
Friday, July 1, 2016

We the people call for Cleansing of our nation’s truest devil’s advocate - the unethical Law group profiteer that promotes incivility abroad.

The old topical emphasis had been on “cleansing the profession,” removing a few bad apples who committed serious offenses.
This was cheap; annual spending on discipline in the united states as late as 1975 was only $18.00 per lawyer. But cleansing for all its attention to the honor of the legal profession was not responsive to most of the public’s concerns about lawyers. 
And so, it gave way to a philosophy of deterrence and rehabilitation, a philosophy supported by the aggressive New Breed of Bar council who were increasingly making careers of Investigating and prosecuting disciplinary cases.
The disciplinary process during this period was user friendly, with intake personnel helping clients prepare complaints. It also began to respond even to minor grievances.
Life-care side note: founder intends to test Illinois ARDC concerning (2012 p 893 & 2015 p 888) and will report back to the public - what still holds water and what no longer does in 2016.
In the 1990’s the number of lawyers sanctioned rose considerably faster than did Bar Membership, through Disbarments and suspensions – the traditional cleansing sanctions – dwindled in favor of Public censure, restitution, probation, and eventually fines.
Illinois highly evidences from life-care perspective- greater need of lawyer rehabilitative counseling programs that focus upon problematic poor office management skills.
Policy makers began to dimly perceive the disciplinary implications of all this in the 70’s and 80’s.
Though the disciplinary agencies of the period only had jurisdiction over individuals, a few curious provisions in the old ABA code of Professional responsibility were addressed to Law Firms as well as lawyers.
An example was DR 9-102(A), requiring lawyers and law firms to keep client funds in trust accounts.
In 1983, the model rule of Professional Conduct began to turn issues of entity governance in to ethical issues.
Life care side note: movement intends to initiate over individual complaints - additional law group ethics review and focused managing lawyer’s probe within areas in fiduciary duty lacks.
To maximize detection and minimize administrative expense, NDCLAP rules call for a substantial reduction in Discipline whenever a practice entity comes forward and reports its own Ethical Violations.
This carrot has proven much more effective than the twentieth – century stick of requiring lawyers to report violations.
It has even encouraged practice entities to form their own ethical compliance officers, which in turn help to prevent and deter wrong doings.
Sanctions are also reduced whenever an accused firm can show that it had appropriate Monitoring Procedures in place at the time of an underlying infraction by a “Rouge” Lawyer. 

Life care side Note: grass root movement on behalf of senior America strongly formally encourages Chicago based Law Group to voluntarily turn themselves in concerning partaking’s within 18th judicial 2012 p 893 & 2015 p 888 cases.
“Habilitation “or more Crime?
Life-care movement has not only presented and elaborated many of the ideas of professional training seminars and workshops commonly found throughout the United States, Canada and England.
Interests are steadily growing among people who work day to day in the trenches of senior finial offenders refereeing to professionals in the fields of corrections, mental health, education, law enforcement, social work, and the clergy.
Referenced famed Dr. Yochelson’s along with Dr. Pecks principles have been adapted and implemented in a variety of institutional and community programs.
These efforts have well proven by demonstrate that a Demanding Program that corrects the thinking patterns of the criminal minded and holds them accountable for implementation of corrective patterns to be effective.
As they begin, no criminal minded can be aware of all that it will take to change.
Some criminal minded will not be interested in finding out and, from the beginning will reject any opportunity to reform.
Some will make a Stab at changing on their own, but in time abandon it.
Criminal minded who refuse to change remains a Danger and Society must be protected from them!
Those white collard’s who are amendable should be offered the opportunity to participate while monitored in an intensive program designed to help them make fundamental changes in their thinking and behavior.   
The most important part of the change process transpires in community.
It is a Pipe dream to allow by demonstrates the white collar criminal minded without guidance, and expect them to function responsibly in a world under god in which they are not equipped.
It would be like insisting that Two-Year-Old construct an elaborate computer program.
Once the white collar criminal minded are identified - monitoring helps them change that must continue in the community on an intensive basis. 
Because monitoring technology exists within the Illinois secretary of state office – white collar licensed community offenders can be more effectively than ever before be disqualified from furthered practice as professional habilitative effort that is somewhat less risky while benefitting community.
Society need then only rely on the criminal minders fiduciary good faith under God - as overseer.
How long does the career criminal minded process take?
Clearly topical Illinois task at hand is the greatest in comparison to national statistics.
There is a wide variation in the time required, depending on how quickly a criminal minded gets down to business.
If a criminal minded licensed businesses or legal groups seize upon the opportunity to change as “Life Line” they can complete intensive phase of their assigned program generally within one year to include regular scheduled periods of follow ups thereafter.
Change demands not only business offenders remain arrest-free, but they also experience a diminution of their desire to commit financial crimes.
Business financial Offenders against community must account for how they spend their time that must establish stable work patterns.
Life-care Program does not require new types of facilities or tremendous manpower.
All that is required is personnel must be highly trained and familiar with the thinking and behavior patterns of financial asset criminals.  
Cadres of psychiatrics and psychologists are generally not required toward helping asset criminal’s change.
Rather, the concepts and methods are straight forward and can be transmitted by individuals that do not hold advanced degrees, but who do have the Dedication and Stamina for this Arduous Word.
To undertake this task, individuals must have a blend of Firmness, compassion, and a Lot of Patience, because quick results are unlikely.
Life care side Note: founder holds record of patience within stemming form 2012 in all trust affairs.
The commission working in the instruction of community, guiding topical financial criminal minded will show compassion by not Shedding proverbial tears, but by devoting considerable time and effort to a monumental undertaking that has Life-and –Death senior importance’s to both society and the financial criminal not obstructed by lengthy impervious meetings and stacks of paperwork bureaucracy that result in being had.
An effective program of change places total responsibility upon each senior financial criminal in trust that has the opportunity and capability of making new choices.
The approach to the senior financial white collar criminal in living trust involves focusing not on what happens to them, rather on what they do to others.
Senior financial criminals cannot be forced to change; they must reach a point when they become fed up with selves and, consequently, desire to change within three paths – change, or career suicide.
Many offenders in the new age trend path four: to appear responsible while engaging in violations on the side.
Partial program participation is analogous to being a little Bit Pregnant is not a viable option.
An established business within senior community-either shuts the door on financial crimes completely or not at all. The parable here to the monetary addict is total abstinence.
One financial hijacking becomes the substance, then the needle, and in time the junkie not only reverts back to where they were but worse.
Prevention of senior financial privatized behaviors is preferable to Society having to cope with individual business providers who become singular walking crime waves.
Citizen’s trend to pay lip service to preventing licensed white collar criminal minded activities while officials tend to do considerable foot-dragging’s in identifying at risk privatized care providers or law groups.
But surely modern society knows enough to identify, without pejoratively labeling those who show expanding and intensified patterns of destructive behaviors.
Educators are urged as we have all seen in approach described to responsibly intervene before another generation is entrenched in Criminal Lifestyles. 
They must regard concepts of responsibility as simple enough to transmit, in proper format, to students in primary grades before it is too late.
The issues that grass root life-care movement has addressed are as old as mankind.
The power to choose, free will, good versus evil, response to temptations, courage or cowardice in the face of adversity within the ten commandments enjoin human beings from certain crimes , and the Golden Rule, “Love thy neighbor as thyself” offers a guide for living.
The sacred books of most religions are filled with admonitions against Deceit, anger, pride, and guilt.
In addition, the Old Testament says. “A man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).
We are what we think, it is impossible to help a person give up crime and live responsibly without helping them to change what is most basic – their thinking.
The conceptional savings to society even of minority proportions overall benefits positive sociologic evolution.
So far as senior watchmen- whiteness; societally- many new agers are not only missing integral boats altogether but additionally appear not to hold any relative knowledge within ethical ball park fields of play.
Illinois senior citizens have earned their rights to expect under God - safe retirement environments that are state free of licensed organized care predators and protection firm racketeers.
Wise officials learn not to dread, but actually welcome problems because it is in this whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning.
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword. 
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness.
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new exists under the sun just retitled.
Situational reference materials:
Inside The Criminal Mind – revised updated edition
Author: Stanton E. Samenow, PH.D.
Ethics and the legal profession – second edition
Edited by: Elliot D. Cohen & Michael Davis with Frederick A. Elliston
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further along the Road Less Traveled & meditations from the road and the different drum.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology
Criminal Psychology- A beginner’s guide
Co Authors: Ray Bull, Claire Cooke, Ruth Hatcher, Jessica Woodhams, Charlotte Bilby and Tim Grant.    
Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness through effective communications that end financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice.
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares. 
We thank all law Ethics editors, authors, and Psychology authors for sharing their intuitive under God perspectives, Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas of none tranquility that may save others from potentials within true Hell on earth- new aged confusions- concerning what U.S. integrity was and still is all about. 

Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s. 

1 comment:

  1. Life-care Program does not require new types of facilities or tremendous manpower.
    All that is required is personnel must be highly trained and familiar with the thinking and behavior patterns of financial asset criminals.

    Prevention of senior financial privatized behaviors is preferable to Society having to cope with individual business providers who become singular walking crime waves.
