
Sunday, August 28, 2016

In the land once known as Lincoln are elitists subsidized though means of cheating and stealing?

It might seem curious that so human a propensity as violation of the sixth commandment is limited to status while specific to amount hijacked determines if cardinal sins were committed.
Such grotesque subsidy equates to it is alright to steal provided you are member in good standing and thefts are big enough.
What this tells our future is striving to specialize within fine arts of getting your brothers envied portion despite the rules against it – can advance one into nirvana.
Jacob’s contrivance to Rob Esau is almost paradigmatic form as a shrewdly successful program for getting on and ahead. Swindling and cleverness of this sort was admired by speakers of law ancestors.
The name of the game was – get ahead if you can, but avoid what is considered theft.
Match thy wits against fellow creatures and gain such advantage over them as thou canst, but don’t get caught breaking the rules for that is stealing.
In old fashioned nursery language, they are just plain naughty, i.e., willfully, if trivially, fiduciary disobedient that in secret ways flaunt old codes regarding property ownership and exchange.
Big- league stealing generally are not aspired to the average individual.
Consortium leaders are fully aware of what they are doing to be unfair, dishonest and illegal but their narcissistic tendencies must win the game in order not to appear stupid in status.
Pressures upon associate integrity in the face of leadership’s attitude of this kind are particularly burdensome and more the reason organization should be disbanded.
Forensics suggests understructure development of non-condemning attitude toward cheating.
Key underling Employees perhaps are deployed by superiors to subtly teach their surroundings that it is unrealistic to maintain fiduciary standards of honesty to get by subject to ridicule by friend’s that will be  owner ignored.
Minority Cheaters in business seeking greater undue materialisms that are never enough blacken eyes of the entire free enterprise system when states coddle blatant fiduciary offenders.
In one of the largest criminal antitrust cases brought by the U.S. department of justice these excerpts are illuminating from Judge J. Cullen Ganey’s presentencing statement: this is a Shocking Indictment of a vast section of our economy, for what is really at stake here is the survival of the kind of economy under which America has grown to greatness. 
The rules of topical lying game have become stereotyped in its various forms and usage.
Poker player may lie in word and action about the content of their hands of cards and the best “Liar” often wins, to the admiration, if also envy, of all fellow players.
But alas there are certain things fiducially he may not, Under Any Circumstance, Lie or Deceive – for example, whether or not had been dealt too many cards, whether or not looked at his hole card.
Traditional penalty when caught cheating has often been elimination and ostracism.
Seniors are made to live through lies of theoretical Lusitania proportions in subsequent dynamics.
For them, lying is a sin in LARGE LETTERS, and lying by leaders is unforgivable.
Mental cruelties toward seniors have become daily fares that are shameful to record.
The performances of unsound acts appear to have no boundaries and surely the intentional unnecessary infliction of pain fall into category.
If one were to go through pages of history reading the tortures inflicted upon victims that lead to formations of societies in prevention, we are made keenly aware of the ineradicable streak of cruelty and strong reactions against its indulgence.
Sometimes the frightened senior is given a formality chance in which game is played with the rules established by and only known to winner as “sport” in such generally provisioned to rich men.
The physical exertions and perils endured in these vandalisms are always stressed.
Frightened agonies and death struggles are occasionally noted, even piously deplored, but they are really not considered important.
Actually they are essential elements insiders view better not further discussed if games are to continue as accustomed. 
When visiting I noted with sorrow how often seniors are treated no better than heard of cattle.
Domineers theoretically knocked down all who tried to drink fruits of life or continue ethnic customs.
With no ethics in the air accompanied by fact seniors are viewed as commodity (GNP) it would be safe to speculate a hundred years later these same poor souls will still be ritualistically mentally tortured for profits across this once known great land. 
The time has come to step up in load tones; if this were a speech would raise my voice.
These forms of behaviors listed are samples of what are currently being dictated toward seniors by a rea of wrong attitude, hard hearts, cold hearts, and evil hearts.
 We are aware that psychological jargon can employ dozens of technical constructs but common denominators compass no realistic proper steps for corrections are sought. 
In terms of inaction toward obvious trends in state sinfulness - the long term consequence if not already too late can only result in self-destructions required to pay for its wages of sin in which the devil provides no free lunch as equal opportunity consumer of souls. 
Clergymen have a golden opportunity to end later Mental Sufferings that lead to mental disease. 
EGOCENTRICITY HAS ONE NAME FOR IT and these are its combined cobbler’s symptoms: Selfishness, Narcissism, and pride. 
Referenced book paraphrased into topical perspective:
Whatever Became of Sin? - By Karl Menninger, M.D. 
What distinguishes ordinary sin from blatant Evil can be found within one being unduly cast into where one did not belong in Living trust in the first place that must endlessly face (when I thought I was out they pull me back in) Freedom bounty hunts before the law can be said to have correctly applied. 
Illinois senior citizens have served their country and paid their dues to expect right of safe retirement environments, under God, that place fiduciary integrity first over criminal minded bottom lines.
What needs to be made perfectly clear to all public compensates: You work for us - not us for you.
Change all prescriptions fallen out of taxpayers grace that must no longer be forgivable. 
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status and related stories of yesteryear in real time perspective and forensics compassing though having gone full circle some are not done extracting.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.” 
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.  
We thank author Karl Menninger and providing Prairie State College Library for sharing his accrued wisdoms that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design that intentionally place senior solvency in Hell’s two tier biased kitchen of injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for: in god, under God - securing family values that can be passed on.

1 comment:

  1. With no ethics in the air accompanied by fact seniors are viewed as commodity (GNP) it would be safe to speculate a hundred years later these same poor souls will still be ritualistically mentally tortured for profits across this once known great land.

    In terms of inaction toward obvious trends in state sinfulness - the long term consequence if not already too late can only result in self-destructions required to pay for its wages of sin in which the devil provides no free lunch as equal opportunity consumer of souls.
    Clergymen have a golden opportunity to end later Mental Sufferings that lead to mental disease.
