
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

We have too many leaders who believe their position mandates their influence shall lead by forced coercion - a “my way or the highway” mindset that makes them more like dictators.

“You can’t just say, ‘We’re going to keep people out.’ You have to deal with the constant osmosis of population.”

Trump has said his wall will cost $8 billion; CNBC estimates it could really cost $15 billion to $25 billion, plus more for maintenance.


Christian Leadership requires obedience to God’s preferences, impulses, and desires above your own! The failure of obedience can have heavy consequences, much more than being taken to your room.

The Populist Appeal of Trump's Narcissism.
The fact that he often comes across as an egomaniac is irrelevant to the message, almost beside the point.
Populist messages rely on simplistic answers to complex problems and promote an us-versus-them warfare mentality. 

Like Mr. Trump, populists engaged in battle have traditionally ridiculed their opposition; but in the narcissistic endeavor to prove himself a winner at the expense of all those “losers,” Trump relies on righteous indignation, blame, and contempt as weapons of war. Many disaffected voters are drawn to him precisely because of those traits and not in spite of them.

Pride, false pride: Knowing the difference.

Modern civilization is based on the notion of pride and false pride.
The notion of (false) pride has spilled over into identity politics.Thus, we support a particular candidate because his or her election gives "my" community a sense of pride. 

Is not identity politics nothing more than the extension of false pride based not on the candidate's capabilities but rather on his or her arbitrary characteristics such as race, religion, ethnicity or gender?

Perhaps that is why the Talmud teaches us: "If ever a man becomes proud, let him remember that a flea preceded him in the divine order of creation (Tofesta: Sanhedrin 8:8). The same sentiment is expressed in the Midrashic literature when it notes that King Solomon asked a tiny ant in the palm of his hand: "Is there anyone in the world greater than I? The ant's answer: "I am, since God sent you to carry me!"

Overcoming Bias.

Prejudice distorts what it sees, deceives when it talks, and destroys when it acts.

Paul’s words to the believers at Colosse instruct us today, saying that our speech and behavior toward fellow Christians should reflect our oneness in Christ.

“[You] have put on the new man,” Paul said, “where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3:10-11).

Self-pity resides in our sin nature, which the Bible refers to as our “old man” (Rom. 6:6) or “flesh” (8:12).

King Saul indulged his self-pity until his soul was barren, his spiritual walk halted, his anointing lost, and his destiny aborted. We must eliminate, not indulge, self-pity.
Self-pity’s effects are powerful. It traps us in a revolving door of spiritual stagnation that keeps us from finishing the race set before us.

It renders us weak and unfaithful in duty and encourages self-indulgence (excessive self-comfort). It moves us to slander our adversaries. It distorts our view of others, events, and ourselves.

9 Essential Qualities of a Godly Leader.

President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The leader leads, and the boss drives.” The Boss often plays the Boss Card. They force obedience, strictly because of their position and status. But, as author and expert John Maxwell says, “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It’s about one life influencing another.”

After you have read this, odds are you are picturing someone known in a leadership position that drives more than they lead and It’s up to us the american general taxpayer to demand out of our incumbents too put their human tendencies aside and embrace these principle under God as God wants them to be.

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