
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Congressional Senate hearings in concern are publicly requested of Illinois law group.

On behalf of Illinois seniors ‘We’ the people formally proclaim suspicioned beyond reasonable doubt in existence of protection consortium racket acting on behalf of Chicago based law firm as front for cell racketeering operations. 

As tax paying citizens under God; we further request of under mandate by congress of Secret Service Investigative state side query conducted. 

We will base all preliminary fundamental suspicions upon the book -The road less traveled and beyond – Spiritual growth in an age of Anxiety. 

Chapter One: Thinking page 39 (topic) Common Criminal Thinking. 
If we are to be honest with ourselves as evidenced parties have engaged in ‘Criminal Thinking’ which is form of disordered thinking under God as well as community covenants. 
Though the bulk of critical theory behind disordered thinking is primarily based upon the incarcerated if we are to be honest with ourselves there is a thin line that separates behind bars and the rest of us. 
Most research on criminal thinking underscores the most common patterns of Irrational thinking that lead toward disordered judicial decisions. 
Common disordered patterns from criminal law puzzle jury perspectives are not so much convoluted as ‘Simplistic’ and One Dimensional. 
Firms that think this way do not take responsibility for their choices. 
They maintain lacks of Perspective while practicing in the present without investing in the future or taking into account the consequences of practice actions. 

One aspect of criminal thinking pattern that stands out most is attitude of Ownership over rights. 
Other words can be referred as malignant sense of entitlement contrary under God and country.  
Inherent in this attitude is a Cockiness that borders as medical role model within Blatant Narcissism. 

Those with extreme sense of ‘Entitlement’ are able to “Justify” violating other People or their Property without regard to their Rights. 
All failure within reverts back to none observance under god while hypocritical member of Barr association which are Unacceptable under any standard! 
Guilt primarily lies within negligence’s in considering alternative ways while failing to think well. 

Medical study under suspicion from criminal law puzzle perspective further suggests; existence of politically assured simplistic “titlist’ thinking reflective within superiority complex neurosis in partaking’s under indiscriminate psychosis of mindset not limited to: due anything that is desired even if getting it means taking or unduly labeling another and become quite offended by any private citizen who stands up for one’s own rights wanting best for selves as well. 

Thinking of this sort becomes ‘Problematic’ when a licensed Law Group (suspicioned) politically consortium backed is willing to violate community by DISCRIMINATION, EXPLOITATION, OPPRESSION THAT DENIES SAME ‘RIGHTS’OPPORTUNITIES AND ACCESS TOWARD VALUED SOURCES

Anti-senior terrorist consortium is being judicially enabled to grow in our own back yard.
They must be stopped under; don’t raise more state devils of tyranny than federal government can moot back under God as indivisible nation of the people – for the people in which it stands. 
Under God is calling for immediate processes to begin toward moral restorations that are ethical by submission benefiting general public and community at large – Enough. 

The common problematic denominator here is failing to think well under God or at all while conveniently forgetting all responsibilities under oath as officer/ambassadors of the court by attitude suggests Oaths no longer hold sequential meaning under Cash-man code of the unwritten contract. 

Agency obtained tax dollars under public trust are to protect and benefit the general Public: 
So on behalf of self, In Living Trusts and seniors at large; we write as well as Blog because it is pinioned necessary while further questioning why protests in object are required in the first place? 

Toward Public record for the record: In Living trust as beneficiary stipulates no probate, consortium by misapplication busted trust into probate via medical now making me of second class citizen status contrary to medical certified opinion from legal perspective. 

While normal probate costs are around 40k, I am required under 18th judicial to assume all costs within to include motions to compel guardianship/trustee attorney fees approaching deficit of over 100K.
I am being further judicially compromised through objected appointment of county administrator as successor trustee holding all relevancy within 2012 p 893.
Rights are being further A.R.D.C commission and civil rights violated through suspicioned improper Coercion through illusionary silence that betray oaths best serving  attorney fee oriented agenda.
Established coercion now further suggests within- criminal law perspectives: while intentional handicapping of communications toward further illusions exist they only serve present band aide fix. The real problem in concern while existent all along is how to whitewash through Final trust accounting Holding probable trustee imperiousness’s and substantial deficit while walking away free of all sin while sweeping all under the carpet preserving additional rainy days cast upon another.

By judicial none recognition of certified medial opinion from legal perspective alone, along with inner political coercions of every conceivable civil rights violation known to man this case qualifies major league while many players whether past or present more than qualify toward Grand Jury nominations  and select indoctrinated into hall of shame fame and law books under precedents.  

I may not be able to save self, but can certainly take what I have learned 
 as seasoned veteran of all storms and turn this Positively around 
Though disciplined affirmative actions. 
Some of our nation’s greatest grass root accomplishments 
were conceived through Volunteerism's. 

Though may not live to see it.
I envision  grass root effort will grow in spirit of
 Clearance Darrow while impacting with the efficiency of  Nader's - Raiders.
Eventual formation of Not for profit agency specifically designed will emerge 
Guardian watchdog group protecting against tyrannies of man in greeds name. 
Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line combined edit rewrites of Reference: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied 
in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God 
Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms 
enabling another to fight the good fight 
against Greed based narcissistic evils 
 destructions within that lead to Hell.


1 comment:

  1. As I have been graced - I now return in the hopes another will be spared.
    In Jesus Name.
