
Monday, May 9, 2016

County of Oz – mysterious island holds false pretense.

One of the most confusing things about Oz is county judicial ethics. 
In our endeavor to understand its reality we are somewhat like a person trying to understand mechanism of a closed watch. 
They see the face and the moving hands, even hear it tick, but has no way of opening the case.

If one were ingenious they may form some picture of mechanism which could be responsible for all things observed, but may never be quite sure their picture is the only one which could explain observations.  
They will never be able to compare their picture with the real mechanism and they cannot even imagine the possibility of the meaning of such a comparison.  

These words came from the pen of Albert Einstein, a man who most people would say knew more than anyone else – in fact, his name has become synonymous with genius. 
Yet he did write that we can observe and theorize but can never know. 
Reality is something that can be approached. 

What characterizes this island from the rest are constituents are guilty of thinking they have God in their back pocket. But a fully mature person knows better. 
Reality, like God, is not something that can be tied up in a nice neat little special needs trust package placed in a case file and possessed. 
Reality, like God, is not ours to possess. Reality, like God, possesses us. 
Spiritual journeys are quests for Truths as much as Criminal sciences are quests for Truth. 
The fully mentally mature person must be a Truth seeker every bit as much as the Scientist Truth Seeker, and perhaps even more.
Litigants enter judicial forums for varied reasons of escape; some are legitimate- while others are not. 

My case file holds restrictive / intrusive special needs trust pending guardianship – attorney coercion/ illusion - communications/ transportation assistance silence denial - agreement order broken holding bank protest – trustee judicial reassignment order violating both state statute and respondent right of choice-  and hosts of lengthy judicial improperness’s within but not limited to subsequent case. 
I have called for special needs trust quashed, guardianship case withdrawn, equitable settlement provided or trustee faces law suit while all attorneys put up for A.R.D. C. investigation in conjunctions with pending U.S Treasury and Justice department complaints.  

As of blog - no response has been received within any demand- except treasury department. 

What I am going through ahead of my time which many will face sooner than later expectant is called; 1492 styled thinking - while knowing otherwise - no longer knowing what side is up?
It can be quite uncomfortable, sometimes painful to be in such periods. 
Not so with the mentally mature 4th stagier that can eventually visualize all watch mechanisms within. 

In the Road less Traveled paths leading to under God question everything. 
Seek, and you shall find enough pieces of Truth to be able to start fitting them together. 
One may never be able to complete entire puzzle but you will be able to fit together enough pieces to begin to get glimpses of the big picture at hand. 

Only intellectual infants endlessly stumble around in the dark.  
God’s name protects works in God’s name holding legions of angel marines at his command that some of these angels believed truly do come to human form as special agents protecting us as we stumble along our dark and mysterious journeys within discretion in better parts of valor. 

Book quotes famous (anonymous) Scottish prayer from around the seventeenth century which goes:

From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties 
And things that go bump in the night, 
May the Good Lord Deliver us. 

I can wholeheartedly relate - as every continuance endured best represents just another Halloween experience. 

From new Millennium perspective- let us paraphrase current century circumstances abroad. 

From the ghoulies of our un-understood feelings and misunderstood hostilities, 
From the ghosties of our outworn ideas to which we cling and the illusions of our wisdom and competence, 
From the long-leggedy beasties of our ignorance and prejudices and self-satisfactions,
And from all things that we don’t even know enough to be afraid of that exist in the mysterious night beyond our limited sight, 
May the Lord Deliver Us: You, Me, and the whole of our struggling Infant Humanity – Amen. 

God has not given up on us yet; but to remain under God requires demonstrates under God holding continual worthiness in extended grace. 
So far leaders are not doing a very good job here holding any valid excuse other than having no shame. 
God has been known to turn his back when continually placed in pockets? 

It is pinioned if we do not grasp concept in near future- we will truly become nation of none lost forever. 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line edit rewrites based within - Referenced Books: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
Further Along the Road Less Traveled. 
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling one to fight the good fight against Narcissistic evils and all destructions that come within the territory; in Jesus name.

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