
Monday, April 11, 2016

Conscious and Competence.

True competence is more about growing in Wisdom

Although we can pinpoint various capabilities and talents that allow meeting of demands in life, general competence is a much more complex capability. 

In relationship to development of consciousness; it is broader than just attaining adequacy in basic skills or having an excellent memory. 

True competence is more about growing in Wisdom than accumulating mere knowledge. 
It entails striving toward a psychological and spiritual maturity that result in real personal power. 

Many people can formulaic ways of responding to situations, but because of an inability or unwillingness to think in different ways or to handle different situations creatively, they fail within situational dealings that do not fit expected patterns. 
Other words: the one who can easily fix one situation without much help may feel totally incompetent when faced with resolving more complex or detailed situations involving disciplines and communications. 

The reality is when individuals are “Incompetent” in some aspects, their competence is other areas vary and why the bible exists as individual’s owner’s manual that aide one personal plights toward what psychologists refer as combination of both “Conflict-Free areas of the Ego” and extremely conflicted who are fully conscious in certain areas but, because of neurotic conflict, utterly unconscious in others. 
Psalms in the Bible tell us of these things as well as points out life is not all about happiness but if you go the whole route according to God you will leave more competent. 

There is a God competence vacuum in this world, and as soon as people become more competent other than better mouse traps to accumulate easy money, God or Life will give bigger things to do. 
Nonetheless, a certain kind of Joy and Peace of mind do come from Knowing that you’re worrying about Big Things and no Longer Get Bent Out Of Shape about The Little Ones. 

The purpose according to Freud theology is to make the unconscious conscious. 
This, of course, is what the Bible tells us all along. 
Its purpose is to Help people become more aware so that they can think more clearly and live their Lives more effectively and efficiently. 
I had to learn these things the hard way by blood obligations benefiting another who was no longer able to self-defend against system appointed momentary tyrannies solely benefiting selves’ fiduciary abuse that deprived as whiteness watchman and still watching in passage within IRS form 3949-A business complaint referral soon to follow; when nothing changes, nothing changes. 

Ego development very much governs personality progression in awareness that develop consciousness.
But in this application as I have known and still know it lack of Self-consciousness often makes them difficult to deal with more often than most to the point of being inconsolable. 
The medical study model; best represents psychospiritual dead business, not fully developed out of literal adolescences that are frequently spontaneous and sometimes Dangerous Flamboyant creatures that often suffer innumerable Spasms.  

Why does select corporate executive of privilege in adulthood forsake rather than develop?
The answer; simple laziness that come with narcissistic Narcissism or another-words  incapacity to become Modulated settling for limited – even diminished – awareness of own imperfections having  stopped short of held degree or licenses that fail to fulfill potential. 
It is quite common for suffer to treat situations beyond desired control like potentially deadly plague if allowed to spread often greeted with trepidation, as if thinking deeply and well can be equated with a Bad Drug that can become Addictive and mental illness is its self-preservation solution. 

Reference share: The Road Less traveled and beyond – Spiritual Growth in An Age of Anxiety.  

Are you bold enough to sit in on consortium's care Game?

People of the lie hypocritically verifiable in own lies.

Why do some do this, simple and it’s called Stupid selfishness knowing otherwise.

Preface to Group eviL:
Triggers are pulled by individuals, orders are given and executed.
No one individual in financial atrocities harming another in cover up is blameless. 

Facilities are blamed for not being integrally brave enough to stop designated human suffrages as well as not reporting what they saw beyond first echelon of authority over them. 

When society allows deep distinctions remain arbitrary that harms another for profit: then there is a whole problem continuum we are left facing as act of monstrous collective responsibility not to be taken lightly. 
Specializations placed within wrong hands hold potential of eviL though several carefully designed fragmentations of consciousness mechanisms. 
Wherever the roles of individuals within a group become specialized, it becomes both possible and Easy to pass the Moral Buck.
The plain fact of this matter is that unethical specialization will remain inevitably Conscienceless until each and every member within is held directly responsible for the behavior of the Whole Group or in this medical models case the organism of which high ranking executive is a part. 

How can this be? 

How can the morally sane commit and not know they committed?

Answer: Group pressures compel assigned task members not to confess because they had nothing to confess outside of that group would require Great Courage and whoever did so would be black book labeled ostracized in the long term which might not be such a horrible Shadow to live with. 

When dealing with group evil as outsider document once, followup, then escalate to a much higher independent power outside jurisdictions otherwise you might as well just talk to your hand, it will do about as much good. 

Stuck in stupid? 
Here is your formula toward success: Go to God, seek spiritual partner, read your bible, realize nothing new exists under the sun and dilemma resolutions will soon follow for those who hold faith of the promise in Jesus name. 

Reference: People of the Lie – The Hope for Healing Human Evil. 

But here is one who can and will ; all that is required is you ask then Trust.
Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line based upon updated edits of reference perspective: Author Dr. M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and destructions within territories that lead into Hell.

1 comment:

  1. It is quite common for suffer to treat situations beyond desired control like potentially deadly plague if allowed to spread often greeted with trepidation, as if thinking deeply and well can be equated with a Bad Drug that can become Addictive s self-preservation solutions.
