
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Missionary life is filled with the unexpected and unplanned.

Faiths trip's down under can only be successful if stewards begin prayer to God now to open all avenues of grace and power that will endure and  release God's love of hope for his people.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your Faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

James 1:2-4
Lets expect God to use us in a powerful way!

Acts 1:8
"But you will receive Power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my whiteness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and 
to the ends of the earth.
1 Peter 3:15b
"Always be prepared to give and answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason 
for the hope that you have."

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Spiritually disciplined friendship is key kryptonite to ending devils carnal attacks on mind cripples the spirit then soul.

Jesus Christ himself was the model friend. 

He walked the complicated path of interdependence, giving and receiving as he went. 

Jesus Christ himself was not an independent mover and shaker, he lived his life in community that could often be found in the company of twelve chosen companions. 

Together they shared good times and bad times, meals and money, work and rest. 

Among the twelve, Jesus had three closest friends: Peter, James and John. Jesus invited these three men to share high points, like the transfiguration, and low points, like Gethsemane. 

Though he could of experienced these events alone, he included others in what was both sweet and costly. 

Spiritual friendship adds another dimension 
to the wonderful gift of friendship. 

As friends open their spiritual journeys to one another in the presence of Christ, they both step onto Holy Ground. 

Spirit connects with Spirit, and the deep place where our spirit touches the Spirit of God becomes shared territory.

Spiritual friends donate themselves to one another in love. 
They go out of their way to practice the biblical "One Anothers" together. 

Because of the bond of love, friends can hear truths from each other that they can't with nonefriends. Furthermore, Loyal Spiritual Friends help one another experience their 'True' belovedness. 

Spiritual friendship is not an easy path. It winds through the rigors of giving and receiving love to the very end that lays down convenience and dies to self for the sake of the friend. 

While Spiritual friends are chosen and unique, they do not cut themselves off from others, refusing to invite them into the depths of their friendship.

Spiritual friends want their relationships to reflect the Love of the Trinity. 
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit invite others in to their divine community. 

So True Spiritual Friends invite others into their shared Loving and Knowing. 
Loving another doesn't create less 
love to share out - it creates more. 

Share Reference: Spiritual Disciplines - practices that transform us. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Narcissistic boy's club self love consortium versus Integrity towards all in country under God's America.

Humility means having true knowledge of oneself as one is. 

That does not mean as many falsely conclude - the we should give more emphasis to the negative parts of who we are and downplay or altogether dismiss and good part left are secondary. 

Yet many do.

They try to display a pseudo-humility that may extend to their  inability to divinely assert one-selves under God,when such would be appropriate to do so.  

For example, there have been many a day gone past under the avarice moon where disgraceful politico acts were extended against our nation that were inexcusably unbecoming of that elected seat plus disgraceful by heritage fundamentally founded upon Sound Ethical Character must Inclusion Integral Principles as Well in all affairs under God as their first fiduciary duty to the nation. 

When we deny that political behaviors were "Bad" and fail to seek ways to correct it or redeem ourselves by learning from what was done wrong we ultimately play right into as enablers of militant politico self-esteem's primarily only interested in selves. 

The healthy thing for taxpayers to do would be to acknowledge our blind faith - ignorance mistakes, and chastise ourselves if we must back into the ability to Discern fearlessly that our failure at any given time did not totally define our worth or who we are in nation.

WE will always need those grace movements to realize collectively we do not have it all together. 

Such moments are crucial to our growth because loving ourselves requires the capacity to recognize that there is something about us we need to work on. 

So there is a difference between insisting that we always feel good about ourselves (which is narcissistic and synonymous with constantly preserving questionable self esteem) and insisting that we regard ourselves as important or valuable (which is healthy love). 

Understanding and making this distinction is a prerequisite for mature mental health. 

In order to be Good, healthy people, we have to pay the price of setting aside our self-esteem once in a while and not always feeling good about ourselves. But we should always be able to Love and Value ourselves, even if we shouldn't esteem ourselves. 

Simple English: This little Volkswagen is carrying extremely valuable cargo. It is extremely important that this valuable cargo get's to it's final destination safely and when faith is strong enough it not only will but be on time as well. 
Share reference: M. Scott Peck M.D. - The Road Less Traveled.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Role of the Soul thanksgiving under God.

This world suggests an ideal environment for human learning constructed by God for that purpose into discussion about the notion of the soul which means we're here to learn and be prepared.

The belief suggests we're here to get rid of "Bad Karma" and to learn lessons that are necessary so that we can eventually - on our own, make those necessary transitions beyond this world into rebirth.

Given that we're here to continually learn on the journey of life, it seems that the ultimate goal of learning is the perfection of our souls. 

Denial of the Soul among pseudo secularists redundantly evidence, for one reason or another, to be strongly immune or closed to it where discount's in militancy compass to be against the power of {God} and his Word are continually degraded down to that of a subservient lessor compasses additionally the unique nihilistic attitude of: There is and will never be, any greater, than the American politico self-centered "Elitist" under protection(s) in boys club of self rule statuses in good, under the table - tithe, standing. WOW!

Once again we find ourselves involved with something that is actually much larger than we are, and therefore cannot be submitted to any single, adequate, or simplistic definition. 

That doesn't mean, however, that we can't use an operating definition at the very least to facilitate progress in looking at the equally mysterious subject of learning. 

We will topically define the Soul as "a God-created, God -nurtured, unique, developable, immortal human spirit."
Each of these modifiers is crucial, but for the moment let us focus upon three. 

It has already been suggested that this world is such an ideal environment for human learning that it has actually been designed for that purpose. 

We are saying that we are created by God, and further suggest that we were created to learn by God-nurtured council but also that God, through "GRACE", continues to nurture us throughout our lives.  

The other Key word for the moment is "Developable." 

There would be no point in God wanting us to learn unless we could learn, unless we were capable of development. 

We are evolving creatures, not only as an entire race but as individuals. 
As physical beings, we have bodies that stop developing and inevitably decay. 

But our "Psychospiritual" can 'Continue' until the moment we die (and, suspected, long, long after-ward).

For this psychospiritual development, faith must frequently use the word "Growth" and growth is inextricably dependent upon learning.

Throughout divine teachings it repeatedly says all have a choice of whether to grow or not grow, whether to learn or not learn. 

The coined term "self-actualization" fundamentally believes it can actuate itself and additionally can create itself. 

The issue: What man can do is "STEWARD" the flower garden that God has made it possible for us to enjoy. 

What this means is that while we cannot create our own souls, we can Steward them well or badly. 

In the choice we make to grow, we can become cocreators of ourselves, whereas whenever we resist growth, we were rejecting the role of being cocreator with GOD.  

Typically, the hard work of cocreation (or coactualizing) ourselves with God's guidance is an "ONGOING" process of Unfolding, Development, and Blooming. 

But the deliberate choice to learn and grow is primarily one that we make or fail to make as adults unlike childhood where most learning is "Passive." 

In other words, for the most part those unacceptable redundant dynamics that just happened 
and should never of come to pass. 

Share reference: M. Scott Peck, M.D. The road less traveled & Beyond. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

If thinking too much futuristically is fundamentally John Q. Public's problem and responsibility: then why should America further support political parties that primarily only take up space in own best interests - on our dime(s)?

Indeed simplistic leaders beyond preponderance of doubt have proven many time over hidden motives to discourage general taxpayers from realizing the sense of personal power in God that is directly related to the ability to exercise good, independent thinking.

Much is invested in having voters believe everything our government tells us. 
After all, if were not thinking for ourselves, we are easy targets for control and manipulation. 

To keep us dependent, we are post hypnotically taught that it is not necessary to think much.

It can take a lifetime for many people to come to terms with the freedom they truly have to think for Themselves. 

But this path to freedom many times is obstructed by engineered societal myths, one which would have us believe that once we have completed adolescence, we can't change much. 

In reality, against popular pseudo secularist opinion: we are able to change and grow throughout our lifetimes - even in the subtlest ways. 

But it is a choice. Often it is when we meet crisis integrally head on in our thinking that we can take off in new and independent directions under god - in God - honored Word.