
Monday, July 11, 2016

True love in senior equality psychospiritual boot camp - welcome to the Corp.

Fraud, extortion and other crimes are staff of fact in today’s new aged Greed America.
They always have been and even the Bible has references within its opening chapters. 
Man’s law continually strives toward better criminality within veneering the meek while politically attempting to favorably modify titlist actions. 
Better upstanding of these forensic processes and their applications are John Q. Public’s best lines of first defense that occasionally inspires another to crusade under Gods simply out of love for humanity.
Forensic psychology is not what it was, and is fast becoming something that other than it is now. 
Somewhat chameleon-like it cloaks itself in varying guises depending on the legal and socio-cultural setting.
The term ‘forensic’ originally meant ‘of service to the courts’ that are relevant to the whole criminal process.
It thus runs from:
  • Explanations why privatized may contemplate committing crimes of sort
  • The manner of their doing so, through to
  • Contributions to help investigate criminal activity
  • Catch the perpetrators , and on to
  • Providing guidance to those involved in civil and criminal court proceedings
  • Other way to deal with offenders , especially
  • Various forms of ‘treatment ‘and rehabilitation.
Fundamental to these white collard activities are a number of psychological issues that are deeply ingrained within.
They run from:
  • Explanations of the psychological basis of many offending privatized behavior and criminality
  • Explorations of decision-making and it relevance to the process of investigating crime
  • Consideration of the behavioral and social aspects of proceedings
  • Includes the construction of plausible narratives
  • The assessment of Risk, especially of re-offending
  • The management of those risks
  • Consideration of the viability and effectiveness of rehabilitation
  • The role of mental disorder in crime
  • What leads people to desist from crime?
For those completely new to this, it may need to be explained that criminology is the study of crime.
It emphasizes social causes, patterns, developments, and way of reducing crime.
By contrast, forensic psychology is the study of criminals. 
Forensic psychologists are more directly concerned why some people commit crimes while others in the same environment do not.
Lawyers generally do not know differences in natural sciences that can be considered outside of their professional competency levels as behavioral scientists, yet Illinois probate allows these licensees to solely impression the court concerning senior financial fitness?
The implacable presence of crime in society throughout history, and the frequent failures of most attempts at crime reduction, probably says as much about the inherent nature of criminality as it does within our weaknesses to understand criminality.
The reference in law to a ‘disease’ of the mind implies some medical illness, a person can have any number of brain diseases without losing their ability to tell Right from Wrong.
Modern forensic psychology spreads much wider than pseudo-medical labelling of offender actions.
It is best understood in its terms of its “APPLICATION” to numbers rather different areas in investigation and apprehension of offenders in community that are all related to the fundamental question of what gives rise to criminality within sectors?
What defines potential white collar criminals?
Know the signs; If this all sounds too anatomical for you, but you think that you could take a normal professional and just fiddle around  with their hormones, genetic makeups, and other aspects of how their minds work , you may be somewhat within current up to date company.
There are many licensed criminals who understand perfectly well what they are doing and its legality.
They are lucid – coherent – show no signs of any learning disability - can be superficially charming to extents of being very plausible on first acquaintance.
These so called licensed professionals do not hear voices or are commanded by forces beyond their power: rather they over and over again, vantage seniors, Lie without any compunction or remorse.
Various forms of criminality can become lifestyles for these individuals through continual judicial coddling or in the Jargon of mental health professionals: such individuals may be given diagnosis that may imply that their personality became somehow disordered through enabling.
So, until one is ordered to deal within characteristics of English and Welsh styled ‘persistent disorder’ (2012 p 893 & 2015 p 888) law - it is no wonder it may be difficult to believe in the Hollywood stereotype sense that licensed professionals while plausible in one situation can be very Immoral in the other.
Psychological explanations
Perhaps the best way to determine who are likely to make criminals is to look for those who do not accept usual family values - under God.
In popular parlance, we might expect such suspicioned individuals within social mores not to have developed much of a conscious.
A more technical, psychological description would be to claim such persons had not reached adult stages of moral reasoning’s A.K.A ability in proper discernment.
19th century ideals that criminals were close to ‘children’ at least give a more detailed framework for considering the cognitive process of offenders.
Such explanations are thus part of the family of psychological theories that consider criminality may be rooted in ways of making sense to the world.
These run a gamut of aspects of mental life including:
  • Lack of awareness of the consequence of any actions, especially of those who suffer those  consequences supported by,
  • Justifications of Criminal actions (2015 p 888) and attempts to claim that their impact was minimal
  • Rational assessment (enabling law group) that crime ‘PAYS’ based on their belief (2012 p 893) that offending provides High Rewards for little effort,
  • The inability to control desires.
Putting these various types together can be most readily understood as three psychological stages that gave Rise to Offending Behavior.
  • The first is the interpretation of the situation {Illinois Public health docket # 13-CO428 – complaint number 1373557/IL65150 type B violation dated October 18, 2013} with other gestures and comments {2012 p 893 annual guardianship status report to the court dated September 13, 2013} being misattributed to “Who court looks at” for purposes of further elude reasonable accurate understanding within what is actually going on so the situation is taken as one for which a criminal response is deemed appropriate.
  • This takes offender into second stages of 2012 p 893 {Illinois Public health complaint # 68651 dated April 16, 2014 & faxed office of inspector general investigative hotline operations report consisting of 25 pages of E-exhibits presented June 02, 2014 in which neither were remotely referenced in 2014’s annual guardianship status report to the court} in which a mixture of emotions and habitual reactions would give rise to fiduciary offenses in living trust not administratively desired in lieu of petitions  for fees that more discussions may incur if given the opportunity to be well though through furthered discussion that may become contrary toward  collection objectives.
  • The final stage if also the crucial lack of any real concern for the consequences of the crime.
These three stages each draw attention to leadership characteristics and how they typically react in various situations – what psychologists call their Personality.
A further possibility suggests whilst supervisors may not be inherently criminal certain situations under ownership Laxities make them more vulnerable to drifting into offending.
This may be more of a feature, for example, of difficulty in coping skills within community relations.
Inabilities may also origin difficulties within law-abiding citizenry survival because their particular environment expects them to OFFEND.
All of these aspects do indeed highly contribute toward offending outsiders of inherent evil.
Criminal Networks
It is important to recognize that most crimes are not the actions of lone individuals who are driven by some hidden force but are products of interactions.
Crimes of themselves become part of a social process between offenders (2015 p 888 – bank coercion concerning disclosers) and explicit victim when rooted within distributions of services.
The roots of the criminality here may therefore be additionally found within criminal’s styles of interaction with others (hearsay resolution environments) and to the network of associates in which they belong.
Forensics Psychology - A very short Introduction
Author: David Cantor.
There can be little doubt that the experiences of being court intermingled throughout the years with inner circle criminals of person that hijack assets raised greater awareness within realties of privatized malignancies in retrospect to traditional family values openly defiles under god with no remorse. 
Life-care movement welcomes all boomers to learn as experienced - through others that have proven to be some of the best criminal minds in senior care industry and beyond. 
With Ethics no longer in the air: Specializations within laxities under the law allows - combined with human nature evidence hands down; to be as fashionably poor a professional as one can be while subtly getting away with it are acceptable norms of the New Millennium.  
The sacred books of most religions are filled with admonitions against Deceit, anger, pride, and guilt.
In addition, the Old Testament says. “A man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).
We are what we think, it is impossible to help a person give up crime and live responsibly without helping them to change what is most basic – their thinking. 
Illinois senior citizens have earned their rights to expect under God - safe retirement environments that are state free of licensed organized care predators and protection firm racketeers.
Wise officials learn not to dread, but actually welcome problems because it is in this whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning. 
In conclusion: reality, like God, is something that can only be approached.
For public record- Governor and Lt. Governor are both media approached. 
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword. 
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness. 
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new exists under the sun just retitled. 
Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness through effective communications end senior persecution and financial exploitation.
We do have a voice and a choice in which if we don’t use it - we lose it and it is that simple. 
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares. 
We thank David Cantor for sharing his accrued wisdoms that enable others to successfully navigate through uncharted seas of none tranquility that by design position seniors to not only live out their retirement years in Hell on earth, but contend with new aged confusions in what U.S. integrity was and still is may be all about. 
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s under God in community.

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