
Saturday, February 10, 2018

Justice seeks to help others through correction and redressing wrongs, it treats others fairly and shows no favoritism.

The path of health and healing is the opposite from that of the denial.

Whether we are young or old, a deep consciousness ultimately leads us on a path to seeking meaning.

The fully mature begin with an active struggle with the mystery in a personal search for meaning in its face.

In the beginning God told Adam and Eve that they were free to eat of every tree in the Garden of Eden but One (Genesis 2:16-17).

One tree belonged to God alone.
If they ate of this forbidden tree, they would die.

That was Reality!

Eventually Adam and Eve decided they couldn't live with God deciding the nature of what was good and bad. They wanted to choose what was good and bad for themselves.

They wanted to determine their own reality.

So Adam and Eve became the First Truth "Spinners."

It began by lying to themselves about the true nature of the tree and God's command concerning it.

In effect, the spin was, "God is holding out on us."

That spin lead to other spins, and before you know it they were hiding from and lying to God and One Another.

But God refuses to let lies have the last word.

God looked for Adam and Eve in an attempt to reconcile their broken relationship, reclaim Truth and Restore Reality (Genesis 3:9,15).

The rest of the Bible is the story of how God mends the tear in fabric of creation who began with a lie about reality.

Like Adam and Eve before us, we are Truth Spinners who want to define our own realities.

We Pad Expense Accounts with Rationalizations and Denials.

We back out of commitments with Blame and Deceit.

Advertisers, Corporations, Government agencies, and Educational Institutions Spin the Truth.

Everything from ruining the environment to insider trading gets the spin.

It is not hard to understand why people don't know Who or What to believe.

But Lies that Substitute for Reality 
Don't Last Forever.

Truth alone has Staying Power.

Jesus says telling the Truth begins with small things.

Don't say 'Yes' when you intend to back out of it; "Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No, ' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the Evil One (Mathew 5:37).

Begin to reclaim the Truth about yourself and your words by honoring the creator and reality as he defines it.

If we submitted to the great commission, "Teaching them to Obey everything God has commanded and if they were to obey the great commandment, "Love God and your neighbor as yourself," issues of Justice could not be avoided. 

Journeys would be characterized by Micah's great requirement: What does the Lord require of You? / To Act Justly  and to Love mercy/ and to walk humbly before God" (Micah 6:8).

We would be people who fought unemployment with Job Training, Illiteracy with Education, Pollution with Technology, Oppression with Legal Protection, Disease with Medicine, Danger with Safety, Poverty with Help, Chaos with Order, Fear with Love, Hunger with Food, and On and On.

We would grieve over Injustice and Oppression.

We would courageously use our gifts and talents to 'Oppose' the results of the Fall.

We never outgrow the need for Prophets who remind us of the "Great Requirement."

We need to search our hearts and see where putting out agenda first makes us part of the problem.

Faith that does not serve Justice can end up making us worse instead of better.

It can actually separate us from God and his ways instead of drawing us to him.

Truth and Holiness are always matters of substance, not appearance. 

Issue of Justice consistently involve allocation of real and substantive resources: money,time, opportunities, goods and services. 

The Christian life is not a game where the one with the most toys wins. 
What we have and own is never simply ours. We are stewards of what God Gives Us. 

God holds us Responsible for What we Do with What we Have. 
Followers of Jesus are to Share their resources and Work Against The Evil that Robs the world of God's care and Love. 

Lifestyles and choices that Love and Value People more than things is the Litmus Test of Faith. 

Continually remind selves of the Truth 
with this prophetic name
Share: The Road Less Traveled and Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. 

1 comment:

  1. The questions of the Examen help us pay attention to our mental state and our emotional baggage best eliminated to shed conflict.
