
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bank Examiners like Trust Owners are not impressed by lackluster behaviors.

Let’s state a basic truth – A Depositor in trust ordered or otherwise expects outstanding major deficits satisfied in timely manors. 
When issue has been skated long enough; it is not uncommon for owner in trust to begin asking oneself what is wrong with this picture and why are high ranking levels not working on this? 
As time further goes on holding concurrent deficits in professional reporting’s - trust owner begins questioning am I being inner circle excluded and does status in order have anything to do with unsatisfactory performance and if true would that forensic both issuance and acceptance of a legitimate special needs trust by document hypocritical of self-set up to serve outside of trust motives? 
So before criminal mindedness behind draft comes into direct play – Account owner must exempt all potentials of having been ordered into environment holding poor leadership ineptness.  
To accomplish this account owner must provide documents that hard evidence - how can I help?
Now lacking excuse in meeting of minds – owner though geographically ordered into disadvantage of ability to go in and see for one’s self - must now speculate departmental discipline: are scores of personal calls getting in the way, do exuberant amounts of time spent trolling .coms supersede fiduciary collection duties and is department head directly responsible as enabler of inefficiency that forensic not up to codes in professional trust standards? 
Having confronted within what compasses back administrative unsoundness unbecoming of a professionally run institution: labeled owner, perceived as Self navigate - not capable of finding the men’s room - must now uncharacteristically create admissible collection templet letter. 
Letter is E- served weekly, expediently undated upon responses received while deadlines properly adjusted accordingly to supportive exhibits provided – such are then sent back to both departmental VP and assistant that more or less concurrently simply remind - Judges and Juries are not that Dumb!
WE Get Around
What will be eventually established from account owners criminal law puzzle survey can only hold two absolutes: either bank holds internal human resource problem that concurrently employs’ individuals not fit to hold their positions or even greater depositors concern in which all trust accounts may stand compromised in which forensically compass suspicion of officer level hierocracy having been outsider influenced into what are generally found consistent within concepts concerning trust fraud? 
Rarely - even as one educationally considered of “idiot” status; have I ever found throughout the years under Illinois sun - were both environments were able to legitimately remain in business minus scandals and eventual establishments closed.  
Perhaps Stupid selfishness’s last remaining state albatrosses allowed to hide in roughs well past their time have theatrically finally inadvertently shot themselves in their own proverbial foots?  
These things do occasionally happen that reaffirm - never underestimate the power of truth under God. 
Topical Reference: The New Lawyers handbook – 101 things they don’t teach you in law school. 
Hide all high while hitting all outisders low.
Illinois Boomer taxpayers have served their country, paid their dues, and expect State safe retirement environments under God - free of predatory nonsense that insults our generation’s integrity. 
Legislative lacks in proper ethical insight combined with immorality allowed to coerce its values upon community has turned the land once known as Honest Abe’s into Liars Poker capital in the union. 
State allows more fiduciary crimes against seniors to fly under Radars than it punishes. ENOUGH!
What minority has forgotten strength in numbers has not forgotten.
We need to make perfectly clear to all public elect compensates we are not obsolete: You do not work for self rather your privilege in position exists to serve and protect us as generation in which we should no longer be required to contend with those who’s wealth impatience prohibits earning an honest living.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement Story line commentary is based upon updated status of yesteryear that forensic full circle back for more. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We are family that will not be easily overtaken.
We thank author Karen Thalacker and providing Library for sharing her wisdoms that enable laymen to successfully navigate uncharted seas by design intentioned to place the vulnerable senior into Hell’s two tier kitchen of profiteer’s injustice. 
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for: in god, under God - securing family values that can be passed on.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps finally Illinois state albatrosses through stupid selfishness have finally shot selves in their own foots?
