
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hot to get a Bank departmental officer to disclose and tell you the truth.

Life-care movement explores dealing with the questionable bank under order in which bank officer carefully guarded disclosures forensic outside influence having impacted judgment clearly has something further to hide.
So how does the lowly senior get suspicion'd infiltrated bank officer to then the truth – not just their truth – but the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them God?
For The Love Of Money/Living For The City
Your first question should always be what can I help you with?
Secondly, get them to disclose pertaining supportive documents in claim - important collection effort facts generally emerge in most unexpected places.
Thirdly, you need to stress to assigned officers importance in fiduciary telling you the truth.
Both need to clearly understand that are not being compensated to shade truths that produce better outcomes for selves over depositor interests by fabricating the “Facts”. 
Fourth: write directly to the bank chairman of the board in directors as depositor in which by order holds no relevance; you do not condone departmental head or assistant that operate in these ways.

Word Up
 Detail your consumer dissatisfaction complaints within codes of professional conduct that are unacceptable while suggestive in violates, that judges and juries clearly see through.
In conclusion you will point out that furthered hiding can be one of the biggest critical thinking detrimental mistakes one can ever make while Judges and Juries just aren’t that Dumb.
Writing to the chairman of the board in directors is the most important part of the conflict resolution process, by doing so you hang your sign in their chambers that’s says “It is what it is” that can no longer be discounted. Additionally it means, quite simply, tell me the Truth and We Will Deal with it Together.
Your goal is to seek out the most Sane Person in Trust account owner’s life.
Along the way it is not unusual to run into many whose business integrity resides in far off place called Dysfunction Junction that has resided within for so long they cannot even remember what Sane Lane looks like.
The Experience
By summoning your bank to exercise its professional control skills - you’re not only preventing further lose having spoken in concrete manner to “Stop the car” in which no time remains for speeches, but perhaps as public service pointed out area requiring greater concern in attentiveness.
Topical Reference: The New Lawyers handbook – 101 things they don’t teach you in law school.
Illinois senior citizens have served their country and paid their dues to expect right of safe retirement environments, under God, that place fiduciary integrity first over criminal minded creative bottom lines.
What needs to be made perfectly clear to all public compensates: You work for us - not us for you. Change all prescriptions fallen out of taxpayers grace that must no longer remain condoned practices.
Get Down On It
Summary: Legislative lacks in proper ethical insight combined with immorality allowed to coerce its values upon community has turned the land once known as Lincoln into shadow gamers liars poker capital in the union.
State allows more fiduciary crimes committed against seniors to fly under federal Radars than it punishes.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement cannot endorse any topical bank pinioned fallen out of grace to listed degrees as Boomer friendly environment worthy of trust in deposit or current or future administration consideration.
Story line commentary based upon Life-care movement updated statuses within related stories of yesteryear that once forensics having gone full circle not quite done extracting.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Hard Work
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank author Karen Thalacker and providing Library for sharing her wisdom's that enable laymen to successfully navigate uncharted seas by design intention'd to place the vulnerable senior into Hell’s two tier kitchen of profiteer’s injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for: in god, under God - securing family values that can be passed on.

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