
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Is avarice a learned motivation?

Life-care searches for more useful hypothesis that may become explanatory principles or law of guardianship behavior under study from psychological and criminal perspectives.
In this presentation we will have made many assumptions; most of them in current use and favor.
One group of moot assumptions which we make has to do with the ultimate motivation of behavior.
Nothing is, on the surface, more completely a matter of common sense than why any do what they do and nothing upon investigation proves to more abstruse and controversial.
When matters of fiduciary are fiducially questioned, answers that infuriate the most are: “I don’t know” but if they say “I know but won’t tell you” they get more respect.
If associate gives explanation “we don’t understand”, they at least challenge our propensity.
If supervisor palpably lie, they do no more than use universal human defense measures that are generally forgiven.
If CEO or VP offers explanations that do not hold water they may be pitied or punished but they will not be abused.
But for organization to be totally unable to explain their behaviors suggest a kind of departure from the modes and customs of the human race and we abhor it- and them.
The right, the wrong, the reasons, the need, the wish, the fear, the intention, the stimulus, the inhibitions in which all existed of course known to enforcement as to many lay another, but who could bring order and structure to whims in multidimensional organizational behavior? 
Freud could, and did, he was almost the first physician ever to try, and his attempts came about expectantly. His neurological practice brought him face to face with clinical paradoxes that forced him to hypotheses regarding motivation, particularly motivation lying behind consciousness.
Instinctual forces of various kinds had long been assumed to play a part in human behavior.
What Freud did was to construct a comprehensive theory to relate to instinctual forces to kinds of dealing with objects and events in an environment which occur, and to show how the whole process is partially governed and directed by what he called the EGO.
Watching the Behaviors of lowered specie organizations impresses one by activities that seem clearly to be dictated by psychological needs.
Pain avoidance as need actually overlaps once having been brought under question holds no water to be found through certain kinds of antics, certain migrations, and certain antipathies.
Organization under investigative study seems driven to do certain things beyond the Gratification of a need. In other words, the motivation seems to be the nature of a Push rather than a Pull.
And thus all begin to attribute to organization under study in concern something more basic than a mere set of “NEEDS” namely, some kind of Internal Motivation.
Situational as concept can become quite clear while many factors within become more recognizable.
Not only can we make the same observations we make concerning the victimized, but we can also “feel” them in ourselves and inquire about such feelings in others.
Needs in concern on behalf of vantaged another holding sameness present themselves with great urgency and often persist until measures of satisfaction have been taken.
Factual Feelings in concern hover gently over or rise to a high pitch that lead to all sorts of actions.
Thoughts come and go as study digs deeper in sharpness focused on why “Weller than Well” redundantly toke back seat in all affairs.
When we enter into oppressed forbidden zones based in forensic sciences; outsiders begin to understand the significance's guised to appear in different lights unethically vantaged its privilege in status.
Traditionally psychology focuses its primary attention on sensation, perception, memory, and cognitive rather than motivation.
Senior Hint: when questionable social worker or guardian/Trustee suggest or motion Psyche evaluation required – exercise in demand your right to a neurological evaluation from legal perspective, you’ll be glad you did in which reveal requestors truest motivation behind closed doors.
Blocked sensations are generally motive apparatus means behind questionable contentions - so beware.
When psychologist McDougall – far removed from Freud in basic concepts – had the temerity to describe instincts as primary source of human motivation, he was denounced; the behaviorist Watson cited it as evidence that “Professor McDougall returns to Religion!
In everyday life it has become common practice to reduce misapplications through misinterpretations to appear under the law allows to have cut its mustard.  
But “We the People”- “In the people” “Of the People” knows very well - much more exists than cares to readily admit.
Fact: an organization driven or motivated to do something – no matter how expressed –implies a determined direction has been established in reason that made sense to it at that time being pursued.
By reasons that make sense - steps in explanations follow upon one another.
When purpose or goals equate unethical intention – important distinctions must be made between conscious and unconscious wish and intent.
Drive Theories ultimately connected with the Latin Root Motus – being moved, propelled, put in motion do justice when strong forensics compassing unsound motives propel reign under God so supreme that it literally breaks all unethical integrities in judgment, reasoning, and perception despite repeated disappointments  induce “Weller than Well” thinking naturally advances core continuum leanings.
Reference: The Vital Balance – The Life Process in Mental Health and Illness.

Life-care as grass root movement fundamentally Crusades against Simplism that decry Motus based in primitive thinking lies Root in all sector sickness cast upon society.
We wrestle with its complexities that unduly restrict everyday good living from senior perspectives holding greater community need to make and remake if we boomers are to continue to live in expectancy under God.
Focused awareness provides community service (hope) other sides of engineered complexity against fashionable opinion do indeed exist to all willing to pay proper intellectual and emotional dues.
What we boldly suggest are two important concepts: First being, allow no others to unduly write your epitaphs and secondly one can reach heaven this side of the Grave.
Final message through efforts simply say; within any side of complexity exist humility and through such in the End: All THINGS POINT TO GOD AND BACK TO HIS DIVINE PLAN FOR THE WORLD.
Again, if Gods plan desired under God to be Avarice Chieftains, all thus would be equal under its sun.
Our Heavenly Father says the same thing to all under God Every Day: My children you must always remember who you are, while Jesus maintains few disciples left as Watchmen of the Wall.
Reference: The Road less Traveled and Beyond Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Time and money traditionally only become major league problems when quality of thinking’s ensnared in Vices heavily involved in civil disobedience shortcut virtues out of impatience in personal gains.
Too much money, like too much power, pose grave dangers for society as well as the individual who only keep for themselves instead of giving it away.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.          
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie, retirement is supposed to be about well-earned rest that has contributed more than its fair share.
Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained self-sufficient crime lab or trust police babysitter.                                                                                                                                                                           
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
The time has arrived for many a legislator to decided which side in Red, White and Blue do they stand for the Record?
We thank Author Karl Menninger, M.D – M. Scott Peck M.D plus providing Chicago College of Psychology and community library in conjunction with local ministry for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors through Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph under God having subsequently encroached capital gains elude true justice - in Jesus Name.

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