
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Todays media reports further sickens an american under god asking state what are you trying to prove except how much of a Judas under god one can push federal envelopes and get away with it?

It all comes down to just the two of us against Politico secularisms. 

Although not a lawyer this should be enough fundamentally to enlighten under God in country.

fiduciary. 1) n. from the Latin fiducia, meaning "trust," a person (or a business like a bank or stock brokerage) who has the power and obligation to act for another (often called the beneficiary) under circumstances which require total trust, good faith and honesty.

Here seems to be the crux in which all ails and prohibits positive evolutionary advancement for the good of taxpaying nation under God.

Chief Justice Rehnquist maintained that nothing in the language or history of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment required a state to protect its citizens from private violence. That clause, he observed, "is phrased as a limitation": "It forbids the State itself to deprive individuals of life, liberty, or property without 'due process of law,' but its language cannot fairly be extended to impose an affirmative obligation on the State" to protect these interests "against invasion by private actors."' 4 This interpretation was reinforced by the history of the Clause, which indicated that "lilts purpose was to protect the people from the State, not to ensure that the State protected them from each other."'5

Why in god’s name would this be written let alone observes unless to protect criminal state elements due gain in underworld revenue skimmings?

The principal aim of the Fourteenth Amendment was not to create new rights, but rather to incorporate into the Federal Constitution the fundamental rights that individuals already possessed under general constitutional theory, but that the states had failed to enforce adequately.

When law enforcement, commissioners, and mayors alike must Clearly beg up, beyond, below and well above which should not have to be told what to do right in the first place while further wasting funds through loop hole elongations vitally required in Reconstruction efforts in order not to have to file state bankruptcy that preserves the spirit of the american dream this senior does not understand why and what are no brainers here under God as demonstrated state in the nation?

Bottom line ends here
Saying  a great job of "showcasing the breathy delivered  and vocally swooped this day in session that instantly distinguishes the truckload of country hopefully currently is clinging to country radio playlists.
The congressional debates over the Fourteenth Amendment. 
As these debates show, the members of the Thirty-Ninth Congress fully shared the classical view on the right to protection. The widespread violence and discrimination against blacks in the South after the Civil War convinced most Republicans that the states could not be relied upon to protect the fundamental rights of all persons. A central purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment was to compel the states to fulfill this obligation, by incorporating it into the Federal Constitution and empowering the national government to enforce it.

Where here under God, what 's politico's excuse in judas expression ?

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