
Monday, August 8, 2016

Do shrewd attorney’s drafts hocus pokus prohibitions that in reality coddle criminality?

Speculatively-Unethical prohibitions that target Senior assets are very fashionable these days.
They provide marketable easements that force yes within what should be told no and potential kickback opportunities for concession.
Suggestively -Terms such as “Community” and “Civility” hold little meaning within predatory pseudo organizations.
Why reader may ask – simple - neither term easily gravies objective – your money and no resistance.
Hierarchal employments are relatively easy to spot - once one knows what to look for.
Primarily head of department accountability generally fall under jurisdiction of appointed board of director’s deputy whose identity is not accessible to the general public.
What scenario suggests is Trust department head may be layered and chairman of the board in directors perhaps so distrusted departmental head to carry out inter-corporate unwritten mission statements placed their picks within department to act as spies and to undercut his authority whenever deemed fit.
Determinations were to distance oneself in the event of dispute from the get go are important: if departmental head identifies self as VP while subtly refuses to voluntarily expand - red flags should emerge that compass before any valid dispute can be adequately satisfied most likely agencies such as Illinois department of professional standards - consumer division up to IRS ombudsmen intervention will most likely be required in summoning’s within suspicions in concern as possible none communal organization within community.
Suggestively one may be in the midst of an organization based upon distrust that could be termed culture of paranoia.
Since culture generally compass to have been generated from the top, fundamentally it would be safe to suspicion in concern what prohibits public access knowledge generally disregards depositor recommendations in concern while organization in self desires to remain administratively dysfunctional.
Dysfunction and organizational paranoia under God can only equate moral shambles exist within.
There are two morals within todays story one being the most civil use of power is to give it away and secondly top notch incivility is viscously wasteful of taxpayer dollars.
Any institution cans E-advertise to be faith based within but few actually reflect definition of behavior that is ethical in submission to a Higher Power.
Civility does not come naturally.
It takes consciousness and actions to achieve righteousness under god while on the other hand laziness dictates it’s always easier to be uncivil under the law allows - so why bother.
Fact: creations of relatively civil institutions in the long run are the ones that survive over courses of time while all others eventually fall.
The key to real success lies within what is more healing and alive rather than dead.
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.d.
Testifying under god only requires of the spirit that one must open their mouth and heart for the sake of others to set them free.
Witnessing is simply accurately reporting within what happened to them, another, or both. 
Anyone who has chosen to remain under God and country is neither boring nor uneventful.
Before modern Felix’s they defend themselves and give accounts of the resurrections of the dead that cannot be easily shut down.
Martin Luther King Jr. said everybody can be great because everybody can serve.
You do not need a College Degree; you do not have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.
You only need a heart full of Grace, a Soul generated by Love are enough to make truly great differences in someone’s life.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses; his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at just the right when community dissatisfactions are at whit’s end.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated statuses in real time perspective.
Within Right and wrong use of the law J. Edgar Hoover once asked; what has happened to civic pride, the righteous indignation of otherwise respectable citizens that turn their backs on helpless victims of civil crimes?
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Not for profit-senior community service shares promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank M. Scott Peck M.D and providing Library for sharing his accrued wisdom that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas of none tranquility by design place seniors to live out their retirement years in pure Hell while contending with new aged confusions concerning what U.S. integrity was and may be still all about.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s under God, in God benefiting community.
Know the signs; criminally minded even when licensed understand perfectly well what they are doing and the legalities involved when caught in the act.

No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares through media and photographic enhancements while praying no other made to endure.

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