
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Trustee needs to uphold credential status - as system rock star.

Death of In- living trust has become the Aquarian conspiracy in contention; Trustee will never remain as system rock star - your carefree happy dance days are declared over. 

My plight solely exits due to hearted trust preservations that stood contrary under modern code contract ethics - as club Twain’D outsider - yet after five years- I still remain contender not to be discounted nor taken lightly during tournaments.
I continue to place club In check of all games played - even now escalated into probate alleged holding inabilities of concern though routinely demonstrated otherwise that even Gomer Pyle himself can comprehensively understand minus assistance while the blind can clearly see. 
I am sure you will agree; there are no competence lacks here requiring guardianship?
Perhaps care accuser while representing ownership interests are hypocritical by assorted submissions and what civil law suits are made of just waiting for the right person to pursue?

Perhaps I am that One? 
Recapping back: escalated incivility road signs-while traveling through the desert brought me back to religion.
I was unable to further stomach (undeserved) hypocritical {premeditative} probate appointee fiduciary imperiousness against ward of means. 

Cults such of these sorts are prevalent by monetary popularity and they go under the name of New Age care movement. 
Many citizen outsiders are confused by the movement while frequently asking whether it is a force for the good or not?  I for self-have only witnessed the not. 
To answer this question, let us pose another: Is the New Age care Movement- a force for civil Integration or for uncivil Separations? 

Many senior populists UN-admirably question whether new age care movement really exists or somewhat mis-titled, since the kind of things people of the new age care movement best represent have been around forever retitled dating back to John the Baptist.
New age care movement best represents monetary pressures of the day and why boomers need indoctrination of {Life-care act} as generational integral preserver against {MOB} styled financial intrusion. 

New aged influence contrary under old school integrity proposes {Life-Care Act} movement; is counter reaction toward institutional national sins abroad. 
Sins tend to be interrelated, so even though we may discuss them simply, keep in mind that they do exist in conjunction with one another. 

Modern age Western sin care; best defined holds emptiness within arrogant spirits (Narcissistic’s) and monetary blasphemy under god- in which we stand. 
The New Age care movement from {Life-Care Act} perspectives; are monetarily enticed under legion ethics by demonstrates suggestive within beliefs that incorporate in extraordinary Hodge-Podge capitalisms that are esoteric ideals holding almost endless list of unfathomable notions. 

Counter New age movement {Life-Care act} is a reaction against sins of Malignant Capitalists, the Sins of dysfunctional imperialists and exploitation of senior populists to be real Sin in contention.   
It moves away from radical exploitation toward civility, away from unethical diversity into states of integral tolerance, back from true living dead balanced under light of God consciousness.

What will be established within care act are {No Bully Zones} guised under the law allows as true unbiased  advocacy functionality that is of generation - for generation as guardian angel voice against privatized imperiousness tyrannies as all will eventually arrive while becoming frail as well dependent upon another to fend off wolf packs of unsavory contentions.

Ideal is based upon own sister who never stood up for her own mother against blatant fiduciary improperness’s holding malignant none observance under declarations within In Living Trust.

Attitude highly suggests as demonstrated good buddy of guardian escapades - both on same page concerning inexcusable inheritance based greed’s solely at trust intender expense which is by submissions joint subtle forms well within senior financial exploitation.
Life-Care act- foresees as equalizer within what are commonly judicially missed for one reason or another holding aloof feelings thereafter. 

New age care movement intrusive lowering’s of financial obtainment bar qualifiers has gone to unsound extremes.  It has created radical band of thugs that can not only be distinctly unpleasant to deal with but unsettling within rudeness incivility as well that are by no means silly at times. 
This is serious business that does become quite brutal if one does not fall into line within. 
How can I insinuates this: easy- by disproportional distributions reflective in 1/3 gross of conglomerate invoicing while further handicapped through denials that are administratively problematic within willingness contrary to In-Living Trust to further extend violations that discriminate, exploit, oppress and denies same rights and access to valued sources. 
It is what it is evidenced yet probate continues to ignore while favoring -resembling in many ways mothers ward case of yesteryears by same proportions. 
Only difference- I’m not in my upper 80’s, have resource of public communicating access -while still holding on to what little Spunk graced by God is left. God does favor the dedicated underdog. 
Some may say; why bother -just go along- make it easier on self – can’t, as further enablement’s wrong answer. 
Situational buck threatens while demonstrating overall losses of freedom may never end that must stop somewhere, and so why not here- now- while still can? 
That’s crazy one says: then explain to me why within system declared otherwise In-Living trust since 2014 holds no progress nor end in sight that even reputable- regulated intuitions want no part of repeatedly evidenced? 
Then the intuitive independent thinker steps in and says: sounds like there trying to sell unsalable goods while attempting to get out of responsibilities within utilizing justice system and attorney cohesion? 
Only one true answer under god lye’s here: You are the Judge within what holds water?  

In conclusion as best guess:  evidences hold supermarket style privatized confusion has been further mixture confused by design while utilized as excuse to run away from responsibilities. 
There are a lot of unbridled hassles within privatized summoning of probate divorce court demanding beneficiary sacrifice self at every turn demonstrating all alternate ethical decisions discarded simply because they twitch cohesions - Maya.

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line edit rewrites based within - Referenced Books: 
People of the Lie –The hope for healing Human Evil.
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Further Along The Road Less Traveled.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling one to fight the good fight against Narcissistic evils and all destructions that come within the territory; in Jesus name.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. IN order to remain system rock star - trustee must first overtake beneficiary over all.
    Let tournaments begin within battles of the mind toward supremacy.
