
Thursday, September 22, 2016

How far, oh affluent guardianship corporation, do you extend your senseless avarice?

Life-care movement explores rodent propensity that excels in the burbs.
Among the seven cardinal sins esteemed as such by the moralists of the middle ages, four had been listed thirty centuries earlier in the Sinaitic Decalogue.
“Thou shall not covert” was spelled out with considerable specification and it seems that always the coveter and not the one coveted was the sinner. 
Coveting in simple terms is better known as creatively possessing what belongs to someone else. 
As we repeat the word “possess” under pretenses of communism we must be aware of what community generally would reject under premise - how are your entitlement practices not of socialism? 
Envy is thus a sister of greed, and a half-sister of stealing. 
Grasping, seizing, and stuffing away have its psychological explanation. 
The preoccupation of infants filling their bellies can be called cute, amusing, or even beautiful when seen in almost any species of mammal. 
But persistence of the same techniques and the same single-mindedness in the behavior of adults is not beautiful; it is not amusing; it is no longer cute. 
Greediness in an adult arouses disgust in observers, but this reaction is usually not the deterrent. 
The vulgarity of this residual infantile behavior is precisely what education in self-control and social concern is supposed to avert. 
Bungling’s in the delivery of the usually successive substitutes for the original nectar, may leave a residue of infantile bestiality. And when underlying explanations remain invisible – as they usually are – what is left is the stark ugliness of the most primitive propensity of predacious mammals. 
Let It Ride
So it would appear under the new capitalistic order of things as long as expressions of monetary acquisition fall under status in membership - evils of aggressive over-acquisition are legitimate even praiseworthy. 
“It is the preoccupation with possession, “said Bertrand Russell “more than anything else that prevents men from living freely and nobly.” 
This was a profound conclusion by a very wise man; does it receive any serious consideration? 
It should due to the fact that senseless guardianship avarice primarily profits by keeping clients and former clients poor through extensions.
Many are beginning to wonder do these elitists really need three cars cluttering up drive ways, garages of course filled with a boat and various sundry other pieces of equipment? 
What we can’t avoid seeing is the obvious disparity in living between one man even having a billion dollars and a billion people scarcely one dollar. 
This disparity is irreconcilable with an ethic that assumes that human beings are brothers, living together on the same borrowed earth, and trying to love one another for the mutual benefit of doing so. 
Affluence rests upon the subtle widely held illusion in possession. 
If by improper effort one comes into recognized possession of something formerly possessed {legal tender} memberships (AKA) boys clubs gain measure of prestige and power over that increase the big adding greater luxuries to already over cluttered driveways and garages. 
The way in which the sin of greed grows into Mental Illness apparent to all can be considered form of psychiatric peculiarity. 
Not treated few rarely do anything about it to the satisfactions of business associates who were not yet in their predicament conceptionally next in line. 
So theoretically all these scrooges really ever accomplish is maintaining flattery by poor relations and wistful friends into eventual recluse. This is the extent of excitement one sentences self too in the life. 
Big-league stealing is not aspired to the average individual while rules of the lying game become stereotyped in its various forms and usage. 
The venality of the sin depends on the content of the lie. 
They are commonly practiced without apology by associates and agencies in high places. 
Soldiers torpedo ships with no ammunition on board like eating candy. 
In other words, while one cannot say some events were staged common denominators compass very largely maneuvered and greatly misrepresented while exploited. 
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
In conclusion every generation holds ghost rider of the storm, those poor souls left to collect on the devils deals. 
Though regarded curse; perhaps not - having been afforded a second chance to turn a negative into a positive? 
Illinois Boomers have served their country, paid their dues, and expect State safe environments under God free of predatory nonsense that insult our generation as well as all seniors’ abroad. 
State forensics more fiduciary county based crimes enabled against vulnerable seniors than it actively disciplines or punishes of national disgrace. 
Resident retirees of means are encouraged to write and make perfectly clear to all public elects and agency compensates: we are not obsolete nor do we exist to fund unsoundness as form of subsidy. 
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status of yesteryear that forensic - now back seeking more. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank Author Dr. Karl Menninger and providing prairie state college Library for sharing His book “Whatever become of Sin?” in which his accrued wisdoms have enabled an average laymen to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design intentioned to place the vulnerable senior into Hell’s two tier kitchen of profiteer’s injustice minus ability to defend. 
We can do this hop in and lets ride.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for: in god, under God - securing family values that can be passed on.

1 comment:

  1. Some poor soul is as always left behind to collect on the devils deals.
    Every Generation has one and their job is to collect on bounties past due.
