
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Senior Financial Privatized Incivility and what uncharted behaviors turn into Crimes?

Life-care movement explores pirated senior waters holding evidenced Jolly Rodger tendencies.
The law can be divided into two major categories: civil and criminal.
The same event (2012 p 893) can lead to both (bodily) criminal and (fiduciary) civil (in trust) law suits. 
This is because the same event or behavior (2015 p 888) can hurt both the individual and society at large.
Definition: Someone who is guilty is criminally responsible for an act that is against the law.
Someone who is liable is civilly responsible for a particular act (or failure to act) that (trust
The law (fiduciary) requires.
To protect (in-living trust) at large, there are (Probate) statutes that forbid (Misplaced drafts) and punish (2012 p 893) certain (appointment) behaviors and turn them into (counseled) crimes.
Without Statutes (RICO) criminalizing the act, the government will not step in on behalf of senior citizens and prosecute privatized or law groups accused of acts.
Life-care side note: any privatized guardianship company that advertises senior seminars while counseling law groups should be held up to highest levels of public scrutiny in community concern.
Knowing what you have to prove is the first step in deciding whether worth pursuing bad luck or bad medicine.
Lawyers develop (probate appointment) relationships with doctors that review medical records based on community standards and advice (Docket # 13-C0428if treatment was up to (type B) par.
Liability is proving was safe when left hands that were altered creating flaws that hold proprietor’s responsibility.
Life-care movement is all about Class actions that make differences benefitting seniors and community. We seek out suffers of same injuries from same Defect and we define enough.
Probate court (2015 p 888) is separate from traditional courts that are specifically chartered to deal within death or disability related possession issues that hold separate rules (none public disclosedon how things are done.
Jolly Roger privatized (Plaintiff/appointment) system selects do indeed handsomely benefit utilizing Probate forum over John Q. Public (respondent/Ward) that evidence substantially higher malignancy levels over traditional settings concerning bias extended toward privatized in retrospect to monies that specifically punish bad behavior nor limited within people injured as direct result of privatized admittedly failed to fiducially live up to life contracts.
Life-care Public Challenge: look within any 2012 p 893 or 2015 p 888 - 18th judicial public order  record and show Life-care movement how many times  John Q. Public asset holders actually Benefitted within probate-meaning proving over privatized?
What you may discover is (Trust-People) in this arena often receive substantially lowered priorities over perceived Living People (Guardianship/law group) who feel they have immediate self-made crises.
Life-Care movement recognizes family law within 18th judicial probate (2015 p 888) marriage to be disillusioned under God, while (Devon Bank) un-reconcilable that require annulments and administrative (civil/commission) divorces plus alimonies as result of - community service deterrents.
In addition under advanced sciences - movement plans to formulate Co-Op efforts within Illinois ARDC commission, university psych-neurology and sociological departmental studies utilizing (2012 p 893) event dynamics that scientifically compass - criminal thinking - as accepted simplistic wisdom - too much law, too little justice: Too Much Rhetoric, Too little Reform?
Life-care agrees with former Illinoisan and present - Ronald Reagan; under God starts at home, around dinner tables, in which first few pages of the bible - as owner’s manual, hold answers sought as well as what will surely come when we ignore.
Criminal forensics within senior law probate evidence – inner county social unwritten monopoly with sub contracts that lower case qualifier’s offering grater unchallengeable profit margins and self-case regenerations consistent to consortiums but no limited within racketeering.
Probate Police enforcement, though somewhat unborn; is truly untapped new frontier that is currently wide open in potential and offers more than enough enforcement employment opportunities to go around.
Dag Hammarskjold taught: In our Era, the road to Holiness necessarily passes through the world of action.
Life-care meditation for life: We are born that we might become, as a conscious individual, a new life form of God.
The goal of theology: and that of most mystics in not to become an egoless, unconscious babe.
Rather it is to develop mature, conscious ego which can become the ego of God.
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword. 
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness.
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new exists under the sun just retitled.
Situational reference materials:
Ethics and the legal profession – second edition
Edited by: Elliot D. Cohen & Michael Davis with Frederick A. Elliston
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further along the Road Less Traveled & meditations from the road and the different drum.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology
Criminal Psychology- A beginner’s guide
Co Authors: Ray Bull, Claire Cooke, Ruth Hatcher, Jessica Woodhams, Charlotte Bilby and Tim Grant.   
Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice.
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares.
We thank all Ethics editors and Criminal Psychology co-authors along with Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms plus Victoria Greens enrichments adding perspective enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity while benefiting others out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth and beyond.
Freedom rarely comes free, but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s. 

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