
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Do boomers need to draft some kind of retirement constitution in order to compete within the new aged America dream?

Why victims of specialized in living trust criminals cease to be American citizens remain unclear so do reoccurring perpetrators protected under the criminal’s constitution?
Under God equal y deployed suggests while topical victims are not protected by constitution “the one the nine men in Washington are always talking about” offenders should not be protected under to same degrees as well to have said the Law have applied.
Perhaps the solution lies within retirement formation of some kind of a constitutional convention with delegates and platforms - banners and all that stuff - and then they could draft some kind of constitution for themselves? 
Going further a retirement caucus ARDC convention may be appropriate as well in which many an association member routinely sneer at the constitution of their country?
Future victims should never be caught up nor literally forgotten in the hub - bub of capturing victimizers so long as the vicious cycle of Evil for Evil and vengeance for vengeance perpetuates the resolving-door principle of penal justice.
We justify the perpetuation of this social anachronism by reference to the Holy Principle of Justice.
It has been told that Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was always outraged when a Lawyer before the Supreme Court used the word “Justice.”
He said it showed that they were shirking (Illinois 18th probate 2012 p 893 & subsequent 2015 p 888) their job.
The problem in every case is what should be done is this situation.
It does not advance a solution to use the word Justice. It is a subjective emotional word.
Every litigant (guardianship/in passage trustee) thinks that justice demands a decision in his favor.
Life-care movement side note: both listed cases hold same perpetrator that fiducially cast their responsibility upon substandard environments while attorneys shrieked their jobs in recognition of the constitution “the one the nine men in Washington are always talking about” concurs with chief justices remarks concerning bar association members coming to court prepared to uphold and exception when due.
For public record; only time anything was ever exception’d is if I stood up under and demanded entered.
Retroactive edit share reference the crime of punishment by Karl Menninger, M.D.
Thinking too much is somebody else’s problem.
Although often we do damage to ourselves through simplistic thinking, there are others times when people seek to damage us for daring to think well.
If we think a great deal and others don’t particularly like it, that is their problem not ours.
When you use your brain as intended under God, it’s bound to create problems if they were seeking to use, abuse, or control you or keep you dependent while fearful.
These hidden motives are engineered to discourage all construed outsiders from realizing the sense of personal power that is directly related to the ability to exercise toward the good, independent thinking.   
The good the bad and the in –between
It is a true saying you are what you think. You are what you think most about. You are what you don’t think about. So in essence, the good, the bad and everything in-between that we think or do not think about tells much about who we are.
When highest state authoritative can be unconstitutionally  succumbed  by simplistically minded officials of lower status as theoretical napoleons  this not only supports forensics cornering  active criminal  constitution  supersedes constitution of the one the nine men in Washington are always talking about but additionally suggests the unseatable hold probable characteristics of dictators serve as economic security threat that can no longer be ignored if we are to remain leader of nations by example.
Thinking and listening
While we remain oblivious to the basics of good it should go without saying you can’t truly communicate well if you don’t listen well and you’re unable to listen well if you’re not thinking well.
When True communications compass the duet dance in disciplined equality over self-solvency under God; only positive mutual evolution through loves accomplishes growth while all weeds wither away.
The bible and many a faith based self-help organizations not only recognize fertile growth environments but the power of the mighty mustard seed as well.
Freedom and thinking
There are sharp distinctions between disordered and clear thinking under god as nation of one.
We can make ethical judgments only about actions.
So we now arrive at the paradox concerning freedom and thinking.
To be healed we must be free to be ourselves, but that does not mean we are free to be our Criminal Selves and impose upon others or engage in destructive actions without consequences.
The responsibility under free will is to discipline our thoughts in ways that permission selves not to just simply wear our hearts on sleeves.
The Bible along with sociology if nothing else reminds; Freedom without discipline gets us in trouble.
Indeed current evidences compass many complex preventable dilemmas hold origin within troubled thinking that indiscriminately lead others into poor behaviors in excuse of everyone else is doing it A.K.A monkey see- monkey do syndrome.
The shadow
Most of integrity when pushed up against the wall by evidence of our own sins, failures, or imperfections, will acknowledge their shadows rather than not own up to them while trying to sweep all potential consciousness under neatly prearranged rugs that a reminds of a lawyer who once referenced first one up to bat is usually the winner, interesting.
Carl Jung ascribed the root of all human Evil to the refusal to meet the shadow.
Those who have crossed over the line that separates Sin from Evil are best characterized most by their absolute refusal to not only tolerated a sense of their own sinfulness, but to bears its pain as well in malignant ignorance.
Characteristically of the malignant they set out to destroy evidences of their evils – often at great efforts while militantly attempting to suppress anyone who speaks or represents it as evidenced within motive behind 2012 p 888 case enactment.
Consciousness and competence
Although I could pinpoint various capabilities and talents that have allowed me to meet demands of life while utilizing problem solving skills and  general competence in a much more complex capability of my educational level in relation to developments that are much broader than just attaining adequacy in survival skills learning how to better organize or exceptional memory.
True competence is about growing in wisdom that strives toward a psychological and spiritual maturity that results in real personal power perhaps even with a little help by the hand of God himself?
In the road less traveled distinctions are made between spiritual and political power.
Political power is essentially the capacity to force of influence others to do what they want them to do as function of a structure of organization.
Spiritual Power on the other hand has little to do with organization or structure.
It resides not in the position or the money but in the persons being while simply by virtue simply be the kind of person one truly is.
Those in political power usually not possess much in the way of spiritual power; conversely the most spiritually powerful are likely to be found among the disenfranchised.
By no means am I saying there can be no overlap between spiritual and political power, rather on average executives subject to same temptations as Jesus confronted in the desert are likely to flunk the test.
Lord Acton’s famous maxim: “Power tends to Corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Although mainly true do not be discouraged under god though minority holds numbers of powerful executives that are not corrupt; rather they are exceptional self-reflective people that with extraordinary insight and concern for others that suffer deeply in their work and by necessity wept with one eye , ,but maintained their capacity for vulnerability.
Chaos resolution
Once differences are allowed thorough community building processes to surface once again under god primary methods of healing begin to obliterate those indifferences contrary to nation as one.
Though many will not desire to be easily healed or fixed and will go to extremes to maintain barriers, kenosis steps in and if affirmative group hung in together almost all the time with Proper Leadership – the work of kenosis will succeed , and from it renewal will emerge.
Looking back over the course of human history, we can discern both strengths and limitations within documented ages of anxiety.
The new millennium is full of same questions centuries old that have repeatedly shown not to be in our nation’s overall best interests in any long term sense that can be passed on.
Such limitations indeed have directly contributed toward family value breakdowns that one must be democratic, republican, conservative or liberal extremist.
The truth under God is there is room for both faith and reason across all party lines.
And if all can once again unit of one under god family units will begin to see once again what constitutes INTEGRITY.
Leadership Integrity by example tells the family unit daily ethics are no longer required in the air while media broadcasts confirm daily we are going to hell in a hand basket.
While it’s easy to just fashionably fit within no ethics in the air not so from theologian quality practitioners who promote reason plus in holly conjunction benefitting community.
Anybody can become a criminal while not all can claim status as contributing statesmen illuminist.
I do not know about readers but I would much rather be remembered as contributor rather than fashionable master taker of the times.
So movement envisions indeed once again American ingenuity can once desired, not only soundly balance its budgets under God but restore and maintain ethics in the air that once hands down marked us as true leader of nations.
Retroactive edit share reference: The Road less Traveled and Beyond – spiritual growth in an Age of Anxiety by M. Scott Peck M.D.
Illinois senior citizens have earned right to expect under God - safe retirement environment that are state free of known predatory guardianship, banking, and unethical Law groups.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new exists under the sun just retitled.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated statuses in real time perspective.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
We thank DR. Menninger and Dr. Peck, as well as providing Libraries, for sharing of accrued wisdoms that enable others to successfully navigate through uncharted seas of none tranquility concerning new aged confusions in not only what U.S. integrity was but still fundamentally still all about.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s under God in community.
Not for profit senior community service - share -promoting better generational awareness through effective communications hoping to end senior persecution and privatized financial unsavoriness.
Allow no other to ever dictate to another under god; that their voice no longer holds relevance in today’s world.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares.

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