
Monday, April 10, 2017

An ounce in constructive prophesizing can still provide pounds of life cures against pseudo opinions.

“Son of Man” journey with the spirt to the entrance to the north gate of the inner court; where the idol that provokes to jealousy stood, then look at it. 

“Son of Man”, do you see what they are doing – the utter detestable things the house of Israel is doing here, things that will drive me far from my sanctuary?  

“Son of Man” there are more detestable things for you to see as you are being moved by the spirit to the entrance to the court where you will see a hole in the wall in which you are to dig into the wall until you see a doorway there. 

“Son of Man” Now go in and see the wicked and detestable things they are doing here, while in you will notice portrayed all over the walls all kinds of crawling things and detestable animals and all the idols of the house of Israel and in front of them stand  seventy elders of that house. 
“Son of Man” Notice how all have a censer in their hand, while fragrant clouds of incense are rising. 
What you are seeing “Son of Man” is what the elders of the house of Israel are doing in the darkness, each at the shrine of his own idol while chanting the lord does not see us; the lord has forsaken the land. 

Again, the sprit says, I have even more detestable things that they do at the entrance to the north gate of the souse of the lord where you will see a women sitting, there mourning for Tummuz. 
Do you see this “Son of Man” we still have even greater detestable things to see than this? 

We shall now go to the inner court of the house of the lord, and there at the entrance to the temple, between the portico and the altar, you will see about twenty-men with their backs toward the temple of the lord and their faces toward the east bowing down to the sun in the east. 

Having now seen all this “Son of Man” is it a trivial matter for the house of Judah to do the detestable things they are doing here? Must they also fill the land with violence and continually provoke me to anger? Look at them putting the branch to their nose! Therefore I will Deal with Them in Anger; I will not look on them with pity or spare them, although they shout in my ears, I will not listen to them. 

Ezekiel 8: 1-18

“The point is that we should make a gift of our hearts, emptying them of ourselves that they may be filled with God. Our almighty father becomes one with us, uniting creator and creature. How desirable is the union! – Teresa of Avila. 

Prayer of recollection as defined represents a specific “restful attitude” of connecting the reality that God is in me. As we let go of distractions, this prayer recalls the soul to its true center and identity in Christ. 

A recollected Soul is the opposite of a Distracted, Fragmented Soul. It is a Soul collected and it rest in God. Because it is the nature of the mind to make random associations and wonder off in a million directions, we need a prayer that recalls our Soul to the center of God. 

The prayer of recollection reveals where our distracted hearts are going – where they are sidetracked in the scheme of things. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there you heart will be also” (Mathew 6:21).
Distractions reveal our attachments, attachments reveal what in our heart needs recollecting back to God once again. 

Teresa of Avila, John on the Cross, Francois Fenelon, St. Francis de sales and Dietrich von Hildebrand are a few of the authors (besides the psalmists) who write about recalling or “recollecting” our souls back to their home in God. Though they don’t share one formula for this kind of prayer, they all agree that the flood of distracting thoughts in prayer can be received as a gift. 

When you want to recollect your soul and end up rewriting the next agenda for the next meeting in your head, when you begin praying and end up imaging which way to go, don’t push those thoughts aside. 
Notice them, you cannot recollect what you don’t know to be scattered, you cannot abandon what you don’t see, the way to the heart at rest in God comes through confessing and abandoning our limited, preoccupied heart. 

Thomas Dubay, in his book ‘Fire within’ notes that John of the Cross suggests, “The more a pane of glass is free of anything not pure glass the more it can be transformed into a ray of sunlight. 
In the prayer of recollection we pay attention to our wandering thoughts and attachments so that we can be transformed “into a ray of sunlight.” We open ourselves to seeing how secondary things have become “Idols” of our heart – how agendas, possessions, appearances, and comforts matter more than keeping “God First” in our lives. 

The attachment to secondary things acts like a cataract on the eye, sapping out strength and Spiritual Energy that leaves us bling to what drives us. Throughout the ages the ‘Faithful’ consistently proclaim, as Jesus did, that relinquishment of Secondary things is the “Key” to delight in God. 

Transformation into Christlikeness requires detachment from whatever keeps us from returning and resting in God, who is our treasure and our core. In the prayer of recollection we offer our distractible self to Christ, we name our escape tactics and the fantasies designed to shield us from disappointments. 
Then we offer them to God who alone can save us from a “Divided Heart” and reunite us with the undivided heart of God. 

In the book ‘Spiritual letters to Women’ find a letter Francois Fenelon wrote to a busy lady living in 1692: “Recollection is the only cure for your haughtiness, the sharpness of your contemptuous criticism,, the sallies of your imagination, your impatience with inferiors, your love pleasures, and all your other faults.” 

Confessing our attachment before the Holy One, we return to our true root identity in God. 
We abandon the false to embrace the true one as we remember the self-caught in worry, power plays and image management is not true self; it’s a self that creates its identity though attachments to secondary things. 

God has given you an identity so receive it, recollect your Christ-in- me identity and over time the prayer of recollection meant to shape your soul will rest in the bosom of Christ, in the arms of God, in the love of the sprit. 

Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices that transform us. 

Now that you have been introduced to many things the time has arrived under the Road less travelled and beyond to explore - Whats in fashion isn’t necessarily in fashion. 

The extensive influence of fashion in our culture often leads to conformity through “Simplistic Thinking”. 
We are a fashion obscured culture, whether the fashion of the day involves what to wear, what kind of music to listen to, or which “Political Ideology” to subscribe to at the moment. 

Our incredible emphasis on fashion discourages people from thinking independently and encourages conventional thinking in accordance with generally accepted views and stereotypes. 
Such thinking may border of the irrational or cross the lines into insanity, as it did for our nation in Vietnam. 

We have a civic obligation to confront our Simplistic Thinking about what being “Normal” should mean: an obligation to use Critical Thinking, for instance, about our constitution for close to a century, it counted a slave as three-fifths of a person that were fundamentally crazy. 

There is no such thing as a Fifth of a Person, either you’re a person or you are not. 
While it may have been fashionable – a workable political and social compromise at that time – this anomaly wasn’t seriously questioned for decades. 

To use Critical Thinking doesn’t suggest that everyone must become a walking encyclopedia; it does not mean we have to know everything about the Dred Scott decision, for example, but we do have an obligation to Study, Learn, and Think about those things that are of High Importance. 

One of the most crucial skills of critical thinking it that deciding what is essential to think or learn about, and what is none essential. We must acknowledge the gaps in our knowledge, rather than be compelled to let Pride, Fear, or Laziness lure us into assuming the role of know-it-all.

What is never fashionable nor rarely admired are adult narcissisms. 
You know those people so self-centered that they wonder how the world would manage to survive without them where the majority simply recognizes the world does not simply revolve around any one of us. 

Narcissists cannot or will not think about other people as their learning builds on self.
Medical phycology really does not know why some individuals fail to take that giant step out of the terrible two’s but have strong reasons to suspect that failure began in this vulnerable period of life. 

What generally is agreed upon is having never learned to become humble inkle that failure to grow out of narcissism was primarily rooted in an excessive humiliation - lacked proper spiritual guidance. 
Generally stupid selfishness’s over time built upon selves a life survival philosophy where  media influenced the ill prepared to rest all upon - Mo’ Monies buys Mo’ Toys and Mo’ toys gets Mo’ respects and Mo’ respect gets Mo’ Power that’s all that ever matters  in this life through a narcissistic frame of reference. 

What is the unfashionable and highly unconstructive attitude contrary to what builds a greater America? Such would simple English: totally too preoccupied in all the wrong reasoning’s over rejoinders that commandeer a stupid selfishness. 

Narcissistic assumptions primarily assume that all others like them are the cream of the crop where all others not of the fold are misguided and thus golden rules shall never apply toward their benefit. 
‘Son of Man’ now sees how governmental money management, urban planning, and the like in shambles grew out of Narcissisms that filtered down, out, and now abroad are the greatest first duty national security threat known to man in this century unlike any other that only God himself can correction and cure. 

So in conclusion what this means in order to grow out of narcissisms in which preservations a last stand on earth and no other place to go would require the process in God of collaboration under God steadfast in strong disciples that labor together with wits as well as the Brawn to match. 

Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety. 

Are our pseudo malcontents even in their most subtle ways the abnormal enemies of freedom under God?    

Within your Bible contains many a story about In-between straddlers in the bad that where not of word.  

You cannot separate thinking – intellect- from psychological and spiritual growth in the realm in order to become one in Psychospiritual fortitude that honors thy body whole in its entirety as intended. 

“There is no better Mirror in which to See Your Need than the Ten Commandments.” – Martin Luther

Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when crucial tides must be turned.

The American dream is about making the most out of it under God in country that share in community.

Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care grass root movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic followers of Mr. Avarice have returned with a vengeance in un-sustainable appetites - till all ever had is gone for good. 

The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”

Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort that shares its experiences in which promote advanced educational awareness through effective communications may save another. 
You do have a voice and a choice while Life-care movement cares about maintaining continual senior perseverance in all its affairs and beyond in Jesus Name. 

Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: The point is what the points are that matter where people become more important than subsidizing Satin’s earthly Lap Dogs. 

We humbly thank contributing library for the provision of author M. Scott Peck M.D.’s life works along with faith based authored  works within resource center for their assistance in sharing of much needed fundamental observations in ways that level playing fields down to enable any underdog abilities to stand tall and stay afloat wherever actuated seas of treachery may reside or oceans full of capsizing climates oppress voyagers from reaching’s their ordained destination – final ports of destinies call. 

Is end of times the awakening of a much needed consciousness in its body’s politics?  
The mysteries behind awakenings simply foundation “Cognito, ergo sum” time to travel with God 
We are to know the differences between good and evil in retrospect to how sin and other distinctions summons the shadow.  

Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for that preserve family values and ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing as we once did under god protects as first fiduciary duty against all whom scheme to unjustly write family epitaphs within country that Honorably values its people united as one in all affairs.

1 comment:

  1. What is never fashionable nor rarely admired are adult narcissisms.
    You know those people so self-centered that they wonder how the world would manage to survive without them where the majority simply recognizes the world does not simply revolve around any one of us.
