
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Modern criminal mindedness profiles seniors as source of least resistance.

Do Illinois Socrates lawyers under direct supervision of law groups entice select clientele into concepts of sin under the law allows combined with correct environment(s) offer greater potentials in profitability?

Current forensics combined with case history scientifically compass theory fundamentally holds water in retrospect that desires respondent to reopen 18th judicial case # 2015 p 888 for purposes of continuance within as accustomed.

For public record: not happening – the  time has come (birthed within 2012 p 893) to counter combine state protective /commissioned agencies in government (reconnaissance) escalated to federal that is  ready to hit the ground running that has identified  subsequent  owners of interest that are fiduciary required to be added as updates within trend qualify presidential crime statistic reporting.

Robbery goes under many different names dependent upon status of title in dynamics.
While lone hold up people generally do not advance very far in their career of choice, not so when teamwork comes into play that is knowledgeable within while politically backed.

Let’s face it - businesses or institutions while holding ideals generally do not possess enough insider knowledge to successfully pull off scores unless Socrates lawyer backed and why ARDC exists.
Our Reagan national bible through scripture tells many a story in sameness that date back as far as when mosses walked the earth.

Life-care grass root movement while seeking ever greater senior equality under God must thank all owners responsible for the actions of subordinates for having brought to our attention key fiduciary deficits requiring immediate attention and subsequent legislative reforms severely overdue warrant creation of senior constitution and community bill of rights.

One may be thinking too much unnecessary work while protections already in place.
Current punishable acts against seniors mainly focus within what can be seen that are grossly unpleasing to the eye while all else receives recognition of a probate will which are not very high within any priority list. 

 Competent consciousness provides generational benefit through various capabilities and talents not afraid to preserve family values that can be passed onto the next.

Concept does not ring true within Simplistic characteristically rarely fully meets life on life’s terms, holds tendency toward deftness in problem solving skills that become problematic when enough shun complexity as everyone else’s problem.

Realities Paradox is well understood within enemy camps concerning what keeps cashes door opened.
Counted upon Laziness carries high price tag; The alternative not to meet demands in life on life’s terms  means as generation we end up losing more than the roots of righteousness under god, we become forced to live under its inherent Mental Illness slated to continue impacting future generations. 

In reality what damages society at large are unsound conducts while demonstrating fashionable Nihilism send out direct messages to our future that values are simply no longer of importance.

Another words:  if no other attempts are made within best of abilities and resources to defend integrity under God at home than all forefather and armed service scarifies equate to have gained nothing of value or importance to further pass on.

What distinguishes ordinary sin from blatant Evil stem within being unduly cast into where one does not belong required to bounty hunt true justice before the law can be said to have correctly applied.

Illinois senior citizens have earned their right to expect under God safe institutions, facilities and practices that place fiduciary integrity first over undue profits index margine'd for purposes of increasing bottom lines. 

Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status and stories of yesteryear that relate in real time perspective.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”

Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.

We thank M. Scott Peck M.D plus Adele Calhoun and providing Libraries for sharing accrued wisdom's and lecture series that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design that place senior solvency in hell’s kitchen to be butchered as one pleases.

True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for; in god, under God securing family evolution.

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