
Friday, March 17, 2017

Would a successor trustee’s first fiduciary duties include being an honest advisor under God and instrument intentions?

Life-care looks at how substantial deficits left unexplained in shadows naturally would not build good relationships in industry trust. 
When any major deficit exists and a successor refuses to account for the actions of the resigned former it would be safe to assume a scam rather not owned up too was hovering not too far behind that advisors failure to fiducially report and advise corrective actions in observance of instrument. 
Another area of concern would be if special needs trusts by design are purposed to protect by instrument from its intended from unsavory predatory practices why would any honest advisory officer refuse to produce exhibits supportive in banks claim to have fulfilled its obligatory first duty in compliance of trust acts? 
What comes to mind are several areas in dirty deeder’s ethics when left un-exception’d serve to secure “The Benjamin’s” in ways not intended by instruments under the law allows vehicle the most unscrupulous bragging rights commandeered known to man.
First natural consideration over “The Benjamin’s “ is to discern probability in redundant hypocritical scam contrary to instrument intent under pseudo ethical perimeters once again suggest conspirators’ straddling’s of unethical fences both industries would traditionally frown upon schemed elements of elongation into proviso that would allow excessive amounts of hold back unitarily in Motus provision greater extractions in grosses over time through creative invoicing agreed upon under terms of unwritten social contract are to be successor approved and whitewash defended. 
Our second natural consideration would be cover ups by associations in high places for In- living Trust violates in Malpractice and subsequent negligence’s associated that would not fall under probates protective umbrellas in jurisdictions?  
Our third consideration would be if absurd narcissistic egos under Civic Duty where to forensic existence in joint unsoundness within first and second discernment were in agreement as criminal public safety issue then why are federal investigates and customary indictments under Trust acts are not flavoring these unsound climates under God and congress as update in RICO issues of national security concern? 
What we have here in which all are highly probable under ethics experiencing unexplainable hard times suggest public trust is being consciously compromised out of “The Luxury Customer” experience as unrecognized majority stock holders in nation. 
Whats the matter with these people?
What scenario additionally suggests under pseudo secularism is how popular miscarriages behind the injustice could achieve considerable success that climb ladders under the law allows when ignored. 
Here again, where these sorts promote vulnerabilities as lustful judases in unbridled avarice do not build unities that remain strong in nation under no honor among dens of thieves naturally summons Smart Selfishness too ask: if known in which Stupid selfishness historically could only at best “Pete repeat self” then as elected official representing the people how could any responsible fiduciary under First duty allow any amendment, act, or lobbyist otherwise to compromise public safety as backbone of nation liveliness and future security in the world community? 
Defining important moments that are more genuine and authentic within two class system that can be agreed upon under the sprite of our eagle as one will be the only way to defeat the Simon Phoenixes malingering on horizons destined to come with a lot of ‘Simon says’ axes to grind with a conviction. 
What is the societal benefit; fear puts vulnerability practitioners in check with reality Stewart survivalists under God to either pull together as one sealed in the fold or remain unsealed as castaway in none under Mr. D’s ‘Simon Says’ irrevocable word. 
Rubbish you say, were too civilized to ever entertain such old school preposterous, perhaps to some degrees then perhaps realistically not where every day professional conducts event unspoken words of “I’m not in anything to be honest with you about” under the sun stance otherwise to be concerned about in more than one way? 
In conclusion what we can no longer afford are unproductive ‘Blunt’ simplisms that were thoughtlessly conducted under masks of “The Law Allows” vantage emotions of that moment for avarice gains.  
This is an important lesson not only about the powers of vulnerability but the power to know exposed dark secrets in life events that made people into who they are promote better understandings in what makes them tick are what result stronger and deeper relationships for the good personally and professionally as whole person no longer reliant in unsound schemes must equalize life on your terms. 
This now brings us To Inch #9 between the brain and the heart and it is simply called Vulnerability.
Each of us in on a unique journey, and sharing that unique narrative with others – even in legal situations – is a sign of strength, not weakness. 
Heart let leaders understand that “Transparency” is the fastest way to Foster Trust, build teams, and grow right relationships. 
Vulnerability is not only about sharing secrets, but, rather it’s about sharing of insights in what made them tick become the most contagious trait one could ever demur under selfless willingness to share a found grace may enable another permission to open up in the spirit that shared with others in return. 
Are we hopelessly stuck in all Unsatisfactoriness?
The American dream is about making the most out of it under God in country that shared of community.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when crucial tides needed to be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care grass root movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic followers of Mr. Avarice have returned with a vengeance in un-sustainable thoughtless appetites till all is gone. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort that shares its experiences in which promote advanced educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice while Life-care movement cares about maintaining continual senior perseverance in all its affairs and beyond. 
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: The point is what the points are that matter where people become more important than subsidizing Satin’s earthly Lap Dogs. 
We humbly thank authors Tommy Spaulding along with Doctors Karl L. Menninger, M. Scott Peck, and faith based community resource centers for sharing fundamental intuitiveness’s in which enable viewed underdogs of educational idiot stature abilities to stay afloat in actuated seas of treachery and oceans full of capsizing elitist title waves purposed to oppress reaching ordained destinations – final port of call. 
It is not we whom are out of our minds it is those who follow stupid selfishness demand life must meet their terms.
Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for that preserve family values and ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing as we once did under god protects as first fiduciary duty against all whom scheme to unjustly write family epitaphs within country that Honorably values its people united as one in all affairs.

1 comment:

  1. Where every day professional conducts event those unspoken words in “I’m not in anything to be honest with you about” under the sun stance the unsound schemes that unequalized lives on their terms compromised both Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about no better than dunces in corner excellence.
