
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Has the apprentice returned in it's major new venture?

Just as his critics warned, President Trump is turning out to be unfit for his job, perhaps dangerously so. 
That's a harsh judgment, but it's no longer coming from the president's opponents. 
It's coming from leading members of his own party.

An apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners based on objective measures and subjective opinions of the host who monitors the performance of tasks assigned and when results fall short of hosts false pride  expectation(s) their services end with words "You're fired!"

So it's not surprising that speculation has been renewed that Congress may have to try to remove Trump from office before his term ends based on president purportedly asserted "What's that?"

Trump has already provided more than enough issues that any opponent on either side of the floor could cast as a impeachable offense where Congress can define "high crimes and misdemeanors" any way it wants. 

A president's actions don't need to be felonies under the criminal code to be considered as grounds for impeachment.

Trump has already provided all statesmen opponents under God with more than enough ample national issues combined with lists of scandals that could be cast as early as Monday as impeachable offenses: His failure to divest his family business, the profits his hotels have made from foreign governments, his apparent carelessness with classified information, his potential obstruction of justice by firing(s) plus arrays of much more too long to list in a single session.

A president's actions don't need to be felonies under the criminal code to be considered as grounds for impeachment and where voters may compliment any case compassing winning a two-thirds majority in each house of Congress holds a  simply English that at least one house must no longer be under the Republican majority. 

Meanwhile, "We The People" are stuck with the practical ways for Trump's opponents in the meantime to either get him out of office or placed under restriction(s) the traditional ways: 

Wait and absorb all damages done through voting him out in 2020, in either the Republican primaries or the general election or start utilizing the midterm in meantime where Congress suddenly becomes unhappy through general voters persistence with the president's job performance convinced within ones career future that it did or still has many ways to restrain his agenda actions. 
It can overturn executive orders. It can impose spending limits. 
It can even legislate: etc., etc, &c., or &c, "and so forth".

1 comment:

  1. Can the General voter still overpower Congress to Do as a Must - The Right Thing?
    I guess all will find out once and for all what truly floats this nations boat and what to expect in the beyond.
