
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Has God's be aware and required of us nudges toward America about to reach his final patience point with it?

The demands for people of Good character according to God's Word are more needed then ever before.

Our culture does not value it, yet it insists on it.

Just watch the news and see how people with no character attack by unfounded accusations even though they have done it themselves.

We celebrate practices one day then loathed them the next day for the same practices. Other word: Once before, they worked. Now, they do not. Therefore, character once absent was not sought. Once not needed, it is now needed and sought.

Spiritual con artists proliferate just as well as the financial con artist. 

The Apostle Paul instructs Titus in chapter 1 how to put the church in good, effective working order – it was paramount to find men to wear the mantle of the shepherd so that people would be led honestly and biblically in a genuine spiritual walk. 

Americas primary danger is bound up in nothing less than con artists who were intent on scamming by teaching a mixture of truth and error. 

Frankly, wherever the seeds of truth are sown, the seeds of deception were close by. There’s no such thing as a lawn or garden without weeds. Those who serve as shepherds must not only sow the seeds of truth but pull out the seeds of dangerous deceptions and what Paul called in doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1) – that is, doctrines that seem orthodox and correct, but actually mislead someone and take them through the doors of religion and into the jaws of hell.

And as Satan just so happens to be a master at deception and really good at it so are his advocates and their favorite scam is where many have been distracted and divided and even destroyed, as one author put it, to drape his lies in the beautiful robes of truth then hides deceptions behind smiling masks and encouraging promises.  So, the Spiritual Titus gotta be able to spot the lie – and expose the liars . . . and for that will need to select people who can do the same with spiritual discernment and courage.

Paul goes further here in verse 10 by describing these false teachers as empty talkers. 

This is the only time this adjective is found in the entire New Testament. 

It refers to someone who uses worthless words – someone who uses impressive language with little or no solid content of truth.

They are fluent, but shallow.v  In other words, they are great at making speeches, but when you evaluate the content of their speech, they are biblically shallow at best, but deceptively misleading at worst.One author said, “You can always spot those who don’t teach the truth by the way they so beautifully say absolutely nothing.They’re slick . . . they’re smooth . . . they are persuasive and pleasing and captivating. Try to pin them down on some matter of Biblical truth and they’ll most always somehow try get out of it.

Have you realized that your debt has been cleared, your sin has been covered, and your dread has been replaced with wonder and eternity?

Then, why Do you not obey my calls and precepts? 

What is in the way? 

Are you that willing to have God bring you down to your knees to wallow in debt and sin?

Paul's will was conquered with a sense of gratitude and indebtedness to Christ, this fueled his faith and character.
Are you totally submitted to God's ways? Do you feel indebted, or do you feel owed (1 Cor. 6:19-20)? 

Being "poured out" means to take the focus off yourself and place it on others, as Christ did for us.
Paul spent his life to express it! Jesus gives us the ultimate example of being poured out (Matt 26:28; Rom. 5:5)! Our response is John 3: 5; 30; Rom. 1:15-17; Phil. 2:14-18!

Paul's will was also conquered with a sense of gratitude and indebtedness to Christ, this too produced his character. Are you totally submitted to God's ways? Do you feel indebted, or do you feel owed (1 Cor. 6:19-20)? Being "poured out" means to take the focus off yourself and place it on others, as Christ did for us. Paul spent his life to express it! Jesus gives us the ultimate example of being poured out (Matt 26:28; Rom. 1:15-17; 5:5)! Our response is John 3: 5; 30; Phil. 2:14-18!

Character speaks for itself. We never owe people an explanation or excuse to be the person that God called us to be.
It is the moral,virtuous,spiritual foundation that holds the frame of our actions and the siding of how we are to others.

We earn it through self-surrender. It does not lie on the shelves of the store for us to buy.Character is supported from truth that reinforces the life and actions we are called to emulate.

Charisma and image are more of a value to society as we observed in the recent presidential election. Character was considered irrelevant so character lost out this time. Instead of blaming our hardships on all others, we need to re-learn and grow, enabling us to receive and reinstate the character lost we once had.

Character will flourish later if we build it up early. We have to be able to admit when we are wrong, to confess, grow, and go from there. 
This will allow us to grow the fastest and strongest.

Real character especially when one is a sworn servant of the people as their oath'd politician will not cave in under pressure, and will resent the temptation to compromise knowing in God's eyes, when you remain in His character, and learn from His precepts, you are a winner.

John tells us that He must increase and we must decrease (John 3:29-30). If we refuse this vital call, God just may allow hardships to come our way, breaking us down as an example before birth right rest.

As a good loving parent will discipline his children this would not be a personal attack; rather a way all Birth Rights can grow that was better used by our Lord (1 Cor. 1:30; Col. 1:27; 1 Thess. 4:3; 5:23-24; 1 Pet. 1:5). 

In order to escape God's wrath toward nation We have to be willing to be identified with God no matter what the cost, as the rewards will be far greater than we could ever imagine! 

So, will we be willing to reduce to be real as the persons all were called out to be by Jesus Christ ?
Character is like exercise. 
We cannot just get fit with the occasional haphazard effort, we have to be constant as it is with anything in the spiritual life.

Days left until 2018 midterm elections:

Let us use our lives for His glory so we point people to Christ with passion, integrity, and consistency!

God chose to withdraw Himself from Israel because He realized He had nothing in common with her. They could not walk together any longer. 


  1. Americas primary danger is bound up in nothing less than con artists who were intent on scamming by teaching a mixture of truth and error. vs

  2. Real character especially when one is a sworn servant of the people as their oath'd politician will not cave in under pressure, and will resent the temptation to compromise knowing in God's eyes, when you remain in His character, and learn from His precepts, you are a winner.
