
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Strengthening the American voters Spiritual Backbone against trumpism's evil and its senatorial enablers.

MAN'S backbone is symbolic of self-control, strength of will, and resolute decision—all vital for life's great achievements.
Grit, courage, drive, stamina, push, and action are not the characteristics of a spine less individual. Instead, lethargy, indifference, apathy, and denial rise to reveal the true nature of a coward.

Christian life is more than they [people professing present truth] take it to be.
It does not consist in mere gentleness, patience, meekness, and kindliness. These graces are essential; but there is need of courage, force, energy, and perseverance.

Dear brother, you need more faith, more boldness and decision in your labors.
You need more push. . . . Our warfare is aggressive.

To meet the spirit of compromise and formalism that is weakening the church's spiritual stamina, we need to diagnose, prescribe, and carry forward a program toward revival and reformation that will enliven the church. One basic ingredient of this plan must be self-control, the strength of will toward resolute decision.

You now have to learn the great lessons of self-control which ought to have been mastered in earlier days. God brought you where your surroundings would be changed and where you could be disciplined by His Holy Spirit, that you might acquire moral power and self-control to make you a conqueror. It will require the strongest effort, the most persevering and unfaltering determination,and the strongest energy to control self.

It is the grace of God that you need in order that your thoughts may be disciplined to flow in the right channel, that the words you utter may be right words, and that your passions and appetites may be subject to the control of reason, and the tongue be bridled against levity and unhallowed censure and faultfinding. . . . The greatest triumph given us by the religion of Christ is control over ourselves. Our natural propensities must be controlled, or we can never overcome as Christ overcame.

Good news for man everywhere is that self-control can be restored. What man cannot do for himself the Lord has done for him and can now do in and through him. Scripture is filled with this assuring message. It is the very central theme— man's restoration is possible through Christ.

This call for self-control is a call for temperate living. Temperance is the Bible word for "self-control"—now printed in all modern translations by the best scholars.

Temperance, or self-control, is the only answer to intemperance in all its forms. It is a spiritual principle that is demonstrated through every aspect of life, and when this power is regained, spiritual life will be strengthened and the backbone stabilized against all the forces of intemperance. "One of the most deplorable effects of the original apostasy was the loss of man's power of self-control. Only as this power is regained, can there be real progress.

Note well the fact that temperance, or self-control, is the foundation experience of practical godliness and spiritual life. "Temperance alone is the foundation of all the graces that come from God, the foundation of all victories to be gained." —Ibid., p. 201. Galatians 5:23 significantly shows temperance (self-control) as the fruit age of the Holy Spirit.

From this foundational experience of practical godliness will flow blessing and victory to every experience of life and offer rewards in every decision of life—physical, mental, social, and spiritual.
Why is it that this spiritual doctrine of self-control in all things, victorious living that brings sanctification of life, is so neglected?
"Satan knows that he cannot overcome man unless he can control his will."—Ibid., p. 16. "Our only hope of regaining Eden is through firm self-control."

The dedicated preacher and Christian will not only strive for self-control through obedience to the principles of healthful living but will teach these principles of temperance that others, too, may be overcomers.
In all our large gatherings we must bring the temperance question before our hearers in the strongest appeals and by the most convincing arguments.

The Lord has given us the work of teaching Christian temperance from a Bible standpoint.
Our message is a message of reform. This includes the call for self-discipline and strict adherence to the laws of our being.
The great subject of reform is to be agitated, and the public mind is to be stirred. Temperance [self-control] in all things is to be connected with the message.
When through the grace of God the church's spiritual backbone of self-control is strengthened, renewal and revival of spiritual power will follow. The church will then offer mankind everywhere a positive alternative to intemperance and evil, the warning against the forces of intemperance will be given, and many will follow on to know the Lord more fully.
On June 12, McConnell will surpass the 11-plus-year run of former Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas to become the longest-serving Republican Senate leader ever.
As spiritual courage has begun to take root, voters must learn some key principles that help us in our quest to be courageous.

What’s the right thing to do? In the last few years, I have been disciplining myself to ask, “What’s the right thing to do?” When faced with a situation where were tempted to do what’s politically expedient, we force ourselves to wrestle with this question. And most of the time we have a clear sense about what’s right. Following through is not easy and there have been plenty of times we have wimped out.
Paul was very clear when he said, “Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.” Courage is like guardrails on a highway. You may not know where the road will twist and turn, but godly courage will keep you out of the ditches of sin and compromise and political expediency.

Separate decision making from problem solving. 
This principle should be engrained in all voters where everybody knew the right decision, but the potential problems kept things stuck . . . sometimes for years. By separating decision making from problem solving, we don’t let the problem cloud our ability to make the best decision.

Once the best and right decision has been made, then we can dig in and start to problem solve.
God is faithful. For most this stands true theologically, but in the upcoming years many more may find it to be true as well even experientially. When we've done what we believed to be right and acted with spiritual courage, God has been faithful to show up with provision and presence.
This doesn’t mean everything will go smoothly just because we do what’s right and live with courage. Look at the life of Joseph. He suffered for doing what was right; nevertheless, his trust in God carried him through dark and lonely days.
As Paul closes the book of 1 Corinthians he gives four imperatives that are as relevant today as they were in the first century.
Be on guard. Stand true to what you believe. Be courageous. Be strong.

1 comment:

  1. Voter willingness to be courageous in spite fears has been tested.
    While many remain none poster children for spiritual courage,God has answered prayers n difficult situations:we didn't run & had hard conversations on people pleasing didn’t win the day.
