
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The essence of any political base conspiracy is to divide a questionable Motus into at least three groups.

Life-care examines perhaps why any resigned trustee as established malingerer by record would remain questionably foundation’d in debtor’s hearsay.
We would naturally start with chieftain(s) who historically forensic tendencies to exploit from occasions by selection of known passive contributors.
So far as the latter two groups are concerned (probate and bank) to some degrees all elements can be rearranged in progressive series from obvious to most incomplete and potential irreversible forms concerning two must be dynamically linked before active conspiracy formally alleged can be charged.
Forensic clinicians are thus tasked to differentiate organic felony disease from hysterical simplistic disease to those attenuated which are widespread determine whether innocuous held misdemeanor unconscious criminal mindedness or narcissism consciously as narcissistic deployed felony criminal intent.
Once determined such can be serial arranged in the form of a diagram in which the destructive impulses (Black) are diverted by the opposing factors of reality (White) and, more especially, by internal tendencies toward self-preservation and level of integrity demonstrated toward other People (Grey).
The normal result is a wide excursion around such obstacles.
General concepts of normal behavior, neurotic behavior, psychotic behavior, and career suicide are arranged as a progressive series.
The ‘Neurosis’ will be seen to “Avoid” serious conflicts with external realities but to lack sufficient of the erotic neutralization (GREY) to allow full expansion to the limits as accustomed.
The ‘Psychosis’ on the other hand will show sharp conflicts within realities, a feature which both determines and defines them.
A similar series serving as diagnostic aide could be additionally constructed from criminal law puzzle jury perspectives in which each special form modified represents a puzzle piece while varying degrees neutralized partially images that conspiracy unifies all in one board theme reveals faces associated.
For now we will stick within what diagram (1) tells us so far.
It compasses similar series constructed from each special form in modified destruction represented various degrees of neutralization's required at any given time, for example, questionable conducts appear most socially comfortable within spheres that coddle unwritten societal contracts as normalcy of cutting hair and trimming nails.
Finally, pertinent to the type of modified destruction now under consideration; clinician can construct such a diagram to show the relation of ‘Hysterical’ illness to structural illness as diagram two.
In this diagram, integral fitness is represented as the circumvention of the impulse toward destruction, the ultimate accomplishment of which thus is postponed so indefinitely as to be so indistinguishable from the so-called normal processes of decay.
Less severe are those functional or hysterical lesions which demand serious demands upon the internal erotic reserves but adjust themselves in a practical way to external reality factors.
Organic disease on the other hand, to some extent overwhelms both and would seem, therefore, to be a short-circuiting of self- destructive tendencies comparable to that represented in the voluntary nervous system series by the psychoses.
The ultimate and extreme short –circuiting is, of course, represented by a death of sort in diagram one.   
Such analogies are valuable because the serial relationship which thus becomes Apparent implies a Dynamic or Economic interpretation.
This interpretation, answers the question as to the choice of illness, revolves about the Principle of Sacrifices as follows: Preservative tendencies battle to the limits of their power against truths left another unduly to live out their life uncomfortably in their wake.
Next we would consider validity between unconsciously reacted in ignorance versus conscious Dint.
Examinations would measure at certain critical points, in response to Demands - sacrificed to greater or lesser degrees.
Illness of any kind is a sacrifice or compromise and the choice of that illness might, therefore, be considered to represent A Choice of the Lesser Evil.
The Ego strives to make the best possible bargain with the ‘Conflicting’ forces of Reality, instincts, and Conscious. Sometimes it becomes necessary To Pay a High Price to the Demands of Reality that the instinctual gratifications in Outside Investments are Definitely Restricted.

Running Through The Jungles of unwritten consortium agreements.
Clinician now within forensics begins to recognize although internal problems existed all along such developed over time a consortium to have backed themselves into corners redundantly up to points that naturally developed tensions, so great, consortium forced an aggression to further deny other outlet to break through those self-protective defenses.
Whereupon the crucial forensic now common dominates a groups ego consciously misapplication’d elements purposed to interpretively restrict responsible fiduciary to the least serious, Least Costly, sacrifice associated with traditional civil courts in retrospect to potential damages awarded.
From key membership positions, the capacity and wisdom of consortium ego vary greatly in different individuals.
The functional or so-called “Hysterical” solution is useful because it can imitate almost any organic disease at any site but differs in being usually reversible without much, if any, alteration of the tissue structure.
Fundamentals thus can be additionally applied toward independent studies of potential problematic founders that compass utilization's of specific corporate executive as tasked (henchmen) make sure unwritten mission statements commonly industry frowned upon are shielded above while executed and position sacrificed as needed below. Foundation would also apply to A.R.D.C as well in retrospect.
A concerned community safety scientist may start with that corporation’s and A.R.D.C employment history that forensic certain key management positions at that location redundantly record exceptional high turnovers not easily explained while that same CEO or office director remains as violate in charge of the first rule of business concerning concurrent employment failures. 
Life-care throughout the years has cited several examples in which individuals elected mysteriously disappeared in mid operation suggest founders felt an escape was necessary in order to continue its malingering’s that could elude a more serious fate from an external Agency of greater authority.
Simply, redundant tracking derailments discourage investigative projects into economic abandonment.
These illustrations, but serve to show how simultaneously far out into left field a county can realistically fly under states Radar and additionally blaze red flags that can be seen all the way to Washington reflective in glasses on backwards fails to protect its elderly as 2nd class citizen not worth the expense.
That this would occur because of someone’s ego wish had to glorify their status having crass economized another as it were is a theory at this point that requires no further proof other than life-cares presence as a continual protest on behalf of all Illinois seniors in community safeties name.
Within thesis, then, some forms of organic disease such as need to avarice another represents structuralization of perverted functions forced upon an organ to solve unconscious conflicts, the nature of these conflicts being related to the opposition and interaction of aggressive, punitive, and erotic components of the self-destructive tendency. The hypothesis is that organic lesions, so frequently requiring as they do direct agents from the environment such as trauma for their initiation, differ not only in topical respect but also in certain psychological respects form so-called functional disorders, mainly in that sacrifices demanded by the destructive tendencies is a greater one and that the conflict in more strongly and deeply repressed, i.e., less accessible to consciousness.
Clinical techniques in the service of an integral trust reconstruction effort

Gimme Shelter | Playing For Change.
Life-care has completed a survey of the various ways in which a corporate consortium commandeers beginning with crass economizing that carried through various chronic misapplications combined indirect forms in coercion to the postulate that some unethical conducts conceived directly vantages a situational indirect malingering in ways that consciously exploited through unwritten contract scams.
Concomitantly we have seen that both internal and external forces operating in opposition to tendencies integrally confronted actual outcome compromise between lesser of evils. To this extent there is always a degree of spontaneous trust reconstruction associated with judicial coddling of corporate greed associated with the details of this interaction in which we have commented.
From the standpoint of an Arm-Chair philosopher who gazes upon the behaviors commonly frowned upon with detached curiosity, the analysis submitted might seem to be the end of the task.
But in this concentrated attention upon consortium's avarice wish has absorbed readers in previous writings we must not forget that there is also a beneficiaries Will to live under god as intended. 
In spite of all the political whitewash corruption involved a reader can still see what integrity is all about.
If we become aware of those Devils Advocates which threaten destinations of human beings we cannot look impassively and disinterestedly upon it, or accept inactive roles in reference to it, even if we are told that it’s the nature of old age, or the decision of a dictator that we do so.
Indeed, the recognition of unbridled consortium avarice has as its object the combating’s of such wealth mongers and the encouragement and support of life instincts in their battles against it.
This is the professional task of states government first duty; to protect the people from the people whom commandeer personal wealth’s and turns such owners into Peasant status as public aid recipients due to asset hoarders that misinterpret laws intentions under God for its people.
To it an integral clinician brings an optimistic hopefulness which he shares with innumerable seniors in science who, though they be daily reminded by the very content and discoveries of their own researches that all asset monger human activity and avarice knowledge amounts to but little in the immensity of the universe, nevertheless plod steadfastly and hopefully forward in the direction of increasing our defenses against consortium schemed avarice deaths.
And although it would be difficult to be certain about this, it would appear that we already have something to show for our work and some basis of encouragement within reform can only result.
Life-care as a senior well-being movement reminds us that guardian corporations and law group militarists are determined to bring about a generations destruction for personal gains while Life-care as safety advocate scientists salvage and continues to promote Weller than well conduct in attitudes toward all affairs. Movement enjoys trying to save things; destroyers continue to do as they please.
And perhaps in spite of all politically layered destroyers, grass root movements - “Will” - for seniors to live right may someday become university assisted in greater victories that make law books and legends.
Accordingly, let us direct to the problem of whether or not it would be possible to apply the resources of intelligence and ingenuity deliberately to combat monetary destructive trends which our analysis has uncovered. Is it possible that we can by taking thought as a cubit to our stature?
Can we abet or encourage the life-instinct in its battle against monetary mongers and in this way achieve an almost divine attachment from ourselves and become in a large measure, or in a nearly complete measure, the masters of our own destinies? In short, can we postpone avarice, and how?
We have seen that in the unpractical accomplishments of trust destruction's there appear to be activities and functions derived from there elements of motivation, the aggressive, the punitive, and the erotic.
It would be logical to examine the possible methods of dealing with each of these components; let us begin with the first.
A. The diminution of the aggressive element.
If we consider the available means for combating the aggressive element in professional behaviors we first think of all of such direct opposition as must be offered when such aggression's become overly expressed, and dangerous. Under such circumstances it would seem obvious that force must be brought to meet force.
A group impelled to circumstantially perjure must be prevented from doing so, if necessary by stature restraint. A group who in impelled to malinger for profits must similarly be restrained.
If the method has elected to attrition violate through crass economics holding false document they are to be removed from all positions of authority over any another.
We know, however, that devises are quickly interchangeable and we should expect demonstrated tendencies thwarted in integral directions might turn quickly to misapplication a privacy act as restrictive force of discouragement. For this reason our program for blocking of such overt aggressiveness as this must be more generic and kept under close surveillance.
B. The diminution of the punitive element.
We can expect to see the punitive element diminished through anything which increases the conscious sense of guilt upon which it depends upon guised.
This can, to be sure, only reveal selves through forensic studies of innumerable pathological devices, devises such as projections that method such as probate relieving the sense of fiduciary guilt like proud flesh in the healing of a wound that is struggling to recover as pathologic as the organic disease.
The exploration of judicial has already been considered under chronic forms sought known cheapest ends to secure expectant profits. Neurotic element would include driven by a sense of guilt, consortium atones an extravagant degree and takes so much of that money away that intended was reduced down to financial insecurity through false document extension’d.
Reconstruction is furthered, then by the utilization of atonement's ministering to or annulling the sense of groups innocence through exception’d successors lead the way to an ordered intended to no longer assume being costly judged in reality nor professional ethics standards.
The greater the social or personal unity of such atonement's, the greater, of course, the net gains for seniors at large; for after all this is a secondary function of atonement, its primary purpose being to placate the conscious, undoubtedly serve this very valuable function for many people.
C. The enhancement of the erotic element.
Along with the ways to diminish the aggressive and punitive elements, we should consider the coordinate possibilities of encouraging and strengthening neutralizing forces operating to accomplish (to whatever degree can be accomplished) the salvation of part of the whole.
It of course would be a great temptation to become philosophical again at this point and speak in general terms of the need for more love in our nation, the desirability of encouraging Frank expressions of emotional life in children, the improvement of parental patterns in affection.
To do so, however valid , is only to join in the chorus of religious and inspirational exhortation to “Love one another”, we all recognize it to be good advice, supported now by scientific as well as aesthetic and moral reason. The Question is How Do We Accomplish This and what the more abundant loving really is.
Franz Alexander has often quoted a remark made to him by the late Sandor Ferenczi, the great Hungarian psychoanalyst; “They want to Love one another”, he said, “But they don’t Know How!”
It would carry us too far afield for the present to discuss all the interference's in the development of the erotic instincts which keep us from loving, from knowing how to in a sense this has been the object of psychoanalytic research well before Freud.
What we can discuss are fundamental among the inhibitions of the erotic development are the stultifying and deadening effects of Narcissism.
Nothing inhibits Love so much as Self-Love (Satin) and from no source can we expect greater ameliorative results than from the deflection of this love from a Self-Investment (comparable to the self-investment of Hate already discussed) to its proper investment in Outside Objects, in other words, just as self-directed aggression's are harmful because of their immediate consequences, so the self-direction of Love is Harmful through its Secondary Consequence, the consequences of the emotional starvation of money. Narcissism chokes and smothers the ego it aims to protect – just as winter protection applied to a rosebud, if left on too late in the spring, prevents the Roses from developing properly, or even growing at all.
Thus again psychoanalytic science comes to the support of in intuitive observation of a great religious leader who said. “He who seeketh his own life shall lose it but whoever loseth his Life for my sake shall find it,” We need only read in place of “For my sake” an expression meaning the Investment of Love in Others, which is presumably what Jesus meant.
How Narcissism rejects integral help, and thus defeats efforts to do more skillfully what it tries to accomplish – Like Panic Stricken Victims on Fire who fight off their rescuers – this we indeed see within a consortium's attitude in conduct as they cloy handicap which hangs like a tenacious patch of Plaster, applied to a wound long since healed. Narcissistic false pride or purposive ignorance prevents individuals from asking for the help they greatly need in psychiatric treatment.   
It is literally true some highly degree'd are too proud – too vein too accustomed to self-ministrations and satisfactions to get well, they cannot accept help that does not merely (and of course fustily) feed their vanity as discussed in both 2012 p 893 & 2015 p 888.
Narcissism is a thirst that is never slaked, and blocks the real enjoyment of anything.
In the smugness of provincialism, in the stupidity of discrimination and oppression, in the vanity which exalts such gods as financial aristocracy that another’s property or freedoms must be surrendered to them as deadening toxemia of Narcissism.
We have extensively spoken of the part that works play in utilizing aggression and diverting them from selves. They may even serve as creative sublimation, even if it lies outside a degrees discipline or subsequent province in chosen profession pursued are neighbors whom most primitive instinct arrays against us, under God, and community convents must be restricted and similarly be restrained.
Reference: Man Against Himself.

We have been sent to collect due Souls required in Hell.
Could rouge Country justice while State coddled break enough integral seals to naturally Revelation legendary Four Horsemen await on its horizon? 
Bias incivility that redundantly coddles equally questionable privatized agendas having compromised community and covenants, interprets, to those riders’ - unbridled “adversarialism” that Horsemen look for validated a posse to come in charging claiming guilty, while sorry – all out of mercy.
Holes in elitist minds will write the bounties that horsemen hunt feed by their Narcissism's.
The higher the thoughtlessness - the greater the hunt themselves will focus on centers in captains in industries directly responsible. Ultimately in the end those unfortunates will serve as awareness examples that fill social holes to evolve into a more whole civil society in terms of thoughts before White, Red, and black riders declare whole lots turned over to discretion of the Pale Rider.
Lessons from genesis three could once again become a reality offering no compromise in stature strictly enforced through Pale Riders eyes toward all who gave in to elitist temptations lost their sense of oneness with rest of creation, shall serve - as reminders of the realization that consequences will always follow actions and those choices will become forever burdensome by virtue of the responsibility entailed lacked awareness between Good and Evil will reside in Hell or Heaven for eternity. .
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.

That Ain't My America!
It’s not hard to understand why average seniors no longer know who to trust and what to believe.
Fact: Truths alone against fashionable opinion still hold staying Power in the new millennium.
Lies, which substitute realities, are commonly built on foundations of sand that cannot withstand destined formidable storms to be easily blown away into halls of shame.
Indeed, life-care as grass root movement (Protests) on behalf of all vantaged Illinois seniors against States unsound concern in which questionably ignores a county that redundantly forensics allowances in conspirator coercion origin same parties, in same Motus, continues to walk around freely as it pleases.
So, while it is hard for Seniors to be jolly in a state plagued in Avarice follies one absolute favoring seniors still exists; all who recognize Christ have a friend in God of the great physician who hears their woes though ordained watchmen of the wall addresses those who remain in sloth while modern analysis continues to contribute little to no investigation toward remissions in privatized system abuse.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more. An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is to trusts intended not whitewashing outsider agendas.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming a walking encyclopedia in fiduciary nor self-contained as self-sufficient preventative crime lab - trust police babysitter.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice that Life-care movement cares about concerning senior perseverance.
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D and M. Scott Peck M.D plus providing community libraries in conjunction with local ministries faith based resource center for sharing intuitiveness as a valued resource enables the stature'd viewed average Simpleton considered as educational idiot status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.

Let me tell you about the benefits in integrity that can last a lifetime.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values that can be positively passed on that ensure legacies equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently unethically encroach capital gains that elude justice - under God.

William XXXXX

1:33 PM (3 hours ago)

to JamesLaurenAmyNancyMartin., bcc: gov.goca, bcc: Law group, bcc: Guardiaship admin. 
I will start with this federal bank ensuring trust owner in deposit continual asset safety as I work down list toward best fiduciary successor worthy of a trust order as fiducial professional standards observer in all affairs that integrally knows all differences commonly industry frowned upon , White Bird will Fly!
Here is my first Federal successor bank consideration in which I expect full cooperation from all listed and will settle for no less warning conspiracy corruption will be harshly addressed up to all limits under the law allows!
XXXXXXXX Federal Savings and Loan Association, XX XXXXX XXXX Branch 
Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
Movement is a grass root not for profit senior community service effort that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 

Life-care anti trust senior abuse protest movement asks all In living trust compromisers how can any involved in 2012 p 893 & successor 2015 p 888 purposed to commit  fiduciary injustice under God and country live with themselves let alone claim to be a captain in industry as leader of free worlds continue to rely on under the law allows legions rule to survive as living?


  1. To it an integral clinician brings an optimistic hopefulness which he shares with innumerable seniors in science who, though they be daily reminded by the very content and discoveries of their own researches that all asset monger human activity and avarice knowledge amounts to but little in the immensity of the universe, nevertheless plod steadfastly and hopefully forward in the direction of increasing our defenses against consortium schemed avarice deaths.

  2. And although it would be difficult to be certain about this, it would appear that we already have something to show for our work and some basis of encouragement within reform can only result.
    And perhaps in spite of all politically layered destroyers, grass root movements - “Will” - for seniors to live right may someday become university assisted in greater victories that make law books and legends.
