
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Do licensees have their glasses on backwards that take down empires?

Unbridled titlist greed is certainly destined to re-summons depression and next generation’s larcenies that make hall of shame history books.
Evidences indeed compass not only to have arrived, but senior assets are being routinely unconstitutionally predestined within probate sectors that exclude  bills of rights for purposes of gaining unchallenged environments that ensure privatized subsidies’ status quo vehicle’d through memberships of unwritten contacts and unpublished ethics codes.
One may be thinking how absurd within Buck Rogers’s proportion.
In reality- not at all having already arrived; let’s face it social security acquisitions do not buy Mercedes while supplemental Medicare’s margin under tokenism do not purchase exquisite treats or elaborate retreats. 
The only way consortium materialism of sort can be easily nourished requires retirement/beneficiary monies inquisition combined with weak probate administrators and those Socrates lawyer traders that maintain inner visions of furthered ecstasies. 
Seniors of means are subject to what can be considered hostile privatized acquisitions - in corporate takeover - that were not afforded subsequent rules or protections that normally nullify unsound mergers. 
Can what is spoke of be only the isolated acts of handful of corrupt bad apples, perhaps, but forensics tells us if they are allowed to continue within eventually the whole industry bunch will become contaminated and spoil the whole bunch. 
Is there no self-preservation for the healthy bunch subject to industry public scrutiny?
Within Ezekiel - indeed utilizing righteous concepts under god concerning am I not my brother’s keeper easily found in the Reagan national bible (as owner’s manual) tells stories of what must be done that saves the bunch. 
Holy Communion is the cure that restores community also known as the Lord’s Supper. 
The significance of the Lord’s Supper is revealed in its sacramental nature.
A sacrament is an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible reality.
Holy Communion invites us into deeper unity and community with Jesus and his body.
Christ’s body and blood were sacrificed for us and his sacrifice under God becomes pattern of journey. 
Explaining mysteries that may be beyond us does not mean we cannot participate in it under communion. 
Though many may feel alone and not part of the train of God-under god, the meal reminds us that we belong because of Jesus and all will be well. 
Years ago Tim Keller used this illustration from ‘The lord of the Rings’ to convey the immense meaning of the Lord’s Table. 
Enemies and dreaded weapons pummel the wall of the city.
As the city gates begin to give way dooms defeat toke hold. 
The Evil dark lord grimly claims city for self.
But in that moment of black despair the Riders of come charging, blowing their horns.
J .R. R. Tolkien writes in ‘The lord in the Rings’; The return of the King, “Pippen rose to his feet … and he stood listening to the Horns, and it seemed to him that they would break his heart with Joy.
And never in after years could he hear a horn blown in the distance without tears starting in his eyes.” 
The Lord’s Supper reminds us that when the Dark lord looms before us shrieking “ALL IS LOST” the lord of the light steps forth. 
Those of the Evil will go to any length to oppress consciousness while advocates collect souls through deals so no other while partaking will ever taste the redemption cost of God and his ability to call us home. 
Devils advocates can certainly trick one out of their own soul, but what the devil cannot do is overpower circumstances that put the power of God on one’s side. 
While innocence renders mistakes; rule for life within desire to live a sane and holly rhythm that reflects a deep love for God and respect for how he has made us provides necessary spirit that can be further graced by the trinity toward greater community purpose that as result enables one to return home. 
Scripture commandments tell many a story in sameness neither too much to endure nor out of reach in comparison what has been done for you today. I have placed in front of you the life of God.
The one who calls urges all to walk in his ways and choose life over certain deaths so that we and children as well can live under true freedom that remains faithful. (1 Thessalonians 5:24) 
Thessalonians also states he will do it, so what will he do? 
  • Partnering’s with the Holy Spirit for deep-down change for the better.
  • Ability to live out rhythms that cooperate with the holy Spirits work in your life.
  • Keeping the Chaotic “whatever” life at bay.
  • Choosing’s of correct personal disciplines in response to hearing from God and with the awareness of your Hearts deepest desires.
  • Provide rest and freedoms from not having to do it all.
  • Having sense of God accessibility and obedience centered life. 
So if within ones heart holds mindset  that criminal mindedness is only  true way to achieve fashionable  success story that boasting's are made of - then Ezekiel’s spirit as watchmen has visited and mindset holds certainties within its crystal ball that should come as no surprise down the line as life’s epitaph. 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices that Transform Us. 
It is quite evident while many seniors reside within literal hell in hand basket scenarios , under god still mysteriously provides ever strengthening minority vehicles for the exercise of observing unbridled egos.
These exercises are crucial, they enable another to transcend into broader dimensions that are better prepared to decide when to express the essence of who we are and what under God truly represents. 
The alternative – not to meet demands of life on life’s terms – means we end up losing more than the roots of righteousness under god, we become forced to live under its inherent Mental Illnesses. 
Not everyone can have the impact of a Rosa Parks, but we each can take a stand in the struggle against all kinds of incivility administered in which all battles that make differences start at home.
Illinois senior citizens have earned their right to expect under God not only nursing facilities that place fiduciary over profits but safe retirement environment while still abroad state free of  betokened care predators and law group racketeers that feed off of all.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated statuses and stories of past in real time perspective.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.” 
Not for profit-senior community service shares promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares. 
We thank M. Scott Peck M.D plus providing Library for sharing accrued wisdoms and lecture series that enable others to successfully navigate through uncharted seas in none tranquility that by design place seniors to live out their retirement years in pure Hell, but further contend with new aged confusions concerning what U.S. integrity was and may be still all about. 
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s under God in God benefiting community.

1 comment:

  1. The only way consortium materialism of sort can be easily nourished requires retirement/beneficiary monies inquisition combined with weak probate administrators and those Socrates lawyer traders that maintain inner visions of furthered ecstasies.
