
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The new Socrates lawyer mechanic – they boldly go where considered idiots fear to tread.

Can recognition status totally discount fiduciary hijack when technicality offers gross income potentials?
From Life-cares crime stoppers textbook: perspective forensics no limit within fixed games on how far out into left field Socrates lawyers are willing to council when  greater profits are to be gained.
Consortium currently ensnared in own webs of deceit now forensic over time creates favorable scenarios in which idiot status must reopen environment known to fix games and coddles cheaters caught in the act.
Consensuses among those who have ARDC served generally conclude: Attorney’s or law groups who find themselves in trouble want to dissect the rules of professional responsibility both before and after they engage in behavior at issue.
Readers must know ask themselves: “Can scenario pass the Smell Test”?
If it holds even the slightest odor- even if it can be viewed technically acceptable under the rules, iregardless-cheating is cheating and when players are caught redundantly breaking rules in play
By code warrant black book ostracized (AKA) Licenses to practice or provide care services revoked. 
Illinois boomers are grass root Life-care movement encouraged to write Governor Rauner in concern pertaining toward up rises in unsound professional conduct require inclusion within signed act of criminal justice system State reform.
Retirement assets even in living trust are being elitist exploited within fixed environments simply due to the fact state did not take additional responsibility to conduct policing of licensees, investigate white collard who forensic criminal mindedness nor holds in place agreed upon taboos that probate understands are punishable crimes.
As generation, we need to be perfectly clear to state - fiduciary senior negligence will no longer be tolerated nor malpractice forgiven in controversial forums in elect that elude justice. 
In recent years many moves to reform, repair, remodel, replace, or otherwise deal with the machines created have been made. This is not the place to deal with this subject in “Extenso” but in the essence the spirit of “catch ‘em, lock ‘em up, and let ‘em stew still only dominates systems applied to the poor.
The paradox here is even if one can afford top notch attorney while in the right - justice still primarily administers based upon perceived persona in entitlement while favoring elitist objections. 
What’s needed - again fundamentally simple - effective triage program.
Process scientifically sorts out distinctions between the kinds of human difficulties that leads a troubled person to a doctor, clergyman, or lawyer versus proven thieves caught once again with stolen goods in their hands confirm sinner manifestly penitent demisters neutrality of lady justice having not peeked.
In general the lines of procedure are well established and in common parlance, the distinction between Sin, symptom and CRIME is the professional management the subject receives – i.e., what rescuer is chosen (ordered objected bank) which somebody is supposed to know best what to do about it. 
Life- care side note: owner summoning’s of Illinois department of financial and professional regulations and subsequent additional request of IRS ombudsmen and Department of Justice’s civil rights division special case unit in order for the law to have said has applied–forensic loudly existence of criminal conspiracy ring holding blatant fiduciary negligence - intentionally malpractice’d – broke all retirement golden rules - under God - seeks additional undue profits under Trust.
To this somebody (Life-care founder) has now been assigned in observance of decanted in living trust the responsibility within bringing about required changes that Clergymen preach Repent while suggesting Penance.
Summary: Legislative lacks in proper insight combined with immorality coercing its virtues into law has turned the land once known as Lincoln into degenerated shadow gamer's capital of the union putting Vegas to shame.
It commits more crimes against seniors than it punishes not picturesque enough to boast about nor claim bragging rights.
Referenced books:
New Lawyers handbook – 101 things they don’t teach you in law school.
Whatever Became of Sin? 
What distinguishes ordinary sin from blatant Evil can be found within one being unduly cast into where one did not belong in Living trust in the first place that must endlessly face (when I thought I was out they pull me back in) Freedom bounty hunts before the law can be said to have correctly applied. 
Illinois senior citizens have served their country and paid their dues to expect right of safe retirement environments, under God, that place fiduciary integrity first over criminal minded bottom lines.
What needs to be made perfectly clear to all public compensates: You work for us - not us for you.
Change all prescriptions fallen out of taxpayers grace that must no longer be forgivable. 
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status and related stories of yesteryear in real time perspective and forensics compassing though having gone full circle some are not done extracting.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.” 
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares. 
We thank authors Karen Thalacker, Karl Menninger M.D and providing Libraries for sharing their accrued wisdom's that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design that intentionally place senior solvency in Hell’s two tier biased kitchen of injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for: in god, under God - securing family values that can be passed on.

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