
Friday, April 29, 2016

How did In- living trust evolve away from under God?

Trust document in self- from legal perspectives: does not warrant state jurisdiction over nor allows trustee ability to amend- which remains personal to original owner. 
As language’d; declarations in intent are specific to - while fiduciary responsibility holding clarities well  defined. 
So, what happened for trust to fall further away from - under god
Unjust retention in assets- promoting unsound fee elongation during collections process evolved back to probate under false trustee claim utilizing medical holding intent to further fiducially elude and decant in living trust that best served arterial motives while furthering  invoice potentials. 

Another words: Trustee desire to win over beneficiary now require duel Trust Busting chess tournament!

We hold pinioned unethical Law Group by submissions {fiducially} in responsibleness within trustee actions/inactions in all estate affairs as ‘enabler’ promoting criminal based theologies while ignoring all responsibilities wherein as sworn officer/ambassador of the court Barr association members. 

Unacceptable conduct - contrary toward oath {observance} at minimum warrant: extensive A.R.D.C investigation - licensee reviews and probable disciplinary suspicions from further practice in justices name under god and country. 

As a Country: if we further allow law group profiteers-{Mob} allowances that supersede under god and country; then within every populist rights violation holds another one of our national symbols feather plucked to further feather independent nests till all are gone while are symbol stands totally bald- holding no further recognition abroad as enablers in Genesis Three- traitors to selves while Bible-New international version supplies all the rest that will follow. 

Fortunately I am still able to hang in here against rather depressing popular opinions.  
Independent greed based desires to win every chess games contrary to under god is the enemy within of contention that threatens national security at all levels. 
Competitiveness that alienates- is a serious part of problematic behavioral patterns that in themselves directly threaten- indivisible under God in which we stand clearly demonstrating inability to modify patterns. 

Utilizing study role model in example but not limited too is further pinioned abroad to be of legion proportion. 
Desire to win at games is not the problem – desires to win at parenting is paramount problem abroad.
We need to move away from {childlike} gamer specializers while advancing forward through fundamentals time tested holding Mature Mental Health demands the ability to be integrally flexible.    
We must relearn how to be able to continually strike – and re-strike – a delicate balance among conflicting needs, goals, duties, and responsibility. 
The essence of this ‘Discipline’ of balancing is unlearning and “Giving up” something in ourselves in order to consider New Information

Stagnation {due to new information that further violates by order in state statute} appears to be inflexibility stance in order to ‘AVOID’ pains of giving up parts of selves are understandable through criminal based theologies given the depth of emotional pain that may be involved in doing so!

For public record: I did offer to correct all imperiousness within that all could equitably live with? 

What’s highly suggestive through opposition silence:  medial study model neurosis contains personality traits that entail giving up personality traits undesired, well- established, counseled patterns of behavior, ideology and even whole lifestyles, holding pain of excruciating proportion.   
Clinical Narcissistic’s from medical perspectives: typically cannot face their own shadows in creation. Such has no business holding any form of authoritativeness neither over others nor another!
As Boomers we are last generation of movers and shakers within our forefather’s spirit.
As citizens we hold civic responsibility in confronting political tyrannies like Vietnam that are all for the wrong reasons.
Proposed :{ LIFE – Care act} meets our responsibility not only toward selves but serves as acting deterrent that will spare out children and future generations to come.
Act simply states: “Hell no- we will not be intrusively medically taken!”

Giving ups are required: if one is to travel very far on freedoms life journey – holdings of ever increasing maturity maintaining Spiritual Growths are prerequisite within that are primarily what under God and county stand for and are all about.
Many unfortunates seem to have forgotten- for one reason or another and why God’s Marines still exist for thou purpose, he has not given up on us yet!

Within any fear is feeling of being left empty: let me wholeheartedly concur as watchmen loss of freedoms hold greatest emptiness’s known to man.  
Change through Life-Care act represents: righteous deaths in self-seeking old ways - making room for Birth of New ones under God, time tested and where all naturally belongs. 
We cannot emphasize enough how important this stage of process is toward unlearning and new Learnings that are routinely gone thorough- not only by individuals but by groups even entire nations as well. 

Like Vietnam we cannot bargain our way out from- under God, we either remain or we do not. 

Back in time we generally failed to do the work involved holding little evidence that we learned any lesson as a result. 
Natural question in retrospect to medical study; do we still not really get it? 

To learn something new we have to empty ourselves of the old; congress is encouraged to fully recognize senate bill necessity within judicial criminal reforms include all white collar forms as well!
Emptiness is one of the stages of COMMUNITY-MAKING. 
It is a period when a group commits itself to leaning- which is also to commit itself to unlearning that which is obstructed and Unworkable. 

Though we may go through pain collectively -that feels will last forever, cycle of Life always allows opportunity for Renewal. 
Hope is the foundation of rebirthing; so when worked thoroughly stages of depression gradually transgress into positive forms of acceptance.  Our generational vantage point is no fear in hard work. 

Act will most likely face opposition collectively- while testing endurance within. 

Good generalship always recognizes well within before actual storm hits. 
Like any troubled marriage- first thing that will transpire will be tendency to deny differences fallen out of.
Next; angers will emerge toward being different from the rest as independent thinkers. 

Realization within no way to change now summons bargaining in some manor or another designed to further test independent thinker’s stability. 
But if we hang in there- as force of reckoning not to be taken lightly: relationships will emerge within mutual respect that are better and even appear to partake of Glory. 
No long term relationship can ever be expectant - smooth sailing all the way is primarily illusion that must be overcome as generation if we are to remain solvent and survive –passing’s on of legacies. 

What generation will learn while up to bat can be passed positively on – that triumphs – can be achieved against one sided popular opinion despite all the ups and downs – through the death of negative impact illusions and the rebirths of “TRUST” leading toward positive envisioned acceptance. 
You cannot gain positive generational acceptance- when lower generations are left unbridled to do as it pleases well witnessed as motivator behind creation of Life-Care act. 

In summary: we must discard “Old Tapes” of manipulative ways in profits while experimenting with “New Tapes.” New tapes will certainly discard comfortable old shoes, but learning is an adventure. 
Boomers must reacquire tastes for it like days of yesteryear concerning the thrills within the adventure of the unknowns, as I remember can be quite stimulating like learning to ride a bike. 
We won’t always know how to get there - but that’s the stimulating mystique behind the ride. 
Only through adventure can one hope to learn much of significance while exposed to the new and unexpected as greatest adventures in life. 

God did not create humanity for comfort - he created us for greatness. 
Otherwise we would all be individualized sheep herded in flock. 
I seem to be able to directly relate to this; but cynically cannot quite put my finger on this at present time? 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line edit rewrites based within - Referenced Books: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.

No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling one to fight the good fight against Narcissistic evils and all destructions that come within the territory; in Jesus name.

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