
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Is God prepared to final judgement all individual (YEA) tax reform voters as Judas in no excuse before the world cursed as Babylonian shall drown in their own due stupid selfishness's?

The moral behind story has a simple English: 
Truthfulness in self where integral enough to see reveals a career pursuit for one reason or another has escalated into entrapment's that demand one to sellout their Soul for all the wrong reasoning's secures position are always best voluntarily smart selfishness resigned prior to impeachment or voted out carries a disgrace stigma not readily shaken nor easily runned away from. 
Whenever you hear a politician use 
the word “average” to defend one 
of their plans, your BS detector should go off.

This tax plan is so transparently fraudulent that ForbesForbes!—published a piece titled “How The GOP Tax Plan Scrooges Middle Class, Retired And Poor.”

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