
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Life- care movement seeks Illinois codes of Professional standards extended to privatized Guardianships.

Our immodest senior financial proposal on behalf of greater taxpayer safety calls for privatized guardianship companies of person /property rehabilitation within compass of demand in greater accountability undertaken within social audits measuring status in community. 

Current legislation stands virtually unregulated in this area; such providers can utilize plaintiff vantage of system inadequacy that literally conducts from guilty till a proven innocent recognition perspective which is a far greater problem reserved. 

Ethical audits benefit government as well – it takes stock of the good as well as the bad that companies have done as measure of contributions to its status in community that legislators can more accurately civility compass before amending or passing in law. 

Private law firms as well require greater rehabilitation how they measure up within social senior responsibility.

Citizens hold responsibility within civic duty to report all unethical firm conduct as bar ethic extensions yet many do not- why- fear of reprisals to include family well warranted. 

Life-care movement from senior perspective views any public state holding valid fear  impedes American way of life that are contrary in community, hypocritical by covenant holding no regard under god in justices name.

State of senior fear strongly suggests areas of subtle (Bullying) require greater rehabilitation extended within scopes of Illinois codes of professional standards. 

Life-care movement in perspective recommends voluntary state mandate of legal group audits comparable to treasury department accuracy determiners that measure how well law group is fulfilling license responsibilities that meet disciplinary commission standards. 

Professional Rehabilitation fiducially from taxpayer perspectives demand local government initiates ounces of prevention providing pounds in citizen cure. 

Life-care movement recognizes system rehabilitation holds flaws because some organizational character behaviors cannot be mended but can be license restricted within areas not found suitable in overall community best interests.

Life-care movement pinions most white collar uncivil (temptation) disobedience can be accredited toward licensed councilors  (under the law allows ) promoting misuse by application toward greater profits and larger fee potentials. 

Status in community under Life-care movement proposal factors in respondent perspective that encompass firm factors within whether their attorneys displayed lacks of “Condor” in retrospect to professional dealings, whether “Important”  information was ever withheld or if they circumstantially “Mislead” in any way. 

In addition Senior Rights assessments provide additional measure that compasses overall moral firm character, filtered through an informed and critical senior law committee of peers, that would provide a more significant and reliable measure of moral status of practicing attorneys that pre-admission reviews or test fail to accurately identify in areas of rational.

Life-care movement’s initial flight of the phoenix will encompass Founder demand of administrative law group as sub agent ethics rational investigated stemming from 2012 in-Living trust as bound fiduciary steward in intent by declarations to current date. 

What will be achieved benefiting community are expansions within discriminated white-collar criminology’s myth backed that are no longer effective in new millennium. 

The best economical recourse serving community under God still stands; nip all unethical firms and licensees in the bud prohibiting more devils than system can easily take down. 

Matter and Spirit

There is a Boomer hunger these days, a gnawing dissatisfaction with the answers provided by materialisms and scientific progress, a craving for an inner life… 
Increasingly, Americans are looking for solutions that speak to the Spirit as well as the psyche. 

These lofty words did not come from the latest inspirational best seller. 
They came from a December 07, 1992, is of U.S. News & World Report. 

The magazine devoted five of its pages to trying to explain why Carl Jung has suddenly become so appealing, after his death, and concluded Jung provides a perfect marriage between psychology and Spirituality, between religious and science. 

Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new under the sun and perhaps why under higher powers greater than all exist just for this purpose as intended contrary to fashionable opinion and why we have a Federal Government for states that misbehave by unwritten contract to be contrary under God and Country. 


Situational reference material:
Ethics and the legal profession – second edition 
Edited by: Elliot D. Cohen & Michael Davis with Frederick A. Elliston
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further Along the Road Less Traveled. 
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology

Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice. 
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank all editors along with Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms plus Victoria Greens enrichments adding perspective enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity benefiting others out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth. 

Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s.  

1 comment:

  1. Life-care movement recognizes system rehabilitation holds flaws because some organizational character behaviors cannot be mended but can be license restricted within areas not found suitable in overall community best interests.
