
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Can improper issuance of Special needs trusts simultaneously serve as oppression tool that unduly maintains statuses quo?

Evil sin and other distinctions behind 18th judicial order 2015 p 888 compass the truly evil do indeed reside outside of jail.
They are viewed as ordinary; they reside down any street and are considered solid citizens.
Yet these solid citizens pervert document integrity into blatant rights violates while hoping to somehow sanction their uncivil fiduciary disobedience.
While nothing relatively new exists under hocus - pokus's sun; tokenism still administers applied socialisms all for wrong reasoning’s in which society as whole must draw its line.
Corruption is as old as the oldest profession itself in which both sell out for ill-gotten gains.
Any chairman who demonstrates no interest in departmental head misconduct compassing outside influence - not only compromises overall departmental and depositor integrity but can be pinioned no longer fit to be seated in board of directors having placed special interests ahead of bank. 
While banks structure was generally found illusive compared to most, if currently issuing stocks - all Stockholders are urged to proxy for the good of the institution in demand of immediate board of director’s investigate and shareholder report issued once concluded.
There are laws that dictate to greater or lesser degrees - irregardless cheating is cheating.
Defrauding an institution, depositor or both are deeds that contain lies and betrayals that are inexcusable under any circumstance under god.
For these reasons I publicly proclaim necessity of Trust as well as asset removals out from under questionable jurisdictions within safety of Federal bank protection.
The worst do it blatantly, even compulsively.
Whether improper deeds are done consciously or unconsciously is of no matter, the betrayal occurred.
Though we all sin within certain perimeters of acceptability there are others whose evil cannot be strictly defined by the magnitude of their sins or the illegality of their deeds.
What this means in simplest terms is it is not the sin per se that characterizes rather it is the subtly and persistency that distinguishes sin form evil.
Hopefully decision to summons in complaint IRS Ombudsmen concerning intertwined trust administrations and strength behind agency that is greater than all will settle outstanding tabled arguments in justices name under God once and FOR ALL.
Carl Jung’s shadow here is fiduciary un-reputable guardianship company imposing vindictiveness over declarations in living trust and certified medical opinion from legal perspective.
This shadow contains all things that would rather not be owned up to, that continually try’s to hide from public consciousness while not doing a very good job sweeping all under rugs.
Jung’s referral to ‘refusal’ implies something far more active concerning those who have crossed over the line of moral decency.
Refusals Common denominator is to bear its pain, in other words none acknowledgement make acts evil when intelligent professionals in most respects hold specific unwillingness to face their shadow and why grass root Life-care movement was created on behalf of unduly oppressed seniors.
Greater Consciousness is direct enemy of imperiousness that keeps society stuck within its inefficiency and incompetence. 
So here we have another good reason well within proper growth stimulates positive evolution while criminality historically remains in dark ages that did not endure tests of time.
For all Shakespearians the question now becomes to be that can pinpoint various capabilities and talents that allow us to properly meet life’s demands or no longer be that at best can only cater toward survival of the fittest, is our question?
It is quite evident while many seniors reside within literal hell in hand basket scenarios , under god still mysteriously provides ever strengthening minority vehicles for the exercise of observing unbridled egos.
These exercises are crucial, they enable another to transcend into broader dimensions that are better prepared to decide when to express the essence of who we are and what under God truly represents.
True leadership worthy of position hold transcended ego to points that can effectively orchestrate as humanities conductor that has come to terms with their superiority and sense of humility.
Unfortunately while many claim to be - demonstrates frequently arch eyebrows otherwise.
The alternative – not to meet demands of life on life’s terms – means we end up losing more than the roots of righteousness under god, we become forced to live under its inherent Mental Illnesses. 
Those who are most healthy learn not to dread but actually welcome problems, although total triumphs are never guaranteed, every time we face our shadows head on and resolve our internal problem that is when society at large can claim accurate growth.
Sanctioned pilferages of senior assets within any sector under rule treated as fair game can never be justified in world’s community.
Not everyone can have the impact of a Rosa Parks, but we each can take a stand in the struggle against all kinds of incivility administered in which all battles that make differences start at home.
Illinois senior citizens have earned their right to expect under God not only fiduciary nursing facilities but safe retirement environments while still abroad state free of  tokened care predators and law group racketeers that feed off of all.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated statuses and stories of past in real time perspective.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Not for profit-senior community service shares promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank M. Scott Peck M.D plus providing Library for sharing accrued wisdoms and lecture series that enable others to successfully navigate through uncharted seas in none tranquility that by design place seniors to live out their retirement years in pure Hell, but further contend with new aged confusions concerning what U.S. integrity was and may be still all about.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s under God in God benefiting community.
Know the signs; criminally minded are licensed, bonded and insured that understand perfectly well what they are doing and the legalities involved when caught.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares through media and photographic enhancements.

1 comment:

  1. Any chairman who demonstrates no interest in departmental head misconduct compassing outside influence - not only compromises overall departmental and depositor integrity but can be pinioned no longer fit to be seated in board of directors having placed special interests ahead of bank.

    While banks structure was generally found illusive compared to most, if currently issuing stocks - all Stockholders are urged to proxy for the good of the institution in demand of immediate board of director’s investigate and shareholder report issued once concluded.
