
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Starting retention correctly is no different than seeking employment within law group.

Two dogs are chasing a car and one says to the other, “What are you going to do when you catch it?”
Only difference is as client you are compensating employers deployer.
Clients fundamentally are no different than attorneys beginning their legal career.
Both had chased concepts up to points in exhaustion and when thought had everything needed -walk out from the start a little uncertain about what would be next. 
As consumers seeking qualified retentions  generally we are lead off to bad starts within deposit having  left wallets or purses wide open on discretions table subject to undisclosed mission statements. 
Despite the position one has placed themselves in holding unsavory used car dealership potentials; stay positive, pay attention to details and work hard.  
If you approach scenario as student of trade- expect resistance: but with enough ethical knowledge in bills of rights backed by subsequent ARDC research, one can smoothly regain ownership and experience acceptable conclusions that won’t sting backsides as much. 
Get the details of expanded agreements in writing before further compensating. 
Attorneys while generally not good business managers are notorious when it comes to their own affairs for failing to get the terms of their agreements in writing.
So your first responsibility is to identify lacks in personal management skills within written agreement.
Remember adversary situational law is nothing more than a business deal under negotiation.
These principles can be additionally applied toward unregulated privatized Guardianship's of same calipers. 
Lawyers advise clients never to do business on a handshake (same fundamentally applies toward phone conversations both are subject to hearsay) so as lawyer why would you do it to yourself?
Hint: Phone conversations should always be concluded with letter in summary as understood forwarded for the record.
If employment tasks in agreement are to continue in right directions get them placed in writing serving as reminders of potential consequences for poor performance – no value in service rendered. 
If you are inexperienced as a client, getting the retention service you want is a four step process.  
 1. Research as much as possible prior to any advisement or negotiation.
Get to know knowledgeable Librarians that are similar to career services director at law schools.
Both directors job is to help Patron/student, client/graduate find the resource/job they want.
Hint: Researching partnership or office sharing firms about past profits and expenses can advance barometer overall integrity of invoicing to be expectant. 
2. Keep an open mind during negotiations while remembering free enterprise system under new age system concepts only sanction when consumers catches one in the act while coming forward.
Under fair trade environment one should expect to experience favorable outcomes, never one-sided nor discounts overall best interests.
That being said, do not be shy about fighting for what you believe you are worth any less than attorney negotiating salary contingent upon employment. 
3. Get all in some form of environmental writing: questionable attorneys of used car salesmen caliper are famous for deterring dialog for purposes of advantaging court room environments reserving option of Hokus-Pokus hearsay when needed.
Hint: Write down all key points discussed during session on legal pad and have initialed as understood, request within your rights all oral testimony presented to bench court recorded before proceeding.  
If you fail to do this, you make it easier for Socrates lawyers to avoid living up to his or her part of the deal and no subsequent ARDC recourse for ethics violates.
Hint: attorneys are famous for quoting under guise when mismanagement's confronted “that will cost you” when in reality under concepts of easy money - justice is preferred to take back sear over ethical correction subsequent to poor administrator skills is usually intent behind statement.
At this point hourly credits should remain in consciousness/ unconsciousness mind - reserved. 
4. Don’t sign or agree to any subsequent order in agreement during court session till conscientious independent objector (life-care movement through evidenced appointment of Ad-Litems are never recommended) a friend or mentor or someone not actually hired or appointed to look over deal, it’s always a good idea to have a fresh set of eyes that measures twice and cuts once check it over. 
We will stop here concerning today’s session from another perspective for purposes of prompting equality within what are taken for granted concerning licensee integrity. 
Reference book within topical opinion commentary:
The New lawyer’s handbook – 101 things they don’t teach you in Law School. 
By no means is blog implying profession generally practices within impurity and all members are no better than petty Liars, cheats, manipulators and thieves.
Not at all, what is listed as watchmen are questionable conducts performed by handful of bad apples that if allowed to continue none policed can spoil the reputation of whole bunch subject to public scrutiny. 
Blog additionally educates seniors within areas that receive as much priority recognition as a will being probated in court and Bar association membership reluctance to pursue in justices name own members. 
Any senior confronted with titlist socialism with intent to hijack property has the right to bear (educational) arms for purposes in defense with the zeal of protecting ones land about to be stolen.
Anotherwords bearing arms of the pen can be just as effective as the sword toward warding off invading camp or inquisitions.
 As boomers one of our greatest preservation weapons within the New Millennium stem from our resource in Vietnam Veteran survivors in the Know as elder statesmen.  
Let’s face it as generation were being subtly slated by greedy devils advocates into becoming their  2nd class citizen slaves, why not learn from the best having been sent out to fight with one arm tied behind their back chance in effectiveness holding low casualty counts. 
What distinguishes ordinary sin from blatant Evil stem within being unduly cast into where one does not belong required to bounty hunt true justice before the law can be said to have correctly applied. 
Illinois senior citizens have served and earned their right to expect under God safe state monitored institutions, facilities, and practices that place fiduciary integrity first over criminal minded bottom lines that will go to any length to secure additional undue amenities, perks, or exotic retreats at the expense of others. 
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status and stories of yesteryear that relate in real time perspective.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.” 
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares. 
We thank author Karen Thalacker and providing Library for sharing accrued wisdom's that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design that currently place senior solvency in hell’s kitchen to be succumbed as one pleases. 
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for; in god, under God securing family evolution.
The miracle here is while still under siege; god’s graces in accordance to his will expand Trinity honor in his Son’s name.

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