
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Why is it taking leadership so long to resolve national pride in image?

Simple English: Party self esteems first redundantly get in the way of nation where members refuse to believe that anything was wrong with an endorsed elect who tables deals where no deal should ever be considered let alone made consciously under God. 

The crux is “Vagueness” and the complaint  rightfully so by John Q. Public would be “It’s like we are forever out at Sea.”

It is quite natural once voters have experienced enough unpleasant experiences with Hierarchical Authority System's to Distrust those Structures and Guard Against their blatant dysfunctional Tendencies. 

The distinction between the properly harnessed and the improperly harnessed will is important.
The Improperly trained at best literally goes about life that is simply only harnessed to self, 
lacks disciplines, and as result generally only succeeds in knocking houses down.

A Strong willed people Spiritually foundation' d under God in the mysterious will to righteously grow traditionally according to your Bible usually does well no matter the myth, situational Odds against 
or background. 
They do not sit on their duffs and welcome as milk-toast an unsound confrontation against "We the People" as friend 
to the soul.  

Having a Strong Will in Christ is like having 
a Dozen Clydesdale's in your backyard. 

These horses are massive and extremely strong. 

When integrally trained, ethically disciplined, and righteousness harnessed the spiritual Clydesdale can literally move 
any unsound mountain under God with God's Help in Christ. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Blessed are the ones who's Sin the Lord does not count against them and whose spirit is no deceit.

When we the people become courageous enough to examen politico's forbidden zones then we the people are no longer outsiders as we begin to understand the significance's in different truth lights.

Thoughts then naturally come and go as  studies dig deeper into sharpness focused on why “Weller than Well” redundantly toke a back seat in many affair.

Traditionally psychology focuses its primary attention on sensation, perception, memory, and cognitive rather than motivation.

Blocked sensations are generally the motive apparatus means behind  questionable contentions that are best bewared.

When the psychologist McDougall – far removed from Freud in basic concepts – had the temerity to describe instincts as primary source of human motivation, he was denounced; the behaviorist Watson cited it as evidence that “Professor McDougall must return to psychospiritual faith. 

Focused awareness under God in the end will always provide the other sides to obscured complexity where as body we became willing to pay our proper intellectual and emotional dues honored All THINGS POINTED TO GOD AND BACK TO HIS DIVINE PLAN FOR THE WORLD.

Too much money, like too much power, pose grave dangers for society when a minority of  individuals are allowed to become tax exempt only interested in selves.
Time and money traditionally only become major league problems when the quality in leadership thinking ensnare themselves with known civil disobedience offenders that seek to shortcut 'Virtues' in their way.  

In everyday Politico life it has become common practice 
to reduce misapplications via misinterpretations to appear 
under the law allowed cut its mustard.  
Every single congressional'y held seat must experience 
 Your Fired
Messaging a career path best pursued stays out of politics 
when entered into serves for all of the wrong reasoning. 

The right, the wrong, the reasons, the need, the wish, the fear, the intention, the stimulus, the inhibitions that entice many more bad deals shall lay one upon another fueled by parties unwillingness to police their endorsements  naturally summons then whom among candidates other than "None of The Above" would realistically make sense where order and structure must restore where unsound whims were allowed to lead multidimensional organizational behaviors? 

"There is no better mirror in which to see your need
 than the Ten Commandments." 
Martin Luther.

Confession may be Good for the Soul, but it can be very hard work to do.

We are invested in looking like good moral people, after all, appearing good is one way of dealing with the notion that something is wrong with us. 

We haven't murdered anyone or robbed a bank. Furthermore, when we do wrong we try to fix it and make it better. 

We can put a great deal of energy into maintaining the image that we are good moral people. But this very appearance  of goodness can be a way we defend ourselves against our Sin. For when we can't see our sin we have nothing to confess. 

The truth is we all sin. Sin is everything that breaks relationships.
Jesus is totally realistic about broken relationships. He experienced them. 
He was put to death by them. Yet Jesus taught the damage done through sin was not the last word of life. 

Sin could be 'Confessed', Sin could be Forgiven and Sinful People could be set free. 

Much of Jesus' teachings and at least a third of his parables are about forgiveness. Over and over again he modeled what it Looked Like to bless when you are cursed and to forgive when people don't deserve to be forgiven. Furthermore, one of the central pleas of the Lord's Prayer focuses on confession and forgiveness: "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us." 

True repentance means we open the bad in our lives to God. 

We invite him to come right in and look at our sin with us. 
We don't hide by being good, moral people or in neurotic self-recriminations. We don't pretend to be other than what we are. 

We don't disguise the Truth by carting out all the disciplines we practice. We tell it like it is - without rationalization, denial or blame - to the only person in the universe who will unconditionally love us when we are bad. 

We hand over the pretense, image management, manipulation, control and self-obsession. In the presence of the Holy One we give up on appearing good and fixing our own sins. 

We lay down our ability to change by the power of the self. 
We turn to Jesus and seek forgiveness.

Jesus the only Son of God, died a violent, unspeakable death so we could know what freedom from sin tastes like. Jesus laid is power down, suffered and became sin so that we would not be condemned. 

Every time we confess how we missed the mark of Love and Truth, we open ourselves up to the mending work of the Cross. 

Jesus' wounds hold true life-changing power. This is a shocking reality that confession can open up to us. Through confession and forgiveness we live into the truth of being God's New Creation!

The old is gone, The New Has Come. 

Shares: The Road Less Traveled / Spiritual disciplines Handbook. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Justice seeks to help others through correction and redressing wrongs, it treats others fairly and shows no favoritism.

The path of health and healing is the opposite from that of the denial.

Whether we are young or old, a deep consciousness ultimately leads us on a path to seeking meaning.

The fully mature begin with an active struggle with the mystery in a personal search for meaning in its face.

In the beginning God told Adam and Eve that they were free to eat of every tree in the Garden of Eden but One (Genesis 2:16-17).

One tree belonged to God alone.
If they ate of this forbidden tree, they would die.

That was Reality!

Eventually Adam and Eve decided they couldn't live with God deciding the nature of what was good and bad. They wanted to choose what was good and bad for themselves.

They wanted to determine their own reality.

So Adam and Eve became the First Truth "Spinners."

It began by lying to themselves about the true nature of the tree and God's command concerning it.

In effect, the spin was, "God is holding out on us."

That spin lead to other spins, and before you know it they were hiding from and lying to God and One Another.

But God refuses to let lies have the last word.

God looked for Adam and Eve in an attempt to reconcile their broken relationship, reclaim Truth and Restore Reality (Genesis 3:9,15).

The rest of the Bible is the story of how God mends the tear in fabric of creation who began with a lie about reality.

Like Adam and Eve before us, we are Truth Spinners who want to define our own realities.

We Pad Expense Accounts with Rationalizations and Denials.

We back out of commitments with Blame and Deceit.

Advertisers, Corporations, Government agencies, and Educational Institutions Spin the Truth.

Everything from ruining the environment to insider trading gets the spin.

It is not hard to understand why people don't know Who or What to believe.

But Lies that Substitute for Reality 
Don't Last Forever.

Truth alone has Staying Power.

Jesus says telling the Truth begins with small things.

Don't say 'Yes' when you intend to back out of it; "Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No, ' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the Evil One (Mathew 5:37).

Begin to reclaim the Truth about yourself and your words by honoring the creator and reality as he defines it.

If we submitted to the great commission, "Teaching them to Obey everything God has commanded and if they were to obey the great commandment, "Love God and your neighbor as yourself," issues of Justice could not be avoided. 

Journeys would be characterized by Micah's great requirement: What does the Lord require of You? / To Act Justly  and to Love mercy/ and to walk humbly before God" (Micah 6:8).

We would be people who fought unemployment with Job Training, Illiteracy with Education, Pollution with Technology, Oppression with Legal Protection, Disease with Medicine, Danger with Safety, Poverty with Help, Chaos with Order, Fear with Love, Hunger with Food, and On and On.

We would grieve over Injustice and Oppression.

We would courageously use our gifts and talents to 'Oppose' the results of the Fall.

We never outgrow the need for Prophets who remind us of the "Great Requirement."

We need to search our hearts and see where putting out agenda first makes us part of the problem.

Faith that does not serve Justice can end up making us worse instead of better.

It can actually separate us from God and his ways instead of drawing us to him.

Truth and Holiness are always matters of substance, not appearance. 

Issue of Justice consistently involve allocation of real and substantive resources: money,time, opportunities, goods and services. 

The Christian life is not a game where the one with the most toys wins. 
What we have and own is never simply ours. We are stewards of what God Gives Us. 

God holds us Responsible for What we Do with What we Have. 
Followers of Jesus are to Share their resources and Work Against The Evil that Robs the world of God's care and Love. 

Lifestyles and choices that Love and Value People more than things is the Litmus Test of Faith. 

Continually remind selves of the Truth 
with this prophetic name
Share: The Road Less Traveled and Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

"Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide-awake in prayer." (1 Peter 4:7 The Message)

Some People do their best praying while they are moving.

Prayer walking can be a wonderful gift for those who like to get up and move around.

This type of intercession intentionally invites people to go to the site of their concern; The Office, the Conference room, the Dinning room, the Kitchen, the School, the Hospital, The Government Buildings.

1 of many unrighteous administration unwritten social politico contracts include unpublished states that look the other way over outsources such as to Mexico that even Mexican government protested.

The immediacy of context can fuel prayer and offer a way for listening more down deeply to God, to what his concerns for this place might be.

Prayer walking is a way of 'Saturating' a particular place and people with prayer.

This discipline draws us out of prayers that are limited to our immediate concerns and into a larger circle of God's Loving Attention.

Sometimes prayer walking precedes a particular Mission Endeavor.

A Team of People go beforehand to walk through the Neighborhood, Country or project in order to pray.

The actual Mission Team Follows.

Often this type of Prayer is 'Intentionally' organized rather than happening spontaneously.

It can be a One Time Event or Part of an Ongoing Prayer Ministry.

Congress must be refreshed on the many ways it has to restrain Trumps agendas and actions.

"When we pray 'through Christ' more is involved than merely asking God in heaven to make some Kind of Intervention. The Community Too, and We Ourselves, Must Be Involved Not Just in The Petition but also in Trying to Bring about What the Petition Pleads for."
Ronald Rolheiser

Share: Spiritual Disciplines Hand Book.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Becoming involved with an Alpha course while comfortably expressing the Christian Journey in words that appropriately connect with and for all

An assertion that this world is an ideal environment for human learning suggests the possibility that it might of been constructed by God for that purpose, which immediately brings us to discussion about the Notion of the Soul.
In the book "People of the lie" Keats refers to this world as "The Vale of Soul Making,"which means we're here to learn and be prepared.
This belief is one that Christianity and other religions have in common with reincarnation theory, which suggests the we're her to get rid of "Bad Karma" and to learn lessons that are necessary so that we can eventually make the transition beyond.

It has been long believed that the reason we are here is to learn, which is to say, to evolve. By "Evolve" means to progress.

Simple English:When people learn, they are in a position to Pro-gress (Move Forward)  as opposed to Re-gress (Move Backward).
We defy imaginations to construct a more ideal environment for human learning than this.

Having to learn everything from scratch has an addtional simple English that says we were not good listeners and observers where forced choices between lesser of two evils guarantees pitfalls experienced on the path we are heading.

A big part of learning can come about where political folly deemed it's memberships as good role models yet reality appropriately compasses the negatives toward what not to be, do, or pursue.

John Q. Public's greatest learning triumphs will always be best secured where early recognition  properly identified it's candidate Bumbles by psychiatric instincts were wrong.

A good measure of any current political party philosophy generally resides where first months of prior residency generally appeared  terribly confusing until general taxpayers realized that the Incumbent Bumbles was usually wrong.

Usually, integrity reveals what the Right Thing is to Do by comparing candidate judgments to Incumbent Bumbles thinking.

A fundamental medical approach may resemble the basic tenet of a Dr. if went to that basically asks, "Well this man is diagnosed as schizophrenic and he kind of looks like a schizo schizophrenic..... and Dr. Bumbles said, Oh definitely - a classic case of schizophrenia, we then knew it was right to Doubt the Diagnosis. Or if queried as "This patient doesn't look schizophrenic, but we wonder if he or she may be, because of how he or she acts, and Dr Bumbles responded, "Oh no question, he or she is not schizophrenic, then that investigate is right to suspect Schizophrenia.

So in learning from key points associated with electoral college, John Q. Public must 'Keenly' perceive the nuances that allow voters to distinguish between Good and Bad Teachers.

When we as nation fail to make these distinctions, general masses develop the directional neuroses of those bad role models like children that feel they must behave the same way as the influential adult.

It is from these poor souls that faith has learned to Pray almost daily that nation will become better prepared and able to give up whatever control needed to do so only worrying that this Righteous Learning honors God while under God will Continue.

The Very Last Thing Jesus Told His Followers was, "You will be my witness" (Acts 1:8)

A witness is simply someone who tells what they saw or heard or experienced.

A witness tells the story of what happened to them. Anyone who follows Jesus has a story to tell and No Story is Boring or Uneventful.

Every Disciple has the very life of God pulsing through his or her body.

Every Disciple has been set Free, Released, Redeemed, Forgiven, Made New and Inhabited by The Holy Spirit.

All Disciples have stories of God's work in their lives that are meant to Help Set Others Free.

Testifying to this Good News requires no Strategy Program. It Depends on Responding to the Spirit's Nudge to Open Your Mouth and Heart for the Sake of Others.

Paul, the First Great Missionary of the Church, told his story in myriad ways, suiting his message to his audience.

In Athens, Paul argued with Greeks, quoting philosophers and using apologetics to present the Good News of Jesus. (Acts 17).

In Corinth, Paul lived in community with Priscilla and Aquila. He supported himself by making tents so he could stay long enough to plant a church. In Rome, Paul spent two years in his own rented house "and welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly without hindrance He Preached the Kingdom of God and Taught about the Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 28:30-31). In Jerusalem, Paul told of His Conversion (Acts 22). When on trial before Felix, Paul Defended himself and gave and account of his belief in the "resurrection of the dead." Paul suited what he said to who he was with. He didn't have a Formula for Witnessing. But He Did Have a Desire to Share The Life-changing Love of Jesus that Couldn't Be Shut Down.

Still Paul Knew that it was not up to him to convert anyone.

In 1 Corinthians 3:6 he writes, "I Planted The Seed, Apollos Watered It, But God Made it Grow.

God is the one who draws People to Himself, and He is Pleased to Use Us in The Process.

The early church continued to follow Paul's and Jesus' example. Believers Committed themselves to Living the Christ-In-Me Life in the Midst of the world.

Writing to non-Christians, the early church father Tertullian said in The Apology, "We live in a world with you. We do not forsake forum or bath or workshop, or inn, or market, or any other place of commerce. We sail with you, fight with you, farm with you."

Whiteness to the Life-changing Jesus happens on the Job and in the Everyday Comings and Goings of Life. The Litmus Test for Witness is Not Simply an Ability to Explain Good News.


"Our communication of the gospel depends not on human strategies or well-polished techniques or even brilliantly reasoned arguments but on Divine Initiative. It is the Hidden Work of the Holy Spirit that gives our words meaning and Power and that Produces Changed Hearts." 
- Rebecca Manly Pippert

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and Teaching them to Obey everything I Have Commanded You."
(Matthew 28:19-20)

Shares: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook.