
Monday, January 8, 2018

You're running out of time alright: about whether or not you will have a future at all?

Fiat Government By Presidential Proclamation.

None of those "in-charge" gives a damn about ordinary Americans, except to force us to pay for all of their totally obscene mistakes: that's all you and I are good for-to bail them out- even if it bankrupts us all!

We cannot afford to trust the congress to level with the people.
Judas' fools have decided to "do what's best for the country" (translation: capitulate to the direct orders of the Dictator and his owners), and get this "deal" wrapped up quickly- so that the money begins to flow unimpeded back into the overstuffed pockets of all their favorite sponsors!

Corporate malfeasance—bribery, tax evasion, price-fixing, defrauding.
It would be nice if the problem were confined to the federal level. 

Unfortunately, magical thinking and the use of leverage to cover up incipient insolvency is rampant within the states as well. 

The federal Government can effectively print up money. 

To borrow and spend as a fraudulent  scheme is easier to keep going when you have a guaranteed straw buyer in the form of the federal reserve, which will suck up an unsustainable deficit and turn it into brand new cash. 

The fact that shall remain behind this action will be found where action must either debase the currency and cause the price of commodities to skyrocket or must replace credit that was formally issued and has now gone bad, thereby transferring real wealth from the citizens to the banks via a backdoor bailout, is simply disregarded. 

Indeed if we were to look at the amount of deficit spending in excess of what administration ran from 2003 to 2007 over the three years from 2008 to 2010, you will find about $3 Trillion in aggregate, and compare it against the decrease in financial firm credit outstanding over the same time ($2.88 trillion), you will find the So-Called Stimulus spending by the Federal Government in fact actually almost entirely benefited large Financial Institutions by enabling them to cover up;

the 'Enormous'  hole in their asset base that would have otherwise Bank-Reputed them. 

States cannot print money, the constitution forbids states the ability to issue bills of credit, and effective prohibition on issuing currency. 

The states have cheated the implied balanced budget mandate that comes from this prohibition in the very same way corporations can cheat a cash shortfall for a period of time. 
The State 'Barrows" from tomorrows tax receipt's to meet today's needs, implying that tomorrow they will both be able to pay down the debt and meed the cash needs of tomorrows cash spending.  

Federal and state governments have contributed tremendously to 'Illusory' growth over the past decades. 

Not only has our government allowed financial institutions and other corporations to record and post "Fictitious" growth that was fostered by a 'Debauched' debt binge but also it constructed programs and entitlements that are absolutely dependent on the continuations of that Charade for their funding. 

These schemes and artifices are Mathematically Impossible to Sustain, that leaves two choices to our members of the electorate: A fundamental Rethinking of what we can actually afford to pay for through the production of Goods and Services, or uncontrolled collapse of  not only the private economy but also governments due to stupid (Avarice) selfishness.

1 comment:

  1. A power greater than all is testing Americas faith resilience within finally says:"Hell No I'm not going to take this anymore!" before God judgments to hell with birth right saves the rest.
