
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Is america embarrassingly well over its head through fault of it's own up to points rendering no potential return under current political corrupt avarice doctrines?

Where all listed below came to pass In Living Trust and beyond beginning 2014 well within a  federal class one felony by amount remains unaccounted for in trust and by complaint within every state, federal, and treasury agency known to man exists a well documented witness who can prove conclusively all listed below to be true beyond any Grand Juries Doubt equips John Q. Public the ability to march boldly forward and proclaim dissatisfaction for the record along with 2017's (hokus-pokus) styled kick the can tax reform law unanimously stances Hell No to both  declaring We the People and Nation recognize to be in serious trouble due to our traitorous political parties and elected Judas leaders only out for themselves. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Where political parties and politico's alike have helped themselves, the time has arrived for John Q. Public to help ourselves as well through the Spirit of God graced Proper guidance toward overcoming all ungodly affairs.
