
Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Choice of Emptiness?

Ezekiel-Lamentations-John 1

I am here to talk in simple terms not only as reality whiteness, but survivor messenger as well.

The world as we know it is very unforgiving, it falsely builds to serve its immediate purpose then deserts into tyrannies paradox. The great among many no longer hold comforts among friends.

The father of lies will whittle you away over time though affliction, betrayal, wanderings, no one willing to help, while your enemies laugh at personal destruction.

These unfortunates are then prone to search for love in all the wrong places only to experience more pain, degradation, toward sealing the devils master plan being; to never find ones true brother’s keeper against the tyrannies and iniquity of man.

Resource: Holy Bible New International Version. 

There are many varieties of emptiness, but the most important (and the easiest to speak about without getting too mystical) is the “emptiness of not knowing” what the other side will be like.  

We live in a time of anxiety that pushes “know it all” mentality that LABELS Incompetent toward all who don’t seem to be within contract by unwritten code rule or mentality.

The most healing gift experience out of spiritual adolescence turned out to be engineered emptiness serving as role model to boot; it provided amazing grace Turing points toward courage to confront and walk away from an established WASP culture TRACK that had been laid out and was supposed to aspire into the total unknown. 

The best “Know it All” turned out to be the professional that allowed me to talk myself out then said didn’t yet understand and asked if I would just talk some more about experience, family and god (which gave permission to talk about) or anything else that came to mind. When I was done true professional inquired if I would not mind if they asked unhurried questions allowing time to explore many different things. Finally what some may consider a cold fish sat back in their chair with a pained expression on face and simply said, “I’m sorry. I can’t help you, I don’t have any advice to give you and continued “it is impossible for one person to ever completely put oneself in another person’s shoes – and I’m glad I’m  not there- I don’t know what I would do if I were you. So, you see, I don’t know how to advise you. I’m sorry that I’ve been unable to help.”

The Professional that listened minus glasses on backward is what saved what is left here.
If a Genius didn’t know what to do, then it was alright for me not to know what to do. And if I was considering a move that seemed controversial by county terms, and a Genius couldn’t tell me that it was clearly, obviously impossible – well then, maybe, just maybe, it was something God was calling me to do? 

So it was this true ethical professional, who didn’t have any answers or QUICK FORMULAS, who didn’t know what I should do and choose to PRACTICE EMPTINESS turned out to be the professional that provided the help needed. It was a professional who listened to me and did not play Devil’s Advocate, gave me their time, who tried to place themselves in my shoes, who extended self and sacrificed self for me demonstrating love for another that healed.

There are no SIMPLE or EASY FORMULAS in handling all life affairs, we must endure a degree of emptiness and the agony of not knowing.

A big part in spiritual growth is the learning of when to forgive or when one must reconsider and debate, simply put “What is or would be the right thing to do?”
It is a decision that must be made sometimes again and again, in each situation, and every different time. 

Although there is no certain formula, there is a guideline to help in such decision making; it is to recognize that the unconscious is always one step ahead of the conscious mind.
The Problem many times then becomes we don’t know if it’s ahead in the right direction or the wrong direction.
We don’t always know if that still small voice that we hear is the voice of the Holy Spirit, or Satan, or maybe our Glands.
It is, therefore impossible ever to know that what we are doing is right at the TIME, since knowing is a function of consciousness.

However, if you’re “WILL IS STEADFAST” TO THE GOOD AND IF YOU ARE WILLING TO SUFFER FULLY WHEN THE GOOD SEEMS AMBIGUOUS, then your unconscious many times will be one step ahead of your conscious mind in the right direction.
You will not have the luxury of knowing it at the time you are doing it.

Indeed, you will do the right thing precisely because you’re willing to forgo that luxury.
If guideline seems obscure, then one might want to remember  that almost all the EVIL in this world is committed by people who are absolutely certain that they KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.
Thank you for taking the time to learn from hardships of another.
Saved 1

Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience community service edit rewrite educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied. 

Luke 9:1, 2 

He [Jesus] called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all the demons, and to heal diseases. And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God, and to perform healing
Notice how Jesus equipped His disciples for ministry. 

He knew that when they began preaching the kingdom of God and healing the sick, demonic powers would bring opposition. So He specifically gave them power and authority over demons.

Later Jesus sent out 70 of His followers on a similar mission, and they "returned with joy, saying 'Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name'"(Luke 10:17). These missionaries were spiritually in tune enough to know that demons existed and that they were a force to be reckoned with in their ministry. Jesus' followers had been eyewitnesses as the evil spirits opposed the Master, and they probably anticipated the same treatment. Perhaps they even started out on their mission with pangs of fear and doubt about encountering demonic resistance. But they came back astonished at the victory they experienced over evil spirits.

But Jesus quickly brought the issue of spiritual conflicts into perspective: "Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven" (Luke 10:20). Jesus sent out the 70 to preach the gospel and to heal, but all they could talk about when they came back was how they sent the demons running. "Don't be demon-centered," Jesus replied. "Be kingdom-centered, be ministry-centered, be God-centered."

That's a good warning. As you learn to exercise authority over the kingdom of darkness in your life and in the lives of others, you may be tempted to see yourself as some kind of spiritual freedom fighter, looking for demons behind every door. But it's truth which sets you free, not the knowledge of error. You are not called to dispel the darkness; you are called to turn on the light. You would have no authority at all if it weren't for your identity as a child of God and your position in Christ.

Prayer: Lord, Your light is strong enough to overcome the deepest darkness. Praise You!
Share: by Neil Anderson

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