
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Is "We The People’s" predicament fundamentally being stuck in administration "Materialistic" Follies along with the narcissistic Jolly Roger politicians that go with it?

All are agents of history, playing out roles, shifting or failing to shift according to its tides. 
And at this moment in history: many feel a need for shifts in policies that no longer keep beating as the saying goes; same sin stricken dead horse hoping it will resurrect self and gallop once again. 
Over the years, policy makers have increasingly run with titlist role models – namely advanced materialisms and privatized biological aspects within rather than on other aspects that do qualify specific branch votes for none of the above. 
Nonetheless, along with many we are concerned that politics in its evidenced enamoredness may be in grave danger of losing all its old psychological and social wisdoms as well while failing to gain any new wisdom on these fronts?
 This is not an ideal public concern environment neither in advanced sciences nor modern world. 
Candidates generally highly educated possess at least as much compassion as the next, however when asked to give a psychodynamic formulation in question many replies more or less reflect “I don’t do psychodynamics.” A certain shift or correction might seem to be in order here. 

Indeed, general taxpayers believe we need to explore possibilities of even greater shifts toward equality. 
Although perhaps, widely new age underestimated; nonetheless - psychodynamics and social aspects in concern hold respected places within history still recognized worldwide to this day. 
Politics has not only neglected but has actively ignored the issue of spirituality. 
Contributing to this situation if the fact the topic of spirituality is so subject to misinterpretation, in part, this is due to poverty in our language. 
Throughout there is confusion between the terms “spirituality” and “religion.” 
Many identify the term “religion” with organized religion and a system of dogma and sanctions with which have often had uncomfortable experience. It is a hot button word. 
There is even disagreement about the meaning of its Latin root, religio, which has been variously translated as “restrain,” “reliance,” or “connection” – all very different concepts. 

Perhaps within studies of old greater vision can be obtained toward what held true then holds true today as nothing new under the sun- retitled. 

Let’s examine classic turn of the century work by the great American psychologist William James, for are not modern politicians in part theatrical practicing psychologists for the masses as well? 

The varieties of religious experience, is mandatory first-year reading for most divinity students and unread by most students of psychiatry. 
In it, James defined religion as “the attempt to be in harmony with an unseen order of things.” 
He was using “religion “in its sense of “to connect.” We will use it here as definition of Spirituality. 
The attempt to be in harmony with an unseen order does not imply a preference for any one doctrine over another or the necessity for membership in any particular organization. 

It is by faith – call it theory, if you choose – that there is indeed an unseen order of things behind the veil of materialism. And not only is it proper that humans attempt to be in harmony with that order, but also that the unseen order is actually and actively attempting to be in harmony with us. 

One consequence of this faith is belief that every politician has a spiritual life, just as they have an unconscious, whether they like it or not that ignores, actively denies , or vigorously flees from the unseen (special interest lobbyists) order does not mean they are not spiritual beings; it only means they are trying to avoid the fact. 

Others may think of themselves as atheists under god, yet they passionately believe that things like Truth, beauty, and social justice are very much a part of unseen order, and dedicate themselves to such an unseen order with a passion far greater than that of most that regularly attend organized services. 
Thus, we are all spiritual beings, and a psychiatry which does not regard human beings as spiritual beings may be largely missing the boat in many legislated affairs. 

In topical discussion of spirituality, we hope not to strip it of all its power and poetry. 
For some of us, the essence of the unseen order is God, and under God should not be taken lightly. 
A Hassidic story passed on by Erich Fromm makes the point.

It is the story of a good Jewish man who prayed one day, “O God, let me know your true name, even as the angels do.” The lord God heard his prayer and granted it, allowing to be known their true name. 
Whereupon the man crept up under the bed and yelped in sheer animal terror, “Oh God, let me forget your true name,” And the lord God heard that prayer and granted it also. 

Something of the same point was made by the Apostle Paul when he said, “It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. “ 
Under God until congress writes out otherwise still stands for; “Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over the care of God as we understand Him. 
Titlist greed allowed to write in own exonerations still remains; unsanctioned unholy ground under god of enormous virtues that make general taxpayer populists like the good Jewish man yelp in sheer animal terror. 

Psychiatry has its own power; training in the mid-sixties was more broad based – more bio-psycho-social than in the new millennium today. 
What was taught back in the day still hold terribly important principles within “All symptoms are over determined,” It is a principle which many of authoritative position to include lay people need to learn. 
In any case, it is pinioned that most local failures in cultural norm are direct decedents of national failures abroad to deal with the issue of spirituality is itself a profoundly over determined symptom rooted in multiple historic forces and other factors. 

Specializations like money remain roots of all evils under god. 
They both eliminate the most important and deepest roots of current predicaments that extend back long before Freud, Philippe Pinel and Benjamin Rush and the existence of “modern” psychiatry. 
Prior to the seventieth century, the relationship between Science and Religion was primarily one of integration. 

That integration was known as Philosophy, the early philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas – were of scientific bent, thinking in terms of evidence and questioning premises, but they were ultimately convinced that God, as they understood Him, was the central reality that we under god by demonstrates appeared to have forgotten in many areas, many times over. 

Let’s look at Galileo in the seventeenth century in which by current fallout standards is not very far off from going sour that inevitably will come to heads. 
During any inquisition of historic proportions main proprietors of system evils will always be found within unwritten social contracts that divvy up inequality territories of iniquities. 
Psychological community Peace was only achieved or maintained when elect authoritative abroad within new tides likely to end up in intellectual backwaters responsibly did something about it rather than remain impervious while asleep behind the wheel. 

Now having considered the relationship between psychological eviL and social stress, it is appropriate to comment on the relationship between “GOODNESS AND STRESS.
Those who behave nobly in easy times – are fair weather friends, so to speak – that may not be so noble when the Chips are down, STRESS IS THE TEST OF GOODNESS.
Nobility is best defined as the Capacity within one not to regress in response to “DEGRADATION”, not to become ‘BLUNTED’ in the face of pain, and TO TOLERATE THE AGONIZING WHILE REMAINING INTACT.

The higher the level of evils within - the more obvious failing groups becomes to the public eye. 
In Healthy mature Organisms, failures are always stimulus to needed self-examinations and warranted criticism toward improvement that never require “Fake it so can make it” till caught - whitewashing narcissism neuroses. 

The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword.  
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness. 
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.

Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new exists under the sun just retitled. 


Situational reference materials:
Ethics and the legal profession – second edition 
Edited by: Elliot D. Cohen & Michael Davis with Frederick A. Elliston
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further Along the Road Less Traveled. 
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology

Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice. 
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank all editors along with Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms plus Victoria Greens enrichments adding perspective enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity benefiting others out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth. 

Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s.  

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