
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Do formations of asset retention consortium rings present general public financial safety threats?

From life-care movement perspective referencing both 18th judicial 2012 p 893 & subsequent 2012 p 888 forensic topically existence of societal threats requiring associations disbanded.
Most common criminal thinking patterns are not so much convoluted as simplistic and one dimensional.
As evidenced through multiple requests toward compliance inaction's compass disorder that does not take responsibility for their choices. 
Additionally case scenarios evidence traits of perceived attitudes in ownership or what can be referred to as sense of disordered entitlement. 
Medically characteristically within is cockiness that border on narcissism's. 
Those with extreme problematic sense of entitlement are generally calculative and possess no regard for people, their property, or rights.
While all want and are entitled under god to seek the best, what undercuts positive evolution is how one goes about achieving the American dream. 
The crux of all social ills can be found within disordered thinking’s that become offended by others who want bests for selves viewed none deserving.
What scenario suggests are two things one being existence of Superiority complex and secondly mental condition may hold narcissistic values willing to violate others by Discrimination, Exploitation, and Oppression that will go to any length to further deny same rights, opportunities, and access to valued resources.
For public record: founder currently finds self-entangled through no fault of own within all forms of this type of successor trustee bank thinking and hesitant state regulatory agency concerning the obvious that can be compared to Black Sox world series outcome of record. 
Sin as collective irresponsibility 
There historically are many ways to withhold acknowledgement of personal responsibility for wrongdoings that exclude public awareness making sin temporarily disappear - reserved another day.  
Within primitive times restrictions and demands of taboos were very strong and conformity to tribal norm was enforced within iron fist.
As societies grow in size they grow in complexity, organizational form, and persons tend to become the people consolidated. 
The group versus the individual 
All of us know well enough, but seldom think about consequences with respect to moral standards.
Groups in the New Millennium forensic avoidance of all fiduciary responsibility primarily set up to only benefit selves. 
What makes a consortium is its methods of thinking must be similar because they involve cooperative endeavors of several people acting to direct other people making groups within a group.
Example could consist of law group as front holds entity cells that deploy seeking same profiled goals. 
Professor Irving Janis of Yale University coined the word “Group Think” for a kind of self-deception that groups of people working together fall into under the “Shadow” of the Sin of Group Pride.
Generally drives for consensus are reserved at all costs for the all mighty while all others are suppressed from honest discussion among corridors as mechanized robots. 
Bay of Pigs serves historically as reminder that in spite of the advantages of all mighty group decisions there is also great dangers within thinking can produce prodigious blunders that any individual might have avoided.
This is exactly were founder resides within bank as theoretical Bay of Pigs.
For example: why would any desire to compensate VP exuberant brokerage fees based upon what may be implied within undisclosed document while order does not legally disable person?  
Systems of group think 
Studies of high level decision makers compass prime among many share illusions of invulnerability that lead to optimisms willing to take extraordinary risks.
Planners are programmed mind set (AKA brainwashed) to disregard all risks despite warnings and construct rationalizations to discount them. 
The victims of in vulnerabilities thinking generally are found among their inner groups sin of unquestioned beliefs in the inherent Morality of their in-group actions, inclining its members to ignore the Ethical and Moral consequences of their decisions AKA lambs set up for slaughter as needed.
Life-care side note: Plaintiff within 2015 p 888 contends founder incapable of recognizing fraud and perhaps reality is I recognize it all too well within comfort zone requires Fixed assistance?
Fearful recognition of the politically backed to be greater than all. 
Victims only victimize selves that enable unethical conduct growths to re-victimize when stereotyped views counted upon hold shadows seen so evil that there is no warrant for arbitration, negotiation, or just too weak or stupid to put up an effective defense.
When this happens all become part of the problem rather than solution in which society at large must eventually at great expense disband what it can no longer afford to support. 
Some of the symptoms forensic inadequacies within problem solving skills able to deal with own creation of making. 
Among these are limitations of discussion to only a few alternative courses of actions.
Failure to reexamine initially preferred now discarded courses of actions.
Failures to recognize information from expert re-estimates losses and gains from alternate action.
Life-care side note: Good generalship fiduciary rarely opens cans of worms holding potentials of greater lose concerning federal and state tax refunds illegally withheld while obstructed. 
What both 2012 p 893 escalated to 2015 p 888 forensic is formation of micro (law group) society containing (Tribes within) expectant of various splits are concurrently arguing among selves over pie.
Unspeakable or unforgivable as scenario may be none the less internal tensions produced destructive processes no better than what was done to out American Indians for purposes of weakening resistance to external pressures and profiteer attacks that divide and conquer! 
What the action of a few bad apples reflects not only toward professions but to the world is that the people of the United States while under God have almost no sense of guilt.
What minority titlist through unspoken word combined with unwritten social contacts compass in demonstrates are immediate necessities of codes in Morality reinstated before falling into Genocide. 
What’s opined in need are not more slick – smooth talking politicians, but rather rebirth of our romantic, picturesque but rugged forefathers that did not represent world war II’s misguided forebears.
Our Individualist ancestors had to Win, Conquer the wilderness, break out the prairie and win the west.
Let face it while integrity currently holds no ethnics left in the air limited to choose between lesser of two evils suggest seniors slated to be profiled out (AKA) obsoletes into socialism as easiest recourse rather than implementing in effective controls over titlist unbridled aggression's having produced more system devils than known what to do with that literally pay no taxes as citizenry deadbeats.
Indeed titlists forensic to have already declared social war against Middle America and all defenseless that get in their way as self-appointed Johnnies that desire to come marching home under concepts of fatherlands. 
The whole business of societal war is horrible-irrational-despicable business, as archaic traditional method of deciding disputed points within whose survival is a disgrace to and refutation of civilization.
At this point one must wonder within all that is titlist wrong while stuck in superstitions of yesteryear unwilling to agree to agree within permanent taboo’s that only lead to suicidal courses of continued incivility and eventual financial cannibalism's survival of the fittest, why moral people should not just liquidate all assets, pack up, and migrate to Canada? 
Books referenced:
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
Whatever Became of Sin?
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at just the right time when gnawing’s in dissatisfaction's are felt saying nothing new exists under the sun only reinstatement's within failures of yesteryear re-titled. 
Carl Jung ascribes the root of all human evil to “The Refusal to meet its shadow.”
Jung meant the part of our minds that contain those things rather not owned up to baggage that are continually attempted to be swept under consciousness’s rug.  
Those who are fit when pushed up against the wall by evidenced imperfections acknowledge their shadow and correct. 
Not so with unfit by the use of his word refusal, what Jung meant is far more active.
Those who have crossed over the line that separates Sin from Evil are characterized most by their absoluteness in refusal to tolerate any sense of their own sinful imperiousness.
Characteristically what many times clinically borderline central defect of problematic proportions, is not that they have no conscious but refuse to bear its pain.
Another-words, it’s not the Sin itself but the malignant ignorance to acknowledge that make acts Evil. 
The power to choose; good versus evil - response to temptations - courage or cowardice in the face of adversity within the ten commandments enjoin human beings from certain crimes.
Golden Rule concepts within: “Love thy neighbor as thyself” offer guides that not only pertain toward privatized business but living as well. 
What distinguishes ordinary sin from blatant Evil stem within being unduly cast into requiring bounty hunts before the law can be said to have correctly applied. 
Illinois senior citizens have served and earned their right to expect under God state safe institutions, facilities, and practices not of consortium natures that place fiduciary integrity first over bottom lines that will go to any length to secure undue amenities, perks, or exotic retreats at expense of citizenry.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status and stories of yesteryear that relate in real time perspective. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences through effective communications promoting better educational awareness.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares. 
We thank Doctors; M. Scott Peck - Karl Menninger and providing learning center libraries for sharing accrued wisdom's that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design that currently place senior solvency in hell’s kitchen to be succumbed as one pleases. 
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for; in god, under God securing family evolution.
The miracle here is while still under siege; god’s grace through Trinity provides daily in accordance to his will having not given up on all just quite yet in Jesus

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