
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Why would any choose to think only simplistically, superficially, and reflexively?

The answer, again, is that, despite our consciousness, what we have in common with the other creatures is a preference for avoiding pain.

Thinking deeply is often more painful than thinking shallowly. 

When we think with ‘Integrity’ we must bear the tension of all manner of causes and factors pulling against each other in our minds. 

Just as Integrity is never painless, so consciousness is inevitably associated with pain. 

We are not here simply to experience pain-free living – to be comfortable, happy, or fulfilled all the time. 

The reality is that painful feelings accompany problem solving, and the process of becoming increasingly conscious is, like life in general, difficult. 

But it has many benefits, the greatest of which is that we will become more effective in life. We will aware of a broader array of choices in responding to difficult situations and the daily dilemma of life. 

We will be aware of the games people play, thus less willing to be manipulated by others into doing things we deem to be against our best interests. We will be in a better position to determine for ourselves what to think and believe, rather than simply fall prey to the dictates of mass media and peer influences. 

Unfortunately, pain is an inevitable side effect of consciousness as we become more aware of the needs, burdens, and sorrows of ourselves and others. 

We become conscious of our own sins and imperfections and, inevitably, more aware of the sins and evils of society. 

This choice is crucial to understand on how problems cause us pain and how, because we are pain-avoidance creatures, we run away from our problems rather than face them and deal with the pain. 

When we consider some of the prices we pay for failing to grow in consciousness where we absolutely refuse to think with any sense of Integrity under God and relentlessly reopen those same old nasty doors of yesteryear's, it should come as no real surprise why there is so much Evil in the word – unnecessary individual sufferings, tremendous damage to human relations, and social chaos – due to our failure to think and grow in consciousness.   

1 comment:

  1. This choice is crucial to understand on how problems cause us pain and how, because we are pain-avoidance creatures, we run away from our problems rather than face them.
