
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Do Bank Trustee intertwinements suggestively compass existence of illusionary consortium?

Few words in our language arrest our attention as do “CRIME” and “INJUSTICE.”
We abhor crime; we adore justice; we boast that we live by the rule of the law under God, we repudiate fiduciary malpractice as unworthy in our civilization, and we assume this sentiment to be unanimous among Bank chairman of the board in director’s.
Yet fiduciary crimes of problematic proportions continue to thrive against senior populists in which state in the union character that can only be categorized as true national disgrace of worldly proportions.
Scenario among state of historic fiduciary ill repute directly threatens upcoming retirement generation that are alarming, expensive, and apparently increasing that can spread like a plague throughout if not stopped.
Additionally fiduciary crimes against person in trust are currently categorized as none- criminal activity and these tabulations are excluded in the president’s crime commission studies.
Perhaps the worst fiduciary crime against seniors is ignorance about these crimes combined with smug misguided officials under mythical assumptions of what Bad guys are supposed to look like before deployment.
When taxpayers do not do their part, we become part of the problems in encouragement that criminal careers will be coddled.
What is wrong within all perpetrator self portraits? 
From criminal law puzzlers perspective under god - faces become apparent that don’t’ care while from jury perspectives  layered faces immerse that should of thought more intelligently and effectively within commission of duties.
Illusion proof training appears to be well behind the times categorically what qualifies as thug while White collar activities fundamentally demonstrate in sameness principles under guise in community status are one in the same in objective though much subtler in execution are one in the same as way of life seeking same goal – MO ‘Money, Mo’ Money and Mo’ money till end of creation do we part.
Life care side thought in question: If bank trustee demands excessive amounts of questionable documentations before fiduciary compliance will be addressed in retrospect to outstanding refund collections from former admin and required IRS personal filings in which neither holds while currently forwarding distributions on my behalf suggest criminal administrative mindedness holds questionable intent while trust compromised up to points that can be construed as improper form of extortion holds probable aiding and abetting?
The common objective over the years behind tutorials is to provide better public awareness within the unthinkable that could have been prevented while true offender consortium heads are never convicted at expense of others.
Crime is easy to look at with false proud disclaim upon those who get caught - the Stupid ones- the unlucky ones - the blatant ones that stand out, but what about those crafty regulated devils advocates that subtly continue to fly under radars that inflict just as much personal damage toward another more or less requiring extensive taxpayer expediters to unravel before the law to have said been applied.
These types of fiduciary crimes in sort against seniors are everybody’s business or at least should be.
They hold stories of professional villains while fiducially contrary outside of community under god that fundamentally fall under governmental first duty toward citizenry to protect its general public and implement forensic programs that deter focused upon not only why these un-characteristic professionals do these things and if encouraged identifies all sources that must be disbanded under national best interest within community and abroad.
Reference: The Crime in Punishment by Karl Menninger, M.D.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s under God, in God benefiting community safety.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses; his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at just the right when community dissatisfactions are at whit’s end within no real resolve in horizons. 
Reformation within state of the union in 2016 is clearly not the purpose of many a system. 
Inflictions of vindictive suffrage have not only been repudiated but worsen by the day.
Senior recognition as citizen in good standing holds little worth among the unprincipled fee monger in which destinies are proverbially administered under second class persons of interest theologies no longer entitled to ever scarcely imagine nor experience as slave integrity within recognition or word ever again.
This type of unsound conduct is highly unacceptable within any civilized form of modern democracy.
There are significant differences between political power which essentially forces its influence upon others into doing what they want which is temporal while spiritual power on the other hand does not reside within money but wellbeing.
Every executive has to deal within boundaries that define overall framework of the organization.
Making decisions easier holds Chairman’s double edge sword of responsibility in all crew member unsoundness can be punished under their watch.
Once J. Edgar Hoover asked, what has happened to civic pride, the righteous indignation of otherwise respectable citizens that turn their backs on helpless victims of civil crimes?
The role of the partisan advocate is to argue positive contributions toward the proper orderings of affairs.
Illinois retirees have earned their right to expect under God - safe community environments state free of organized financial predators under protections of law group racketeering.   
Wise officials learn not to dread, but actually welcome problems because it is in this whole process of meeting and solving problems that hold taxpayers meaning in order not to have said key officials primarily only served to take up space while collecting undue pay checks in wakes that violated public trust fiducially as well that come with oaths.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated statuses in real time perspective.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Not for profit-senior community service shares promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank Karl Menninger , M.D. and providing Library for sharing his accrued wisdom that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas of none tranquility by design place seniors to live out their retirement years in pure Hell while contending with new aged confusions concerning what U.S. integrity was and may be still all about.
Know the signs; criminally minded even when licensed understand perfectly well what they are doing and the legalities involved when caught in the act.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares through media and photographic enhancements while praying no other made to endure.

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