
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Kenosis paraphrased as Whoever is willing to lose their Ego may find there Soul under God.

In many ways, the acceptance of God involves a battle between the I-dentity ego and the mature conscious Soul.

One of the biggest differences between the Soul and the ego is that the ego is closer to the surface of who we are or believe ourselves to be, whereas the Soul goes deeper, to the core of being - so deep that one may not be aware of that something going on inside was different than what WASP upbringing trained one to want. 

The Soul is one's true spirit, and Like God, 
it is a Spirit too slippery to capture.

The uniqueness of the Soul shows itself most whenever someone seriously 'Elects' a path of "Psychospirtual Growth" for remainder of his or her lifetime. 
It is as if psychopathology of the ego is like mud, and the more it get's cleared away, the more the Soul Underneath will Shine Forth in Glory, is a Distinct pattern of Glorious Color that can be found nowhere else on earth. 

The Secular Tendency to deny the Soul 
is also a denial of the heart. 

There is a self-fulfilling quality in secularism; the thinking goes:
"Since God doesn't exist, I will 'Discount' any evidence that hints at God. It is hardly surprising, then, that those who are cut off from a sense of their own soul are also quick to dismiss the human heart. 
Simple English: When there's a lack of integration of one's feelings and thinking - a distrust of feelings - the result is often the denial of one's own heart. 

The deepest Healing occurs not in the mind, 
But in The Heart or Soul. 

And where the heart compasses "hardened,"
No words can penetrate it. 
Voters Key - Measure Twice then Cut Once.

Conversely, when a circumcision of the heart occurs reflective of God's healing presence was in our lives then the rest of the world becomes less difficult to deal with where reality must acknowledge  truth exists, Justice was not taken lightly and all divinely feared.

Now is the time to describe all the stages of growth that need 
to routinely occur when groups Deliberately attempt to reform themselves reflective of communities honor Word under God. 

Not only could this be you but within current Re-circulatory systems (under the law allows) will be you as demands in expendables with significant assets {increase} under man's avarice's moon. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There are only three ways out of Chaos.
    One is to revert to an even more profound pseudocommunity, another is to organize away Chaos by creating committees and subcommittees;but such organization is never in and itself "Community" and the Third is "Into and through Emptiness" into right spirit under god transformed in God honored Word.
