
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Dear god I no longer desire to fall victim within law group schemes promoting guardianship scams.

Life-care movement shares experiences sustained from one of the worst captains of industry in the lot. 
While Advertisements and lectures guise subject as complex, in reality it really is not.
Real time complexities ever experienced concerning chained to guardianship approaching sixth year record from conception immoral hoardings accompany every closeted event. 
Although plaintiff in 2015 p 888 contents owner ineptness requires special needs trust management; let’s examine what speculates truly complex or Clearly foundational in the otherwise associated with who really benefits here. 
Let us now publicly refute what stands hypocritical behind claim while social graces hold no relevance.
Speculating forecast of the provable versus improvable.  
By number due in deposit alone; if were to be misplaced would equate to chargeable federal class one felony that inner circle could not whitewash - so in order to stay in business we can safely rule this out. 
Next why is subject matter being so closely guarded under guise in unspoken privacy acts to include confirmation of continued retention if all were well not commissioned in fiduciary improperness? 
Logical suspicion based on history may conclude presence in Fiduciary malpractice has been called into investigate siting negligence’s in living trust duty. 
So let’s surmise in some of the known that fundamentally compass criminal law puzzle pieces not desired thrown in holding multitudes in pyramided reasoning’s. 
It has been well recorded fiduciary is not one of consortiums nor counties strongest attributes
Forensics redundantly reveal straddling’s in unethical fences concurrently traditionally frowned upon.  
Positive owner outcomes primarily always took back seat over group demands while state maintained blind eye and deaf ear in which pretty portraits are never made of. 
Unwritten social contracts indeed formidably extension fronts serving as invoice shields preserve what unethically may be further allowed or having already been done. 
Common denominators of both 2012 p 893 & 2015 p 888 forensic misapplications up to privacy acts were utilized to conceal. Could sameness be currently lurking in withhold?
Let us present and allow public scrutiny to be the judge here asking what would you do if this where you; look the other way inflating egos of misfits or fight preserving family honor and personal integrity as Job under God? 
Fact: Objected successor was put up in Professional standards complaint concerning what compassed potential improper fee extractions. 
Fact: Complete fiduciary copy of registered special needs trust required notification to issuing law group siting none provision and subsequent ARDC filing if not immediately satisfied under entitlement as none legally disabled person. 
Fact: Copy refuting banks refund awareness in major deposit again required ARDC extraction pending complaint if right in copy of both Illinois and federal IN living trust tax returns siting as none disabled person that father suspicioned within potential commission. 
Fact: Now that deficit stands hard evidenced C.C. to professional standards; bank admin admits awareness claiming currently worked refuses to provide over hearsay in IRS default credible evidence.
Fact: trust officer claims more or less only one allowed to pursue when justice is to be served, I disagreed not only in status but even if were disabled federal disability acts provision for these types of commissions holding varied fiduciary improperness. 
Fact: Special needs trust violates rights not concurrent with geriatric report from legal perspective. 
Fact: IRS holds truths that subsequently must be fiducially provided upon owners request in order to have said the law accurately applied in justice’s name those nine men in Washington are always talking about. 
So in conclusion when all hypocritical facts behind order are properly placed in correct perspectives having said - become done; only the morally insane would conclude blatant fiduciary imperiousness presented no causes in concern nor triggered instinctual liquidations and Run Forest Run reactions. 
Reference: The Vital Balance – The life process in Mental Health and Illness. 
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony returning for more. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
Under god remains true in red, white and blue.
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D – Martin Mayman Ph.D. and Paul Pruyser, Ph.D. and providing Chicago library leaning center for sharing their intuitiveness as resource enabling average Simpleton to successfully navigate through Immoral seas intentionally designed to unethically place seniors into Hell’s two tier kitchen of injustice minus ability to defend. 
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values that can be positively passed on ensuring evolution equally enjoys security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph that disrespects those nine men in Washington always talked about under God.

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