entrees that serve minimal accomplishments. 
Presentations served reflect how renowned heart led- chiefs become handicapped in abilities to get line cooks to extend extraordinary results within dining experience presents positive image of who they are. 
What illustration proves are where titles alone do not make legacies that make differences unless accompanied by appropriate actions measured up a gourmet ideal must outshine kitchens history. 
The point is without patriot statesmen like Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt we would still be living in Hell’s kitchen shadows of Tyler’s, Fillmore’s, Authors, Harrisons and Peirce as minimalist wonders. 
What made those legends commonly talked about in Washington that stand out most was their exceptional character against great odds followed through on goals that produced recoveries that can still continue to operate to this day. 
They honorably fought their own battles with down to earth American pride in nation principled helping others promotes climates that help themselves in which those elements result proficient self-helpers of a solvent nation. 
Against pseudo fashionable attitudes subtly messaging only stature by title rank are allowed to make differences under God still means you don’t have to be a president, a philanthropist or the founder of a national organization in order to make differences that count on this continent, all one truly ever needs is a heartfelt desire to give within faith of little engines that can, could, overcome, and reach the station. 
Where pseudo secularist ideals totally miss the boat is failure to recognize how the American sprite as tight knit company - missions its ethos – embraces service and responsibility as determiners from the beginning deploy all necessary support to communities can become a very formidable foe of reckonings in faith when dirty deeder’s are caught within dirty deeds compromised under God in which we stand. 
Every selfless giver of the heart is a potential company franchise owner of the spirit that gives you the opportunity to be a successful person and to build some wealth, but we expect you to make a positive impact on community in return as part of our culture follows Code “the more you thrive” Creeds “The more you can give back. 
Bottom line is there are abundances of opportunities to give all around us, what needs to start at the political party level would simply English; You need to seek the opportunities that indoctrinate mission statements of giving not taking are what count that rebuild a strong nation respected by virtue - abroad. 
Lesson to master: There are two parts to generosity; first is compassion that fuels desires to make a difference and those commitments that turn that compassion into positive actions benefit the people. 
Second would be to reteach party members importance of ethics must only act on ideas supporting the community are what support you! Lobbyist widgets at points of sale generally fall short in lesson ideals. 
The key to a Heart-Led Organization like the American spirt realizes there is more to life than just building a dominate party; it must reflect back they want to support the people they serve.
The Heart behind Blue Moon while timeless never Dies.
Nothing better in upcoming months will reveal truths about Illinois’ party’s true patriotisms toward the American people as whole than charting how much was given to the people over special lobbied interest reveal not only who were masked Judases in sheep clothing and which party held most problematic sectors within were not disciplined enough to police own compass all terms that would be rightfully impeached out from public servitude position under God in recognition of public safety as first duty. 
States that thrive hold balanced budgets that reflect we want to keep steering in right directions under God that link present goals and future ambitions to our heritage and culture.
The American dream is about making the most out of it under God in country that shared of community.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when crucial tides needed to be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care grass root movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic followers of Mr. Avarice have returned with a vengeance in un-sustainable appetites till all is gone. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort that shares its experiences in which promote advanced educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice while Life-care movement cares about maintaining continual senior perseverance in all its affairs and beyond. 
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: The point is what the points are that matter where people become more important than subsidizing Satin’s earthly Lap Dogs. 
We humbly thank authors Tommy Spaulding along with Doctors Karl L. Menninger, M. Scott Peck, and faith based community resource centers for sharing fundamental intuitiveness’s in which enable viewed underdogs of educational idiot stature abilities to stay afloat in actuated seas of treachery and oceans full of capsizing elitist title waves purposed to oppress reaching ordained destinations – final port of call. 
Life Could Be A Dream once again if wanted bad enough.
Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for that preserve family values and ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing as we once did under god protects as first fiduciary duty against all whom scheme to unjustly write family epitaphs within country that Honorably values its people united as one in all affairs.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

In Federal eyes would it be proper for a State’s banking commission to climate any trust irresponsibly?

Life- care discerns a crucial trustee ethic behind any trust instrument carries an obligatory sign on first duty that mandates all assets are to be collected and secured within a reasonable period of elapsed time versus Illinois’ Victorian era version by inactions would characteristically suggest climates of inner circled unwritten social contracts remain existent in state that bequeath selves fiduciary executive privilege over instrument good intent to option in own conducts unbecoming of profession are sanctioned too consciously elongate and subsequently elude sensitive time restraint reporting perimeters associated  where whitewashes would be required to evasion a joint conspirator invoice scheme purposed to extract exotic amount of fees from gross in trust assets customarily not included within any good intent of special needs trust instrument nor federal trust act. 
What this tells all Illinois seniors is you are to love your enemy no matter how crassly economized nor exotically extracted if you desire to continue to receive what amounts to approximately 1/3 of “The Benjamin’s” in trust under Victorian Era climates of unwritten social contract elements. 
Concentration camps of war time yesteryears serve as constant reminders on how bad those guided tours can get under tyranny of men. 
Deeply disturbed conducts unbecoming in profession and industry under modern pseudo ethics characteristically reflect attitudes of Hitler Youth under the law allows narcissistically sees neither horror nor problem within what are protected under the unwritten Reich. 
What this says within what were historical truths of yesteryear story back in today how our modern pseudo brigades of unbridled ‘Elitists’ stance same perverted visions of Reich’s under entitlement are nothing new under the sun only retitled not to appear as genesisizing under flag of “The Benjamin’s”. 
When federal Government under first duty allows any state in sort to reside of the union unaccounted for in own none constitutional devises - what that reflects to the world are false Eagle Scout leaders hid in fiduciary woods that sit back and watched while approaching were succumbed like ducks in a row. 
Smart selfishness knows if those states are not directly addressed and first duty disciplined as epidemic within already severely divided nation harboring ever growing climates in public ill will and negative scrutiny resentments in remembrances of 14th amendment that one rotting apple can reputationally reflect as whole bunch to the world rather not owned up too but there nevertheless blind clearly see. 
What the blind see simply reads; look at the contents of that states vault and protective agencies tasked will find all the answers ever sought that allow federal fiduciaries as eagle scout heart-led leaders of camps to better connect with American audiences. 
First clue would be existences of unethical consortium groups characteristically do not provision in recyclable containers of “The Benjamin’s” equal to ethical values under standards of economy rules. 
How do you do, we have waited a long time to get rid of you.
From here citation list can be formulated within whom appear no longer fit to resume a public service seat in office under simple English rule: the Devil cannot cast himself out once entrenched within. 
Such now reminds; once unethical is let in the window - it will always require a heavy integrally footed boot to kick out and shut that window preventing reentry of thieves in the night are the keynotes from which all future Heart-led leadership conferences are to confront community safety concerns from contentious objectors standpoint unified under God in best interests of nation. 
Throughout sociology, no nation historically has ever benefitted let alone lasted under Criminal minded theologies solely guided by ‘The Benjamin’s’, so, here again knowing this how can pseudo secularism exception selves as superior above predecessor abilities beats odds in time that traditionally favor the house as consistent equalizer winner?
This is how Life-care became aquatinted with Illinois’ trustee’s underworld and what struck movement most were the incredible under the law allows intent that were blatantly misapplication’d demurred nether respect for instrument sanctity nor clients right of The luxury customer experience. 
Checks on trust operations were masked in flimsily presented excuses that were surrounded by guised words that contained no substance in trust relativity but rather endless attempts to whitewash instrument was being unduly compromised by under the law allows misinterpreted intents purposed questionable elongation projects that increase groups gross invoice receipts contrary to any good trust intent or trust act. 
Encounters additionally record areas that contained excessive hold backs in due benefactor services and fees not credited back to trust for fiduciary negligence’s as declared by an In- living trust instrument were primarily overruled where element rules were discounted by finder of facts that best reduced down to a straight probate case would favor negative appointee occurrences over persons and trust good intent judicially demurred favoritisms that violated Trust justice in observance of many a state statute and obligatory citations under first duties umbrella’d under federal trust acts. . 
What such clearly suggests to the world is existence of an ignored Mississippi moon state in the union that openly reflects 14th amendment demurs without regard has no real empathy toward senior wellbeing even in trust primarily only justifies probate interests that preserve “The Benjamin’s” recirculated to select groups in good inner circle standings. 
This type of state management style frame, poster messages abroad three things: “We don’t know who we are,” “We don’t know where were going,” and “We know not what is important.” 
States that thrive hold balanced budgets that reflect we want to keep steering in right directions that link present goals and future ambitions to our heritage and culture. 
It is pinioned only the immorally insane would have enough nerve to declare Illinois State remains as land in Lincoln - under God. 
Insult adds injury to that symbol of Americanism (too roll over in his tomb) every time a thoughtless legislate enacts; “We know who we are but don’t understand what you are in our big scheme of life. 
"People Get Ready" to feel your deserved experience not easily walked off.
What short sidedness in stupid selfishness simplism appears to always discount is main principle under God that simply English; when ‘who’ represents party interests first over “what” of the people receives second banana benefits, all elect did not fit to resume any servitude position from public scrutiny standpoints was to emphasize more discernments about why the what’s are to servitude who’s?  
Parties have to wake up to the fact that public scrutiny no longer seeks self-absorbed rock stars past their time but rather patriot statesmen worth their weight that are passionate over America under God. 
We want to start seeing political compensation and perk packages measure up to successful jobs performed benefited whole within, abroad, and beyond in all American affairs.
We the people demand to be excited about getting out of bed each and every morning. 
Of the people no longer condone spending more waking hours accommodating political follies over time required that preserve family units and essential values in the home. 
Under god code must reenact creeds within; “Families must play together and families must fight together” that have each other’s backs covered in unified best interests of the sprite demonstrated what it means to be a privileged member in our unified family team of free worlds. 
Why is it now important to integrally prod all of America through effective communication? 
Fundamental foundations suggest: Once we figure out who we are within - minus hesitations - identity will “Dictate” what we want to do and where we will go in the scheme of things. 
Under God as nation means all belong to same equal opportunity employer: if creator of worlds desired our continent too capital criminals, then all would be criminally minded of equal value and abilities. 
This now brings us to a vital balance conclusion within inch #12: PURPOSE.
One of the primary roles of first duty leadership is to help People connect to a Higher Purpose. 
The American People want to be part of something bigger than just ‘Peons’ to Avarice practitioners!
Gospel Blues (Everybody Wants our Piece)
A good place to start would be for “We the people” were too emphasize expectant reform from pseudo Secularist America in ways that simply English: We know who you are, we know where you’re going, and “Of the People” knows what is more important. 
If executive branches in federal Government were to indoctrinate such encouragement programs toward well-deserved below standard states such would reflect to American; we still believe under God. 
What such additionally would message to all America is as nation we still stand unified in principle under our constitution “It’s not just who you know” signifies in which we stand. 
We now enter Inch #13: encouragement - for without it, no true progress can ever begin to achieve. 
I believe in you are the most beautiful words that can ever be expressed at any level. 
Yet, political legislations favoring corporate interests sought contributions in return for the concession rarely reflect back neither those beautiful words nor language in encouragements within acts that could fortitude John Q. Publics to go beyond their own expectations as back bone of all strong economies. 
True Heart led-leaders in nation know encouragements that build strong middle class fortitudes are the backbone of any strong economy where accommodating minority hoarders of ‘The Benjamin’s’ not contributing fair shares in taxes encourage nothing to become greater other than criminal underworlds. 
The American dream is about making the most out of it under God in country that shared of community.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when crucial tides needed to be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care grass root movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic followers of Mr. Avarice have returned with a vengeance in un-sustainable thoughtless appetites till all is gone. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort that shares its experiences in which promote advanced educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice while Life-care movement cares about maintaining continual senior perseverance in all its affairs and beyond. 
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: The point is what the points are that matter where people become more important than subsidizing Satin’s earthly Lap Dogs. 
It Takes God To Build A Home so why run with crooked hearts?
We humbly thank authors Tommy Spaulding along with Doctors Karl L. Menninger, M. Scott Peck, and faith based community resource centers for sharing fundamental intuitiveness’s in which enable viewed underdogs of educational idiot stature abilities to stay afloat in actuated seas of treachery and oceans full of capsizing elitist title waves purposed to oppress reaching ordained destinations – final port of call. 
Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for that preserve family values and ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing as we once did under god protects as first fiduciary duty against all whom scheme to unjustly write family epitaphs within country that Honorably values its people united as one in all affairs.