
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Do apparent 18th judicial trust benefactor indifferences favor privatized agendas over the law itself?

Elements make the case in which the finder of facts first sworn duty is to interrogate motion properness within motive application settings.
Consider these facts: This system for controlling trust crime is ineffective, unjust, and expensive.
Not only does it hand out orders supportive of privatized agendas against medical opinion to handpicked banks, but additionally require owner summons in complaint to Illinois Department of Financial and Profession Regulation referencing potentials of fee gouging and prior admin favoritism over owner in formal dispute holds no motion toward resolve in sight.
Clearly case number 2015 P 888 forensically compasses not only are personal rights threatened but properties in jeopardy as well. 
Professional and big time criminals are prospering under as never before.
Guardianship syndicates nourish while law group crimes may even exceed all others, but go relatively undetected in the majority of cases.
Seniors are being unduly exploited and we know who the perpetrators are, they reside nearby and nobody cares till they arrive in realization that consortiums while well system protected are equal opportunity takers in which none are exempt.
Once J. Edgar Hoover asked, what has happened to civic pride, the righteous indignation of otherwise respectable citizens that turn their backs on helpless victims (2012 p 893) of crimes?
The incredibly indifferent attitude of these people has helped to turn many cities into virtual Jungles of Fear. Crime rates topically are growing faster than population can arrive. 
Life-care side note: My mother was in early nineties while I just reached 60 yet we reside within sameness only difference - on unconstitutional out residency program - you know the one the nine men in Washington are always talking about. 
How shall we explain this apparent indifference?
We all recognize it to be there but unaffected citizens wash their hands of all responsibility and silently leave it to the official avengers while system capitalizes fact of record.
Few in view of - as all eventually arrive - feel neither any responsibility for correcting system gone wrong nor preventing future reoccurrence (2012 p 893 to 2015 p 888) of crime; perhaps this is a sign of the times white flag within uncertainly what to do?
 One motive of Life-care movement was to inform John Q. Public just how bad things were.
Privatized live by laws of  their own system sanctioned that enable cheating, deception, ability to persuade public scrutiny being protected while steadily making matters worse that capitalizes upon known ineffective methods so we can do nothing about it.
In 1948 when wrenched conditions were exposed to the public by the press and some books such as Mary Jane Ward’s “The snake pit” It was sticking to note how shocked the public became that were thought everybody Knew about.
These tokens of efficiency and frugality were managed, of course, by just starving and neglecting for whose care it had been appointed.
It would appear in the new millennium that it is no longer praiseworthy (2012 p 893) for trustees to return to beneficiary treasury (2015 p 888) unused portion of their trust appropriation.
Legal alumni associations are stronger than ever in which all things become possible in new national order and beyond through lobby.
If Illinois boomer voters were to learn of the conditions within their state from the press and radio they would assuredly respond immediately contrary to predictions of politicians.
Let’s look at some Kansas forensic history, once aware of frugality tokens of moral unsoundness - state rated 47th emerged to number one status that many other states have followed suite with respect to updating and upgrading their programs in which enforced uselessness is no gain to anyone.
Is Illinois state failure to do something about token unsoundness truly only matters of Ignorance? 
Time and time again somebody shouts about these states of affairs, just as life-care movement is shouting now on behalf of all seniors.
Governors and congressmen are sometimes heard.
They shout that situations are getting bad, bad, bad and getting worse, some suggest that we immediately replace obsolete procedures with scientific methods.
Associate Justice Brennan of the United States Supreme Court sentiment’s concerning improvement are not only needed but hold water today, he said: “We may be at the threshold of a major reexamination  of the premises (adversary) which underlie our system  for the administration of Criminal Justice.
So how much longer must John Q. Senior public wait for these reexaminations well overdue?
How many more senior citizens have to be lost to tokened predators and retained law groups before we do something about it?
The sins of apathy in the fourth Lateran council (1215) listed the varieties of derivatives of disgust with life. These were actually elaborations of Cassian’s concept of acedia, a state of mind representing the need to avoid anxiety and not care.
Perhaps the medieval theologians began to wonder if the state of indifference to the worlds troubles and to the soul’s spirit, like sorrow and despair is passed beyond mere sinfulness and indicated a kind of sickness such as perhaps problematic greed, not caring is hurtful while Jesus put it well by saying that he who was not with him (under God) was against (nationally) him.
George Bernard Shaw once said that it was necessary for the progress of society that people be shocked pretty often.
The practical consequence of unsound apathy and citizenship duty withdrawals only further serve to aide the “Enemy” and permissions for the continuances of the Evil.
The duty, a play which aroused worldwide attention, asked why even the Pope kept silent of innocent citizens.
Lah- De- Dah – De – Dah citizenry emulates does not benefit me so it can’t be true then later beats their breast and declares, “Who could believe” … “We had no idea”…”we didn’t Know.”
Nonsense! We did know.
Prevention in unsound behavior is always preferable to Society having to cope with providers who become walking system crime waves.
Surely by now modern society knows enough to identify, without pejoratively labeling, providers who show expanding and intensified patterns of destructive behaviors.
The power to choose good versus evil, courage or cowardice in the face of adversity within the ten commandments enjoin human beings from certain crimes , and the Golden Rule, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” offers a guide for living.
The sacred books of most religions are filled with admonitions against Deceit, anger, pride, and guilt.
In addition, the Old Testament says. “A man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).
Lawyers should neither be required by the court or client to be shammed into the constitution - the one the nine men in Washington are always talking about, otherwise what is the point of the profession - let alone retention?
Illinois senior citizens have earned right to expect under God - safe retirement environment that are state free of known predatory guardianship, banking, and unethical Law groups.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new exists under the sun just retitled.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status in real time perspective.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Book referenced: The crimes of Punishment. 
Author: Karl Menninger, M.D.
We thank DR. Menninger as well as providing Library for sharing his accrued wisdoms that enable others to successfully navigate through uncharted seas of none tranquility that by design position seniors to not only live out their retirement years in Hell on earth, but contend with new aged confusions in what U.S. integrity was and still is may be all about.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s under God in community.
Not for profit senior community service - share -promoting better generational awareness through effective communications hoping to end senior persecution and privatized financial unsavoriness.
Allow no other to ever dictate to another under god; that their voice no longer holds relevance in today’s world.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares.

1 comment:

  1. Seniors are being unduly exploited and we know who the perpetrators are, they reside nearby and nobody cares till they arrive in realization that consortiums while well system protected are equal opportunity takers in which none are exempt.
