
Monday, August 1, 2016

Do law groups encourage institutions to go bad?

Indeed 18th judicial cases 2012 P 893 & 2015 p 888 both forensic influence behind institutional unsoundness’s required State agency corrections to have said the law was applied.
IF Illinois taxpayers did not have enough burdens, why would we welcome more from failed probate system that does not know what to do with its flock? 
Additionally this tells taxpayers:  not only do our courts need  help, but presiding regulators hold little regard of convent in community and relatively no regard toward senior safety abroad.
Common denominators forensic: state system holds no real sense of up to date direction that not only enable no man’s land mentalities but demonstrates to be currently under siege through easy out orders that equate- survival of the fittest. WOW and if that is not third world barbarism than what is?
Edited Reference: Forensic psychology – A very short introduction by David Cantor
Historically, justice has been conceived of in the most diverse terms.
The great ideas: (Chicago – Encyclopedia Britannica, 1952) lists and discusses many of these things still questioned to this day citing over a thousand supportive references.
Some of these authorities many have read about while others very few while United States television takes things in stride.
Professional Wordsmithing by the criminal minded has become national pastime that elude precise usage by metamorphosis into scores of shades in meaning - apt to be more rhetorical than useful in elimination of fiduciary unsoundness. 
The Sioux Indians and some other tribes used to make ‘COU’ by a dash into the most dangerous combat areas, sometimes getting out with Proof of the possessor’s Courage, bigness, Importance.
Such an act wiped out all suspicion that one was “INSIGNIFICANT”, “IMPOTENT”, “INCOMPETENT”, merely tolerated member of the group.
The wheel of misfortune spins around and around …. And those who depart hope that they will be able to adjust to “The Fixed Wheel.”
This is where life-care founder has been, continues, and will remain engaged benefitting seniors in community as all eventually arrive.
The Cold War of Senior bigotry
As described within 18th judicial cases (2012 p 893 & 2015 p 888) what can our helping officials offer voting Boomers that will end senior social injustice?
The sad fact in reality is that judicial misunderstandings fueled by chronic attorney antagonisms compass upcoming senior generation must draft own retirement constitution if hopes to remain solvent.
What has happened to this country that allows state in the union claiming under God too require senior residents not only defend selves against system trannies but outside financial aggressors as well.   
Dilemma by no means dignifies our classic national pose to the world but rather pays Tribute to the Capone era that treated those only with {Hard Cash} benefit of privilege in good sense - provides weekly Ham sandwiches subject to increases payable within notice  upon demand and no complaints.
The modern derivative consists of ordered asset environment fundamentally invoice open wallet philosophies with the same amount of rights to just say No. 
Modern law places little importance on hard facts over rhetoric as king.
Many seniors do not understand why Probate systems allow jumbling of the facts based upon clumsily and often self-defeating precedents - continue to lend support to such a system after discoveries of the past have become knowledge? 
Seniors voters’ further question how such matters of importance can be coolly ignored and flouted in districts - that are no longer mysteries but now common sense and why should these sleepwalkers remain on our dime?
For state to have allowed setup of county probate machine if caricatured would reveal; Law group lawyer flying backwards, Bizarre Bench recognitions, Chaos controls senior’s fate and order of things sidelines defending attorneys as spectator.
Edited Reference: The Crime of Punishment by Karl Menninger, M.D
An old Shaker song goes Tis is a gift to be simple - Tis a gift to be free.
Many seniors are beginning to agree within these sentiments.
Never has there been a time where retirees are cluttered with more social unsavoriness and its bureaucratic unsoundness than in the New Millennium.
The more unbridled Third Reich millennialists - the next generation -adds to their version of the Good life evermore goes wrong under God.
These ideals based on narrow minded nothingness add greater havoc not only to our nation’s souls but environments as well.
Jesus teaches us that true freedoms are not solely found in having but keeping under God and God’s will first in our hearts. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
What upcoming retirement population really needs are Integral leaders under God still able to recognize first things first and what matters most according to that document the Nine men in Washington are always talking about that frowns upon busting’s of legitimate trusts.
Simplicity asks to be let go out from under tangles of unsound wants so it can receive the simple gifts of life that cannot be taken away.
Edited Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices that transform us by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun
Accountability and structure
Under God is about interdependence and with it there are two different roles that come into play: Accountability and Structure. 
Seniors expect fiduciary roles- ordered or not- integrally lived up to on concurrent basses or simply levels of trustworthiness neither require step-in nor take over due to agonizing emptiness of unknowns. 
Beyond reasonable doubt; experienced Life-care shot gun marriages (2012 p 893 & 2015 p 888) were unhealthy beds of Roses wished upon no other.
These cases hold poor system collaborations that look quite ugly.
Virtually every business school has mandatory courses entitled like “Organizational Theory.”
In addition standardized thick textbooks with the same title lay out full ranges of organizational structures for business owners and C.E.O’s to choose from.
Both have one endeavor theory - that is contingent upon the “Purpose” of the collective organization. 
Among other factors are recruitment must draw same type of people within what is manufactured. 
Goodness cannot be stereotyped it must come within in and fundamentally integral organizations rarely find need of specialized tricksters in trade.
Trusts like corporations require disciplined accountability structures. 
Any important decision must be made conjointly and why ordered bank now up on state complaint. 
Bank board of directors should be familiar with term “The Authority of Knowledge.” That depositor can fulfill his role without any day to day oversight precisely because he has authority over by certified medical report from legal perspective in which you’re departmental V.P. in formal depositor demand has requested full document disclose and  Snap shot of account activities for inspection and warranted irrigations concerning substantial deficit overdue.
While chains of command very from business to institutions -life-care movement pinions this buck stops with all board of directors.   
Because we have had bad experiences with Hierarchical organizations we naturally distrust and by demonstrates must question on behalf of senior trust safety what purpose in bank organizational theory are currently being deployed?
Once again a Solvency paradox of life must be confronted concerning what way ordered bank is flowing and should interferences be deployed no matter how much they may hate me for it.
As I see it scenario is no brainier: another has unsoundly planned for me over my own mother’s sacrifices, desires and wishes offend family honor.
My mother would not be proud of me if I placed my tail between my legs and ran like a scarred dog.
God’s Marines under Jesus are the ways that bless our continent.
The most important part of the change process transpires in community.
It is a Pipe dream to expect dysfunction to function responsibly in which not equipped to do so.
I know my mother never intended for my retirement years in the U.S. to be so hard while my father and his father’s father and grandfathers alike are rolling over in their graves concerning legacies dishonorably Stolen while saying what in the Hell did we serve this county for?
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword. 
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness.
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.
Growing increases of no ethics in the air compass to have educated more immoral devils then we know what to do with - let alone set down.
Democracy just doesn’t happen; it must be fought for holding all right reasoning’s under God, in God, benefiting community at large.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated statuses in real time perspective.
Not for profit educational Senior community service shares through effective communications.
 You do have a voice and Life-care movement cares.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in neither extensions of self-help recovery topical shares nor supportive media or accompanying Jpegs.

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