
Monday, May 21, 2018

Is the most overlooked midterm leadership skill a moral compass?

Some of the integral Questions all ethical incumbent leaders or future hopefuls as first duty in government should be asking themselves about over the character behind questionable encounters.

Exercising moral agency and courage requires leaders must continually consider and ask themselves these key questions: Who do I really work for? What are my rights and privileges? What are my duties and obligations? How do I assess my impact (intended and unintended)? What really matters to me? Who has benefited from my business, and who should benefit?

Only by grappling with these questions can any qualified leader begin the journey of discovering what really matters to the general voter and align their actions with those values  toward raising their aspirations in how the business of America, constitutionally, is not about the 1% but rather always about equality as positive force is always the foundation of a well balanced society worthy of global respect as leader of nations. 

The organization defines a school shooting as "any time a firearm discharges a live round inside a school building or on a school campus or grounds."  
In other words, this count also includes attempted or completed suicides and accidental discharges.

To put this into perspective, we are 138 days into the year, which means the US has had nearly as many mass shootings as days in 2018.

Teaching tomorrow’s leaders

We as nation have downplayed the self-inquiry, self-reflection, and sometimes personal transformation required of political (public servant) leaders to develop a ethical judgment long enough up to points in debate that no longer hold water or  honorably justify Under God in valid excuse. 

Too rarely do our political parties focus upon the finer arts of personal "Integral"  learning that consists of in order for any member to remain in good standings they must develop ethical mindsets and implement those associated values "consistently" within the responsibilities required of first duty government leadership - and highest obligatory standards secure public safety.

The fact of this matter still stands that with elected leadership comes not only rights and privileges, but such should never be exceeded and duties indeed include obligations to the general public that must never be forsaken. 

The true mark of the statesmen leader worthy of any elected post is their refined internal gyroscope for managing ethical dilemmas uniformly on a consistent basis  all leaders will inevitably encounter. 

Does the federal government borrow from social security?
Yes. The Federal Government currently owes the Social Security Trust Fund 
$2.85 Trillion Dollars. That’s $2,850,000,000,000.

Every year, since 1983 the  balance in the Social Security Trust Fund has been transferred to the Federal Treasury and replaced with non negotiable bonds stored
 in a filing cabinet at the Bureau of Public Debt in Parkersburg, West Virginia. 
The interest on these bonds is “paid” by the issue of even more bonds.

The Federal Government will only have money to repay its obligations 
by raising taxes or radically cutting spending includes Medicare and medicaid.  
This is nothing less than gross financial mismanagement.

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