
Friday, October 28, 2016

Naming as a feature of diagnosis implies an acquaintance with it.

Life-care explores Avarice as acquaintance in its shallowness or deepness in which there are no easy ways to tell just what it is.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over it.
Forensic science is the way toward better understanding of its nature.
Preventive defense and the whole program of public safety have made vast reductions in the incidence of this illness. Yet this sickness does not seem to disappear.
Diseases of the soul disappear but sicknesses of the mind remain.
What has taken place of this potent enemy in which new discoveries have slain or at minimum kept it at bay have been reduced down to contest over control.
Avarice as a paradox although not recognized as a disease does indeed inflict up to points that do not fall under classic categories of illness nor correspond to the paradigms in textbooks.
These people are sick – there is no question about it.
They are weak, they inflict disharmony, and fiducially perform borderline criminal.
What physicians can’t do, the surgeon often can.
The fact is that this affliction standing contrary in community does not have simple names because they are not simple things in which to diagnosis its fuller meaning into understanding.
So our paradox as physicians is although we know what was unethically done is morally wrong until we have named it surgeons will not remove them.
The question now becomes what in the older sense entices the new to remove them?
Ill-defined has no proper name in which the heart of this matter primarily disciplines off of nicknames.
This type of jargon never attempts to correct in the obvious, its vagueness is an indication that change toward the better are not welcome. 
Today many are not sure about avarice's solvency suspecting more specific remedies must be indoctrinated in order for evolution to have said positively advanced in continuum.
Avarice is an ugly visitor that falls on hapless victims by chance as an altered state of being which has come about in an individual form from the interactions of many factors.
Some of these factors, may, indeed be; impatience out of desperation to appear fashionably correct.
Proprietors inflict unhealing wounds which were manifestly more than chronic superstitions based on myths end lives.
Disease like avarice is nothing more than life under altered conditions.
Fiduciary negligence subsequently malpractice has been established.
Health and disease are not static entities but are phases dependent at any time on vital balance having maintained in which fiduciary has fulfilled righteous needs having adapted to mastering from within or from without.
A Healthy administer consists in having maintained balance in which was reasonably free of undue disability or limitations in a positive sense that included social capacity.
Fiduciary failure is not in their creed nor do disturbances hinder growth, development, functionality, nor proper adjustments as a whole or of any of its systems.
It is very difficult to rid ourselves in avarice's village of idiots.
Fighting their disease as a cancer is as horrid as any organism that invades like a snake crawling into a dove’s nest and to free citizenry from their symptoms bills need to be passed that attack the disease. 
Great distances have been written in that allow these villages of idiots to thrive.
While all others of none elitist status are being subjected to inspection and probed in ways to find descriptions that best suite titlist agendas it is pinioned an examination of the psychological structure of these captains in industry while completely ignored are not only vastly overdue but required.
Case studies of premeditators only out for selves having destroyed family units is how average physicians can dictate to surgeon’s directing removal of what has been accurately named cures what ails community abroad.
Boomer appeals as majority mass must be conveyed in terms that are understood by all elects.
We must demand in best interests of public safety treatment of unbridled avarice is urgently needed.
All members in senate and congress must understand our words hold meaning in community and diagnostic conclusions and treatment recommendations speak what must be done minus exotic names.
States that emphatic no do not deserve our patronage as final pronouncement in no desire to recover nor are remedies welcome.
So before any boomer decides to reverse mortgage into potential permanent temporary residency holding outside conditions masked with euphemistic evasions perhaps liquidation and relocation toward states having consistently integrally proven is wisest deferred choice in the long run.
What this will message is avarice is not welcome to infiltrate and take over our homes.
Founder had a widowed neighbor with three lawyer children, when house became ransacked with services and saying no presented danger best all three came up with was throw all out and relocate mother out of state, my only regret is I did not head provided early warning sign.
In conclusion referencing Judge Bazelon best sums up; usually the attached are the only ones who see indigent defendants.
Understandably, they are oriented in the use of what may be characterized as a dispositional diagnosis.
This special language which may be worth nothing administratively conveys information to juries concerning people being treated as a merchandised commodity.
Know dogs with bad temperaments must no longer be allowed to prowl profits off of false solutions.
We are family and will never surrender to queen Avarice.
The writer William Faulkner once said: “Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed.
Idolatry of money continues to interfere with public life that is more concerned with their income than having administered crass economics.
Gradually we begin to see which captains in industry place money over peace while community building stands hypocritical in advertisements.
Because of the wounds – the rejections- communities have received; there will always be ones fearlessly willing to go out on limbs against those who discount the dream of authentic community.
Reference: The Vital Balance – The life process in Mental Health and Illness.
Retirement is supposed to be about well-earned rest that has contributed more than its fair share.
Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained, self-sufficient crime lab as trusts babysitter.
Straddling situational applications under the law allows gambles on trends remaining true to scale.
Redundancy becomes the enemy of its contention while public scrutiny tips directions not desired.
Even the most simplistic simpleton naturally begins wondering the whys and what’s fiducially are wrong while historically what currently stands in its way? 
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turning tides.
The venality of avarice's evils depend on the content of the lie commonly practiced without apology in high places. Compliance: the act of properly complying or yielding in which disposition readily complies.
No responsible healthy minded leader or captain in industry conjures up and deploys these extremes unless criminally minded to begin with especially when credentials hold benefit in status not dependent upon devil’s advocate approach or devils deals in order to secure their bottom line.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank Author M. Scott Peck M.D. and providing community library for sharing his intuitiveness as valued resource enabling average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities engineered that unethically vantages seniors through Hell’s two tiered bias kitchen provides one sided predictable injustice.
Armour up there are crooked Guardianhips roaming in our own backyards.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values that can be positively passed on ensuring evolution equally enjoys security in no other unduly writes another’s epitaph disrespecting those nine men in Washington always talked about under God for capital gains. 

Ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiduciary toward its intended and no other in which conspiracy in coercion simultaneously violating trust are never acceptable. 


  1. Hard consistent work is about yield under God: this party stemming from 2012 is declared over and time for all offenders to pay due piper in trust.

  2. Gradually we begin to see which captains in industry place money over peace while community building stands hypocritical in advertisements.
