
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Crime and punishment asks is senior justice now as commodity a luxury to be bought and sold at will?

Life-care examines this business of privilege in stature holds hidden probate right to sway due process as it pleases. We now come to meaning of method used by avarice in which discounts element rules.
In connection with the way in which the need for avarice and the wish to compromise trusts are gratified, we must give some consideration to the significance of method used.   
It is well agreed that, statistically, privatized guardianship corporations are only as good in avarice as the unethical law group that counsels them.
Very suggestive is the consideration of some of the more unusual methods.
These illustrations clearly suggest erotic values are attached to certain symbolic acts.

The following excerpt from an article published well over thirty years ago touches upon phenomena of 2015 p 888. 
Nothing is more surprising in the records of illusionary avarice than the extraordinary variety and novelty of methods to which a consortium has resorted in its efforts to escape fiduciary suffering.
Probate coddling in which eludes fiduciary justice is the way avarice consortium's would naturally suppose who have made up their minds in the easiest, most convenient, and least painful way.
Forensics on this subject would suggest that large numbers of seniors are fundamentally processed in sameness, while, end results - some quite agonizing prerequisite case # 2012 p 893 to be the norm.
Once upon a time such extraordinary methods would have been regarded only as indicative of a Morally Insane system, but that was when we still believed under God that such conducts demonstrating insane behavior had meaning that were not socially acceptable in treatment of people as a commodity.
The works of Freud and Jung have sharpened the eyes of understanding to the meaningful of every word and act of the psychotic under study.
Psychotic behavior is unintelligible to the uninitiated partly because it is so Frank, and so clearly and undisguisedly reveals the content of the unconscious.

There are other reasons, one of which is the more archaic type of symbolism used.
All human speech is based upon the use of symbolism's, but for the most part symbols are arbitrary and mechanically symbolized, whereas the language and behavior of the psychotic under study makes use of more primitive symbols which are unfamiliar in spite of their universality.

Avarice never holds right of element rule significance when such does not suite its immediate purpose.
The clinician that works with neurotic avarice is so familiar that the world is a frigid place that he will find this less incredible than the practical physician who is more sensitive to external suffering than to internal sufferings.

The significance in consortium's holding drowning fantasies commonly are revealed through their prized materialism, as life preserver. Acts completed and consummated, disguised and undisguised reflect the overall mental life of that organization under study in which criminal mindedness if neither cute nor fashionable.

If the question were to be asked why some organizations symbolically commit career suicide that theoretically drowns in horrible places, we must remember that such fantasies may be accompanied by a strong sense of guilt in which its shadow only knows for sure.

This we recognize in the nature of the mythological representations of entering life hereafter – the dog Cerberus, the terrible river Styx, Purgatory, and so on.

In topical connection one can relate to the extraordinary career of Harry Houdini (Ehrich Weiss) representing the Illinois seniors plight forced to deal with a judicially sanctioned avarice consortium.
He was particularly fond of extracting himself from inextricable situations, ‘straightjackets, all manners of manacles, chains, handcuffs, prison cells, chests, hampers, glass boxes, roll-top desks, and even iron boilers. With his arms thoroughly secured he leaped from bridges; suspended head downward by block and tackle he loosened himself from meshes of constricting apparatus.

Once, breaking free after an endeavor lasting over an hour, he said: “The pain, torture, agony and misery of that struggle will forever live in my mind.
Fundamentally under care of crass privatized avarice guardianship's- extracting from the in-extractible’s become daily routines of care clients while family units due to their fiduciary follies must endure unethical law group schemes in which within those struggles such will forever live in unit’s minds. 

Every reverse consortium stunt ever preformed represents a form of pseudo-community.
Expectant fantasizes of the law being on their side subtly request its clients to agree in being theoretically run over by trucks, steamrollers, or trains are closely analogous to have agreed to submit oneself in a passive way in order for fiduciary to have either said such to be proper under the law allows or probate to have said the law was applied in which example of 18th judicial 2015 p 888 serves as epitome of unsoundness both accounts.

These methods are direct problematic results when questionable provocative cravings remain probate undisciplined and civilly unpunished when privatized are system allowed to think simplistically while no inherent consequence exist, to naturally conclude - why do otherwise!

A privatized preoccupation in unsound compromising’s of the law while state coddled will always be truest public enemy number one - under God contention.

White collar criminality although polity cloaked to appear as harmless crimes against society many times reality, licensed thug mentalities committed crimes against communities up to calipers, pinioned, require equal treatment and punished accordingly like any other American Thug Felon.

Reference: Man against Himself.

So, one could logically conclude through representing state as ambassador in union concerning Ethics observance having cast aside reflects our congress no longer respects its meaning while Fiducial integrity stands deeply troubled in which should not to be taken lightly.

The path of Smart Selfishness versus the path of stupid selfishness

In order not to become stagnant in which always topples nations down, we must continually grow in recognition in what is destructive like avarice versus that which is self- constructive benefits humanities.

Although characteristically politicians rarely do anything without some gain or benefit to selves, however small or subtle when their avarice gets in the mix, state budgets never balance nor are set.
That is the problem with stupid selfishness, it’s tough to outrun and almost impossible to hide from.

So while stupid selfishness will always naturally draw additional undesired complexities through its sloth combined with avarice consequences - why not just follow in the easy the ways of Smart selfishness through set disciplines, those not only that maintain self but simultaneously balances budgets as well?

The path of Smart Selfishness integrally discerns which pains in internal emotional sufferings are constructively required and which slated to be externally cast out as band aide fix sell out or forensic handicaps community building at large were unconstructive.

The alternative, there are no more to borrow from in formula; life that does not to meet demands of life’s terms – means we end up losing more often than not.
We can no longer afford to ‘Skirt’ obvious problems - the roaring 20’s are over; we need to start meeting demands head on if we wish to remain solvent while respected by world community.

Those who are most healthy of statesmen quality under God learn not to dread but actually welcome problems that challenge their skills and abilities as a leader.
Although triumphs are not always guaranteed; a true statesman - even when in error under God as learning experience - rarely does community suffer more than a mini crucifixion that can be quickly gotten over with some focused endurance.

So in conclusion are new age ‘feed’ assumptions on seniors as subtly declared obsoletes while their glasses remain on backwards hold validity in demands of assets redistributed into environments reflective of Hells in hand baskets?  It would appear not only did Mr. Avarice influence critical judgment toward errors but unconscious concerns require boomer generation expertise in experience more than hipster generation cares to consciously admit and rightfully so if this century is not to be negatively cursed for eternity as the most unethical bustards to have ever walked face of the earth.
Reality is no community can ever hold itself together when plagued with avarice while on the other hand avarice makes it so much easier for Ice Men waiting on horizons from other tribes to conquer.

Resource: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.

What foundationally is reintroduced, once again; is while it is important to critically think politicians must refrain from rendering irresponsible lobbied meaninglessness that causes deaths to communities or allow formations of conglomerations that avarice its states seniors required to subsidize exotic gains.
It is not difficult to discover in the act of avarice that the instances of various elements are redundant.
Our late president Ronald Reagan redundantly touched upon these formal points as government’s first duty is to its people not slow party learners holding no business in office, so, natural question here in which no longer is excusable would be - why does any of this still exist and what is being done to deter?

The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
To be or to no longer to be that is the question.

Life-care asks does saying no to left wing elitist diplomacy say yes to “We the people” in demand “Of the People” want America back under document those nine men in Washington are always talking about?
The Erotic Elements of Left wing fundamentalism is reflecting not only its destructiveness within host state but across many horizons abroad within our shores.
One sided state legislation's commonly reflect politicos avarice every time a lobbied elitist agenda is passed into law in which an unethical dirty deeder’s extension successfully carry out such under excuse in allowance. 
These perjured oaths in which violate community and covenant are the Things S.A.P.P.E.D will formally protest to host states governor in objection on behalf of all seniors abroad.

We will seize all politico eroticized as opportunity to remission its avarice back under God in community.
Tendencies will compass team development while mission excursions fusion unity back under God.
Specific high ranking political offices will be appropriately scrutinized to account for politico erotization. Such will be forensically presented in argument how constructive qualities while irresponsibly discounted super imposed unethical conducts to fusion their conscious masochism ritualistically without regard, S.A.P.P.E.D believes such resolution theology to be fundamentally in unity of the spirit within last presidential news conference as expressed in record.

Simply, unsound politico principles contrary under god that lead to generational or community destruction will be remedied by constructive tendencies characterized in Love of people are not to be treated as a commodity to be bought, sold, and traded at will.

Reference: Man against Himself.

What’s in fashion isn’t necessarily fashionable.

The extensive influence of problematic left wing avarice can only achieve national conformity if citizenry’s continue to think simplistically in all that they do.

We have indeed become a temporary fashion obsessed culture in political ideology that subscribes to any given day or moment provides not much more in any long term sense except got out of its day.
Incredible emphasis on fashionable subscribes discourage people to think independently in conventional thought in accordance to traditional views commonly frowned upon as guiding Light.
Life-care is spiritually sure late President Ronald Reagan while having rolled over in his grave now several times over may perhaps be asking God to be sent back in the spirit just ‘One day’ in which knows not what they are doing.

Politico thinking does not only reflect its party’s stupid selfishness but additionally suggest broader irrationalities that have crossed the line into insanity as it did for Vietnam.

“We the People” in civic duty have responsibility to confront repeated simplistic thinking about what being “Normal” should mean: an obligation to use ‘Critical Thinking’ under god as intended.
An example may be sociologically found through historic stature of the Slave for close to a century counted a Slave or in life-cares illustrations plight of the American senior as three-fifths of a person.
That was fundamentally crazy them as is foundationally crazy now.
There is no such thing as a fifth of a person, either you’re a person or you are not!

In an Age full of engineered complexity based in avarice it would appear if one desires to environmentally remain relatively free ability to become literal walking encyclopedia in ethical fiduciary properness is indeed not only essential but required as well.

Life-care as Grass root senior equality movement recognizes not all are up to the task to know everything about such things as Dred Scott decision that is why we are here as buffer zone in aid of the system oppression’d disadvantaged through effective public service communications promoting crucial skills in critical thinking of high importance’s.
Remember generally all questionable references under the law allows are highly dependent upon receivers having  agreed in acceptance ‘held’ ethical “meeting of minds” in order to have said the law was correctly applied or enforced.

Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.

Transparency toward integral honesty according to Avarice Anonymous

The perverse wish to hide a Bad Motive under neither a good one permeates human affairs from Top to Bottom. This subtle and elusive kind of self-righteousness can underlie that smallest act or thought.
Learning daily to spot, admit, and correct these flaws is the essence of character – building and good living, the deception of others is nearly always rooted in the deception of ourselves. 

Somehow, being alone with God doesn’t seem as embarrassing as facing up to another person.
Until we actually sit down and talk aloud what we have so long hidden, our ‘Willingness’ to clean house is still largely theoretical. When we are honest with another person, it confirms that we have been honest with ourselves and with god.

Step Two; “Came to believe that a Power Grater than ourselves could restore us to Sanity.”

Tradition Two; “For our group purpose there is but One ultimate authority – A Loving God as He may Express Himself in our group conscience. Our Leaders are but Trusted Servants; they do not govern.

Where does A.A. - Two get its direction?
Sole authority in A.A. - Two is Loving God as He may express Himself in the group conscience.
Formation of a group, Leaders do not govern - they serve.
Does A.A. – Two have a real leadership, yes, through elder Statesmen and bleeding deacons the group conscience speaks.


As Bill Sees It – The A. A. way of Life.
Twelve steps and Twelve Traditions

“Holiness is not a condition into which we drift.” – John Scott

Truth telling is foundation in which all under God premises.
Definition: Truth telling involves speaking in a way the does not exaggerate, minimize, deny, rationalize or manage the Truth!

Practices include

•             Refusing to Spin Events and experiences in order to impress others.
•             Not exaggerating.
•             Not cheating on tests, TAXES, insurance forms, etc.
•             Repenting and informing others when you have lied to them!
•             Speaking the Truth in Love.
•             Refusing to Flatter or dissemble.

Truth spinning began with Adam and Eve.
They lye’d to themselves about the true nature of the Tree and God’s command concerning it.
The Spin was God was holding our on us.

That spin lead to other spins, and before you know it they were hiding from and lying to God and one another, sounds familiar does it not?

But God refused to let their lies have the last word.
God looked to Adam and Eve in an attempt to ‘Reconcile’ their broken relationship, reclaim Truth and Restore Reality (Genesis 13:9, 15).
The rest of our National Reagan Bible is the story How God mends the Tear in the Fabric of Creation who began with THE LIE OF REALITY!

Everything from ruining environments to insider trading gets the spin from the original serpent himself Mr. Avarice. It’s not hard to understand why average citizens no longer know what to believe.
Fact: Lies that substitute for reality Don’t Last Forever!

Truths alone against fashionable opinions still hold staying Power within New millenniums.
Jesus says the truth begins in small things.
How well life-cares grass root movement founder knows this to be true.

Indeed, life-care as grass root movement (Protests) on behalf of all vantage'd Illinois seniors against States unsound concern in which questionably holds county that redundantly forensics allowances in conspiracy coercion origin’d in same parties hold Motus that continues to walk around freely to do as it pleases.

So, while it is hard for Seniors to be jolly in a state plagued in Avarice follies one absolute favoring seniors still exists; all who recognize Christ have a friend in God of the great physician who hears their woes though ordained watchmen of the wall while all else sits in sloth and modern analysis continues to contribute little to no investigation toward remissions that cease privatized system abuse.

Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.

Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more. An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming a walking encyclopedia in fiduciary nor self-contained, self-sufficient preventative crime lab as trust police - babysitter.

Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice while Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.

We thank Doctors Karl Menninger, M.D & M. Scott Peck M.D plus A. A.’s Bill Wilson and Faith minister Adele Calhoun plus providing community library in conjunction with local ministries faith based resource center for sharing intuitiveness enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.

True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values that can be positively passed on through units that ensure evolution equally enjoys security in knowing no other can unduly write another’s epitaph under god nor subsequently encroach wealth that eludes civil justice.

No more needs to be said in which has either been compassed or illustrated, it is what it is and extremely generational solvency dangerous! Enough said I am one of the lucky few. 
Why must eventual career and personal suicides over perseverance in infantile avarice  benefiting left wing perceive "GOODIES" handicap and destroy an entire nation to become next  ancient Babylon?  

1 comment:

  1. We have indeed become a temporary fashion obsessed culture in political ideology that subscribes to any given day or moment provides not much more in any long term sense except got out of its day.
    Incredible emphasis on fashionable subscribes discourage people to think independently in conventional thought in accordance to traditional views commonly frowned upon as guiding Light.
    Life-care is spiritually sure late President Ronald Reagan while having rolled over in his grave now several times over may perhaps be asking God to be sent back in the spirit just ‘One day’ in which knows not what they are doing.
